/** * API Extractor helps with validation, documentation, and reviewing of the exported API for a TypeScript library. * The `@microsoft/api-extractor` package provides the command-line tool. It also exposes a developer API that you * can use to invoke API Extractor programmatically. * * @packageDocumentation */ import { EnumMemberOrder } from '@microsoft/api-extractor-model'; import { INodePackageJson } from '@rushstack/node-core-library'; import { IRigConfig } from '@rushstack/rig-package'; import { JsonSchema } from '@rushstack/node-core-library'; import { NewlineKind } from '@rushstack/node-core-library'; import { PackageJsonLookup } from '@rushstack/node-core-library'; import type * as tsdoc from '@microsoft/tsdoc'; import { TSDocConfigFile } from '@microsoft/tsdoc-config'; import { TSDocConfiguration } from '@microsoft/tsdoc'; /** * The allowed variations of API reports. * * @public */ export declare type ApiReportVariant = 'public' | 'beta' | 'alpha' | 'complete'; /** * This class represents the TypeScript compiler state. This allows an optimization where multiple invocations * of API Extractor can reuse the same TypeScript compiler analysis. * * @public */ export declare class CompilerState { /** * The TypeScript compiler's `Program` object, which represents a complete scope of analysis. */ readonly program: unknown; private constructor(); /** * Create a compiler state for use with the specified `IExtractorInvokeOptions`. */ static create(extractorConfig: ExtractorConfig, options?: ICompilerStateCreateOptions): CompilerState; /** * Given a list of absolute file paths, return a list containing only the declaration * files. Duplicates are also eliminated. * * @remarks * The tsconfig.json settings specify the compiler's input (a set of *.ts source files, * plus some *.d.ts declaration files used for legacy typings). However API Extractor * analyzes the compiler's output (a set of *.d.ts entry point files, plus any legacy * typings). This requires API Extractor to generate a special file list when it invokes * the compiler. * * Duplicates are removed so that entry points can be appended without worrying whether they * may already appear in the tsconfig.json file list. */ private static _generateFilePathsForAnalysis; private static _createCompilerHost; } /** * Unique identifiers for console messages reported by API Extractor. * * @remarks * * These strings are possible values for the {@link ExtractorMessage.messageId} property * when the `ExtractorMessage.category` is {@link ExtractorMessageCategory.Console}. * * @public */ export declare enum ConsoleMessageId { /** * "Analysis will use the bundled TypeScript version ___" */ Preamble = "console-preamble", /** * "The target project appears to use TypeScript ___ which is newer than the bundled compiler engine; * consider upgrading API Extractor." */ CompilerVersionNotice = "console-compiler-version-notice", /** * "Using custom TSDoc config from ___" */ UsingCustomTSDocConfig = "console-using-custom-tsdoc-config", /** * "Found metadata in ___" */ FoundTSDocMetadata = "console-found-tsdoc-metadata", /** * "Writing: ___" */ WritingDocModelFile = "console-writing-doc-model-file", /** * "Writing package typings: ___" */ WritingDtsRollup = "console-writing-dts-rollup", /** * "Generating ___ API report: ___" */ WritingApiReport = "console-writing-api-report", /** * "You have changed the public API signature for this project. * Please copy the file ___ to ___, or perform a local build (which does this automatically). * See the Git repo documentation for more info." * * OR * * "The API report file is missing. * Please copy the file ___ to ___, or perform a local build (which does this automatically). * See the Git repo documentation for more info." */ ApiReportNotCopied = "console-api-report-not-copied", /** * "You have changed the public API signature for this project. Updating ___" */ ApiReportCopied = "console-api-report-copied", /** * "The API report is up to date: ___" */ ApiReportUnchanged = "console-api-report-unchanged", /** * "The API report file was missing, so a new file was created. Please add this file to Git: ___" */ ApiReportCreated = "console-api-report-created", /** * "Unable to create the API report file. Please make sure the target folder exists: ___" */ ApiReportFolderMissing = "console-api-report-folder-missing", /** * Used for the information printed when the "--diagnostics" flag is enabled. */ Diagnostics = "console-diagnostics" } /** * The starting point for invoking the API Extractor tool. * @public */ export declare class Extractor { /** * Returns the version number of the API Extractor NPM package. */ static get version(): string; /** * Returns the package name of the API Extractor NPM package. */ static get packageName(): string; private static _getPackageJson; /** * Load the api-extractor.json config file from the specified path, and then invoke API Extractor. */ static loadConfigAndInvoke(configFilePath: string, options?: IExtractorInvokeOptions): ExtractorResult; /** * Invoke API Extractor