import * as ts from 'typescript'; import * as tsdoc from '@microsoft/tsdoc'; import { INodePackageJson } from '@rushstack/node-core-library'; /** * Constructor options for WorkingPackage */ export interface IWorkingPackageOptions { packageFolder: string; packageJson: INodePackageJson; entryPointSourceFile: ts.SourceFile; } /** * Information about the working package for a particular invocation of API Extractor. * * @remarks * API Extractor tries to model the world as a collection of NPM packages, such that each * .d.ts file belongs to at most one package. When API Extractor is invoked on a project, * we refer to that project as being the "working package". There is exactly one * "working package" for the duration of this analysis. Any files that do not belong to * the working package are referred to as "external": external declarations belonging to * external packages. * * If API Extractor is invoked on a standalone .d.ts file, the "working package" may not * have an actual package.json file on disk, but we still refer to it in concept. */ export declare class WorkingPackage { /** * Returns the folder for the package.json file of the working package. * * @remarks * If the entry point is `C:\Folder\project\src\index.ts` and the nearest package.json * is `C:\Folder\project\package.json`, then the packageFolder is `C:\Folder\project` */ readonly packageFolder: string; /** * The parsed package.json file for the working package. */ readonly packageJson: INodePackageJson; /** * The entry point being processed during this invocation of API Extractor. * * @remarks * The working package may have multiple entry points; however, today API Extractor * only processes a single entry point during an invocation. This will be improved * in the future. */ readonly entryPointSourceFile: ts.SourceFile; /** * The `@packageDocumentation` comment, if any, for the working package. */ tsdocComment: tsdoc.DocComment | undefined; /** * Additional parser information for `WorkingPackage.tsdocComment`. */ tsdocParserContext: tsdoc.ParserContext | undefined; constructor(options: IWorkingPackageOptions); /** * Returns the full name of the working package. */ get name(): string; } //#