using an already prepared `ExtractorConfig` object. */ static invoke(extractorConfig: ExtractorConfig, options?: IExtractorInvokeOptions): ExtractorResult; /** * Generates the API report at the specified release level, writes it to the specified file path, and compares * the output to the existing report (if one exists). * * @param reportTempDirectoryPath - The path to the directory under which the temp report file will be written prior * to comparison with an existing report. * @param reportDirectoryPath - The path to the directory under which the existing report file is located, and to * which the new report will be written post-comparison. * @param reportConfig - API report configuration, including its file name and {@link ApiReportVariant}. * * @returns Whether or not the newly generated report differs from the existing report (if one exists). */ private static _writeApiReport; private static _checkCompilerCompatibility; private static _generateRollupDtsFile; } /** * The `ExtractorConfig` class loads, validates, interprets, and represents the api-extractor.json config file. * @sealed * @public */ export declare class ExtractorConfig { /** * The JSON Schema for API Extractor config file (api-extractor.schema.json). */ static readonly jsonSchema: JsonSchema; /** * The config file name "api-extractor.json". */ static readonly FILENAME: 'api-extractor.json'; /** * The full path to `extends/tsdoc-base.json` which contains the standard TSDoc configuration * for API Extractor. * @internal */ static readonly _tsdocBaseFilePath: string; private static readonly _defaultConfig; /** Match all three flavors for type declaration files (.d.ts, .d.mts, .d.cts) */ private static readonly _declarationFileExtensionRegExp; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigFile.projectFolder} */ readonly projectFolder: string; /** * The parsed package.json file for the working package, or undefined if API Extractor was invoked without * a package.json file. */ readonly packageJson: INodePackageJson | undefined; /** * The absolute path of the folder containing the package.json file for the working package, or undefined * if API Extractor was invoked without a package.json file. */ readonly packageFolder: string | undefined; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigFile.mainEntryPointFilePath} */ readonly mainEntryPointFilePath: string; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigFile.bundledPackages} */ readonly bundledPackages: string[]; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigCompiler.tsconfigFilePath} */ readonly tsconfigFilePath: string; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigCompiler.overrideTsconfig} */ readonly overrideTsconfig: {} | undefined; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigCompiler.skipLibCheck} */ readonly skipLibCheck: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigApiReport.enabled} */ readonly apiReportEnabled: boolean; /** * List of configurations for report files to be generated. * @remarks Derived from {@link IConfigApiReport.reportFileName} and {@link IConfigApiReport.reportVariants}. */ readonly reportConfigs: readonly IExtractorConfigApiReport[]; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigApiReport.reportFolder} */ readonly reportFolder: string; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigApiReport.reportTempFolder} */ readonly reportTempFolder: string; /** * Gets the file path for the "complete" (default) report configuration, if one was specified. * Otherwise, returns an empty string. * @deprecated Use {@link ExtractorConfig.reportConfigs} to access all report configurations. */ get reportFilePath(): string; /** * Gets the temp file path for the "complete" (default) report configuration, if one was specified. * Otherwise, returns an empty string. * @deprecated Use {@link ExtractorConfig.reportConfigs} to access all report configurations. */ get reportTempFilePath(): string; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigApiReport.includeForgottenExports} */ readonly apiReportIncludeForgottenExports: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigDocModel.enabled} */ readonly docModelEnabled: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigDocModel.apiJsonFilePath} */ readonly apiJsonFilePath: string; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigDocModel.includeForgottenExports} */ readonly docModelIncludeForgottenExports: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigDocModel.projectFolderUrl} */ readonly projectFolderUrl: string | undefined; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigDtsRollup.enabled} */ readonly rollupEnabled: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigDtsRollup.untrimmedFilePath} */ readonly untrimmedFilePath: string; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigDtsRollup.alphaTrimmedFilePath} */ readonly alphaTrimmedFilePath: string; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigDtsRollup.betaTrimmedFilePath} */ readonly betaTrimmedFilePath: string; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigDtsRollup.publicTrimmedFilePath} */ readonly publicTrimmedFilePath: string; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigDtsRollup.omitTrimmingComments} */ readonly omitTrimmingComments: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigTsdocMetadata.enabled} */ readonly tsdocMetadataEnabled: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigTsdocMetadata.tsdocMetadataFilePath} */ readonly tsdocMetadataFilePath: string; /** * The tsdoc.json configuration that will be used when parsing doc comments. */ readonly tsdocConfigFile: TSDocConfigFile; /** * The `TSDocConfiguration` loaded from {@link ExtractorConfig.tsdocConfigFile}. */ readonly tsdocConfiguration: TSDocConfiguration; /** * Specifies what type of newlines API Extractor should use when writing output files. By default, the output files * will be written with Windows-style newlines. */ readonly newlineKind: NewlineKind; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigFile.messages} */ readonly messages: IExtractorMessagesConfig; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigFile.testMode} */ readonly testMode: boolean; /** {@inheritDoc IConfigFile.enumMemberOrder} */ readonly enumMemberOrder: EnumMemberOrder; private constructor(); /** * Returns a JSON-like string representing the `ExtractorConfig` state, which can be printed to a console * for diagnostic purposes. * * @remarks * This is used by the "--diagnostics" command-line option. The string is not intended to be deserialized; * its format may be changed at any time. */ getDiagnosticDump(): string; /** * Returns a simplified file path for use in error messages. * @internal */ _getShortFilePath(absolutePath: string): string; /** * Searches for the api-extractor.json config file associated with the specified starting folder, * and loads the file if found. This lookup supports * {@link https://www.npmjs.com/package/@rushstack/rig-package | rig packages}. * * @remarks * The search will first look for a package.json file in a parent folder of the starting folder; * if found, that will be used as the base folder instead of the starting folder. If the config * file is not found in `/api-extractor.json` or `/config/api-extractor.json`, * then `"` * this reports an error if any token-looking substrings remain after expansion (e.g. `c:\blah\\blah`). */ private static _rejectAnyTokensInPath; } /** * Used with {@link IConfigMessageReportingRule.logLevel} and {@link IExtractorInvokeOptions.messageCallback}. * * @remarks * This is part of the {@link IConfigFile} structure. * * @public */ export declare enum ExtractorLogLevel { /** * The message will be displayed as an error. * * @remarks * Errors typically cause the build to fail and return a nonzero exit code. */ Error = "error", /** * The message will be displayed as an warning. * * @remarks * Warnings typically cause a production build fail and return a nonzero exit code. For a non-production build * (e.g. using the `--local` option with `api-extractor run`), the warning is displayed but the build will not fail. */ Warning = "warning", /** * The message will be displayed as an informational message. * * @remarks * Informational messages may contain newlines to ensure nice formatting of the output, * however word-wrapping is the responsibility of the message handler. */ Info = "info", /** * The message will be displayed only when "verbose" output is requested, e.g. using the `--verbose` * command line option. */ Verbose = "verbose", /** * The message will be discarded entirely. */ None = "none" } /** * This object is used to report an error or warning that occurred during API Extractor's analysis. * * @public */ export declare class ExtractorMessage { private _handled; private _logLevel; /** * The category of issue. */ readonly category: ExtractorMessageCategory; /** * A text string that uniquely identifies the issue type. This identifier can be used to suppress * or configure the reporting of issues, and also to search for help about an issue. */ readonly messageId: tsdoc.TSDocMessageId | ExtractorMessageId | ConsoleMessageId | string; /** * The text description of this issue. */ readonly text: string; /** * The absolute path to the affected input source file, if there is one. */ readonly sourceFilePath: string | undefined; /** * The line number where the issue occurred in the input source file. This is not used if `sourceFilePath` * is undefined. The first line number is 1. */ readonly sourceFileLine: number | undefined; /** * The column number where the issue occurred in the input source file. This is not used if `sourceFilePath` * is undefined. The first column number is 1. */ readonly sourceFileColumn: number | undefined; /** * Additional contextual information about the message that may be useful when reporting errors. * All properties are optional. */ readonly properties: IExtractorMessageProperties; /** @internal */ constructor(options: IExtractorMessageOptions); /** * If the {@link IExtractorInvokeOptions.messageCallback} sets this property to true, it will prevent the message * from being displayed by API Extractor. * * @remarks * If the `messageCallback` routes the message to a custom handler (e.g. a toolchain logger), it should * assign `handled = true` to prevent API Extractor from displaying it. Assigning `handled = true` for all messages * would effectively disable all console output from the `Extractor` API. * * If `handled` is set to true, the message will still be included in the count of errors/warnings; * to discard a message entirely, instead assign `logLevel = none`. */ get handled(): boolean; set handled(value: boolean); /** * Specifies how the message should be reported. * * @remarks * If the {@link IExtractorInvokeOptions.messageCallback} handles the message (i.e. sets `handled = true`), * it can use the `logLevel` to determine how to display the message. * * Alternatively, if API Extractor is handling the message, the `messageCallback` could assign `logLevel` to change * how it will be processed. However, in general the recommended practice is to configure message routing * using the `messages` section in api-extractor.json. * * To discard a message entirely, assign `logLevel = none`. */ get logLevel(): ExtractorLogLevel; set logLevel(value: ExtractorLogLevel); /** * Returns the message formatted with its identifier and file position. * @remarks * Example: * ``` * src/folder/File.ts:123:4 - (ae-extra-release-tag) The doc comment should not contain more than one release tag. * ``` */ formatMessageWithLocation(workingPackageFolderPath: string | undefined): string; formatMessageWithoutLocation(): string; } /** * Specifies a category of messages for use with {@link ExtractorMessage}. * @public */ export declare enum ExtractorMessageCategory { /** * Messages originating from the TypeScript compiler. * * @remarks * These strings begin with the prefix "TS" and have a numeric error code. * Example: `TS2551` */ Compiler = "Compiler", /** * Messages related to parsing of TSDoc comments. * * @remarks * These strings begin with the prefix "tsdoc-". * Example: `tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text` */ TSDoc = "TSDoc", /** * Messages related to API Extractor's analysis. * * @remarks * These strings begin with the prefix "ae-". * Example: `ae-extra-release-tag` */ Extractor = "Extractor", /** * Console messages communicate the progress of the overall operation. They may include newlines to ensure * nice formatting. They are output in real time, and cannot be routed to the API Report file. * * @remarks * These strings begin with the prefix "console-". * Example: `console-writing-typings-file` */ Console = "console" } /** * Unique identifiers for messages reported by API Extractor during its analysis. * * @remarks * * These strings are possible values for the {@link ExtractorMessage.messageId} property * when the `ExtractorMessage.category` is {@link ExtractorMessageCategory.Extractor}. * * @public */ export declare enum ExtractorMessageId { /** * "The doc comment should not contain more than one release tag." */ ExtraReleaseTag = "ae-extra-release-tag", /** * "Missing documentation for ___." * @remarks * The `ae-undocumented` message is only generated if the API report feature is enabled. * * Because the API report file already annotates undocumented items with `// (undocumented)`, * the `ae-undocumented` message is not logged by default. To see it, add a setting such as: * ```json * "messages": { * "extractorMessageReporting": { * "ae-undocumented": { * "logLevel": "warning" * } * } * } * ``` */ Undocumented = "ae-undocumented", /** * "This symbol has another declaration with a different release tag." */ DifferentReleaseTags = "ae-different-release-tags", /** * "The symbol ___ is marked as ___, but its signature references ___ which is marked as ___." */ IncompatibleReleaseTags = "ae-incompatible-release-tags", /** * "___ is part of the package's API, but it is missing a release tag (`@alpha`, `@beta`, `@public`, or `@internal`)." */ MissingReleaseTag = "ae-missing-release-tag", /** * "The `@packageDocumentation` comment must appear at the top of entry point *.d.ts file." */ MisplacedPackageTag = "ae-misplaced-package-tag", /** * "The symbol ___ needs to be exported by the entry point ___." */ ForgottenExport = "ae-forgotten-export", /** * "The name ___ should be prefixed with an underscore because the declaration is marked as `@internal`." */ InternalMissingUnderscore = "ae-internal-missing-underscore", /** * "Mixed release tags are not allowed for ___ because one of its declarations is marked as `@internal`." */ InternalMixedReleaseTag = "ae-internal-mixed-release-tag", /** * "The `@preapproved` tag cannot be applied to ___ because it is not a supported declaration type." */ PreapprovedUnsupportedType = "ae-preapproved-unsupported-type", /** * "The `@preapproved` tag cannot be applied to ___ without an `@internal` release tag." */ PreapprovedBadReleaseTag = "ae-preapproved-bad-release-tag", /** * "The `@inheritDoc` reference could not be resolved." */ UnresolvedInheritDocReference = "ae-unresolved-inheritdoc-reference", /** * "The `@inheritDoc` tag needs a TSDoc declaration reference; signature matching is not supported yet." * * @privateRemarks * In the future, we will implement signature matching so that you can write `{@inheritDoc}` and API Extractor * will find a corresponding member from a base class (or implemented interface). Until then, the tag * always needs an explicit declaration reference such as `{@inhertDoc MyBaseClass.sameMethod}`. */ UnresolvedInheritDocBase = "ae-unresolved-inheritdoc-base", /** * "The `@inheritDoc` tag for ___ refers to its own declaration." */ CyclicInheritDoc = "ae-cyclic-inherit-doc", /** * "The `@link` reference could not be resolved." */ UnresolvedLink = "ae-unresolved-link", /** * "The doc comment for the property ___ must appear on the getter, not the setter." */ SetterWithDocs = "ae-setter-with-docs", /** * "The property ___ has a setter but no getter." */ MissingGetter = "ae-missing-getter", /** * "Incorrect file type; API Extractor expects to analyze compiler outputs with the .d.ts file extension. * Troubleshooting tips: `https://api-extractor.com/link/dts-error`" */ WrongInputFileType = "ae-wrong-input-file-type" } /** * This object represents the outcome of an invocation of API Extractor. * * @public */ export declare class ExtractorResult { /** * The TypeScript compiler state that was used. */ readonly compilerState: CompilerState; /** * The API Extractor configuration that was used. */ readonly extractorConfig: ExtractorConfig; /** * Whether the invocation of API Extractor was successful. For example, if `succeeded` is false, then the build task * would normally return a nonzero process exit code, indicating that the operation failed. * * @remarks * * Normally the operation "succeeds" if `errorCount` and `warningCount` are both zero. However if * {@link IExtractorInvokeOptions.localBuild} is `true`, then the operation "succeeds" if `errorCount` is zero * (i.e. warnings are ignored). */ readonly succeeded: boolean; /** * Returns true if the API report was found to have changed. */ readonly apiReportChanged: boolean; /** * Reports the number of errors encountered during analysis. * * @remarks * This does not count exceptions, where unexpected issues prematurely abort the operation. */ readonly errorCount: number; /** * Reports the number of warnings encountered during analysis. * * @remarks * This does not count warnings that are emitted in the API report file. */ readonly warningCount: number; /** @internal */ constructor(properties: ExtractorResult); } /** * Options for {@link CompilerState.create} * @public */ export declare interface ICompilerStateCreateOptions { /** {@inheritDoc IExtractorInvokeOptions.typescriptCompilerFolder} */ typescriptCompilerFolder?: string; /** * Additional .d.ts files to include in the analysis. */ additionalEntryPoints?: string[]; } /** * Configures how the API report files (*.api.md) will be generated. * * @remarks * This is part of the {@link IConfigFile} structure. * * @public */ export declare interface IConfigApiReport { /** * Whether to generate an API report. */ enabled: boolean; /** * The base filename for the API report files, to be combined with {@link IConfigApiReport.reportFolder} or * {@link IConfigApiReport.reportTempFolder} to produce the full file path. * * @remarks * The `reportFileName` should not include any path separators such as `\` or `/`. The `reportFileName` should * not include a file extension, since API Extractor will automatically append an appropriate file extension such * as `.api.md`. If the {@link IConfigApiReport.reportVariants} setting is used, then the file extension includes * the variant name, for example `my-report.public.api.md` or `my-report.beta.api.md`. The `complete` variant always * uses the simple extension `my-report.api.md`. * * Previous versions of API Extractor required `reportFileName` to include the `.api.md` extension explicitly; * for backwards compatibility, that is still accepted but will be discarded before applying the above rules. * * @defaultValue `` */ reportFileName?: string; /** * The set of report variants to generate. * * @remarks * To support different approval requirements for different API levels, multiple "variants" of the API report can * be generated. The `reportVariants` setting specifies a list of variants to be generated. If omitted, * by default only the `complete` variant will be generated, which includes all `@internal`, `@alpha`, `@beta`, * and `@public` items. Other possible variants are `alpha` (`@alpha` + `@beta` + `@public`), * `beta` (`@beta` + `@public`), and `public` (`@public only`). * * The resulting API report file names will be derived from the {@link IConfigApiReport.reportFileName}. * * @defaultValue `[ "complete" ]` */ reportVariants?: ApiReportVariant[]; /** * Specifies the folder where the API report file is written. The file name portion is determined by * the `reportFileName` setting. * * @remarks * The API report file is normally tracked by Git. Changes to it can be used to trigger a branch policy, * e.g. for an API review. * * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this, * prepend a folder token such as ``. */ reportFolder?: string; /** * Specifies the folder where the temporary report file is written. The file name portion is determined by * the `reportFileName` setting. * * @remarks * After the temporary file is written to disk, it is compared with the file in the `reportFolder`. * If they are different, a production build will fail. * * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this, * prepend a folder token such as ``. */ reportTempFolder?: string; /** * Whether "forgotten exports" should be included in the API report file. * * @remarks * Forgotten exports are declarations flagged with `ae-forgotten-export` warnings. See * https://api-extractor.com/pages/messages/ae-forgotten-export/ to learn more. * * @defaultValue `false` */ includeForgottenExports?: boolean; } /** * Determines how the TypeScript compiler engine will be invoked by API Extractor. * * @remarks * This is part of the {@link IConfigFile} structure. * * @public */ export declare interface IConfigCompiler { /** * Specifies the path to the tsconfig.json file to be used by API Extractor when analyzing the project. * * @remarks * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this, * prepend a folder token such as ``. * * Note: This setting will be ignored if `overrideTsconfig` is used. */ tsconfigFilePath?: string; /** * Provides a compiler configuration that will be used instead of reading the tsconfig.json file from disk. * * @remarks * The value must conform to the TypeScript tsconfig schema: * * http://json.schemastore.org/tsconfig * * If omitted, then the tsconfig.json file will instead be read from the projectFolder. */ overrideTsconfig?: {}; /** * This option causes the compiler to be invoked with the `--skipLibCheck` option. * * @remarks * This option is not recommended and may cause API Extractor to produce incomplete or incorrect declarations, * but it may be required when dependencies contain declarations that are incompatible with the TypeScript engine * that API Extractor uses for its analysis. Where possible, the underlying issue should be fixed rather than * relying on skipLibCheck. */ skipLibCheck?: boolean; } /** * Configures how the doc model file (*.api.json) will be generated. * * @remarks * This is part of the {@link IConfigFile} structure. * * @public */ export declare interface IConfigDocModel { /** * Whether to generate a doc model file. */ enabled: boolean; /** * The output path for the doc model file. The file extension should be ".api.json". * * @remarks * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this, * prepend a folder token such as ``. */ apiJsonFilePath?: string; /** * Whether "forgotten exports" should be included in the doc model file. * * @remarks * Forgotten exports are declarations flagged with `ae-forgotten-export` warnings. See * https://api-extractor.com/pages/messages/ae-forgotten-export/ to learn more. * * @defaultValue `false` */ includeForgottenExports?: boolean; /** * The base URL where the project's source code can be viewed on a website such as GitHub or * Azure DevOps. This URL path corresponds to the `` path on disk. * * @remarks * This URL is concatenated with the file paths serialized to the doc model to produce URL file paths to individual API items. * For example, if the `projectFolderUrl` is "https://github.com/microsoft/rushstack/tree/main/apps/api-extractor" and an API * item's file path is "api/ExtractorConfig.ts", the full URL file path would be * "https://github.com/microsoft/rushstack/tree/main/apps/api-extractor/api/ExtractorConfig.js". * * Can be omitted if you don't need source code links in your API documentation reference. */ projectFolderUrl?: string; } /** * Configures how the .d.ts rollup file will be generated. * * @remarks * This is part of the {@link IConfigFile} structure. * * @public */ export declare interface IConfigDtsRollup { /** * Whether to generate the .d.ts rollup file. */ enabled: boolean; /** * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated without any trimming. * * @remarks * This file will include all declarations that are exported by the main entry point. * * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written. * * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this, * prepend a folder token such as ``. */ untrimmedFilePath?: string; /** * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for an "alpha" release. * * @remarks * This file will include only declarations that are marked as `@public`, `@beta`, or `@alpha`. * * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this, * prepend a folder token such as ``. */ alphaTrimmedFilePath?: string; /** * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "beta" release. * * @remarks * This file will include only declarations that are marked as `@public` or `@beta`. * * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this, * prepend a folder token such as ``. */ betaTrimmedFilePath?: string; /** * Specifies the output path for a .d.ts rollup file to be generated with trimming for a "public" release. * * @remarks * This file will include only declarations that are marked as `@public`. * * If the path is an empty string, then this file will not be written. * * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this, * prepend a folder token such as ``. */ publicTrimmedFilePath?: string; /** * When a declaration is trimmed, by default it will be replaced by a code comment such as * "Excluded from this release type: exampleMember". Set "omitTrimmingComments" to true to remove the * declaration completely. */ omitTrimmingComments?: boolean; } /** * Configuration options for the API Extractor tool. These options can be constructed programmatically * or loaded from the api-extractor.json config file using the {@link ExtractorConfig} class. * * @public */ export declare interface IConfigFile { /** * Optionally specifies another JSON config file that this file extends from. This provides a way for * standard settings to be shared across multiple projects. * * @remarks * If the path starts with `./` or `../`, the path is resolved relative to the folder of the file that contains * the `extends` field. Otherwise, the first path segment is interpreted as an NPM package name, and will be * resolved using NodeJS `require()`. */ extends?: string; /** * Determines the `` token that can be used with other config file settings. The project folder * typically contains the tsconfig.json and package.json config files, but the path is user-defined. * * @remarks * * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting. * * The default value for `projectFolder` is the token ``, which means the folder is determined using * the following heuristics: * * If the config/rig.json system is used (as defined by {@link https://www.npmjs.com/package/@rushstack/rig-package * | @rushstack/rig-package}), then the `` value will be the package folder that referenced the rig. * * Otherwise, the `` value is determined by traversing parent folders, starting from the folder containing * api-extractor.json, and stopping at the first folder that contains a tsconfig.json file. If a tsconfig.json file * cannot be found in this way, then an error will be reported. */ projectFolder?: string; /** * Specifies the .d.ts file to be used as the starting point for analysis. API Extractor * analyzes the symbols exported by this module. * * @remarks * * The file extension must be ".d.ts" and not ".ts". * The path is resolved relative to the "projectFolder" location. */ mainEntryPointFilePath: string; /** * A list of NPM package names whose exports should be treated as part of this package. * * @remarks * Also supports glob patterns. * Note: glob patterns will **only** be resolved against dependencies listed in the project's package.json file. * * * This is both a safety and a performance precaution. * * Exact package names will be applied against any dependency encountered while walking the type graph, regardless of * dependencies listed in the package.json. * * @example * * Suppose that Webpack is used to generate a distributed bundle for the project `library1`, * and another NPM package `library2` is embedded in this bundle. Some types from `library2` may become part * of the exported API for `library1`, but by default API Extractor would generate a .d.ts rollup that explicitly * imports `library2`. To avoid this, we can specify: * * ```js * "bundledPackages": [ "library2" ], * ``` * * This would direct API Extractor to embed those types directly in the .d.ts rollup, as if they had been * local files for `library1`. */ bundledPackages?: string[]; /** * Specifies what type of newlines API Extractor should use when writing output files. * * @remarks * By default, the output files will be written with Windows-style newlines. * To use POSIX-style newlines, specify "lf" instead. * To use the OS's default newline kind, specify "os". */ newlineKind?: 'crlf' | 'lf' | 'os'; /** * Set to true when invoking API Extractor's test harness. * @remarks * When `testMode` is true, the `toolVersion` field in the .api.json file is assigned an empty string * to prevent spurious diffs in output files tracked for tests. */ testMode?: boolean; /** * Specifies how API Extractor sorts members of an enum when generating the .api.json file. * * @remarks * By default, the output files will be sorted alphabetically, which is "by-name". * To keep the ordering in the source code, specify "preserve". * * @defaultValue `by-name` */ enumMemberOrder?: EnumMemberOrder; /** * {@inheritDoc IConfigCompiler} */ compiler?: IConfigCompiler; /** * {@inheritDoc IConfigApiReport} */ apiReport?: IConfigApiReport; /** * {@inheritDoc IConfigDocModel} */ docModel?: IConfigDocModel; /** * {@inheritDoc IConfigDtsRollup} * @beta */ dtsRollup?: IConfigDtsRollup; /** * {@inheritDoc IConfigTsdocMetadata} * @beta */ tsdocMetadata?: IConfigTsdocMetadata; /** * {@inheritDoc IExtractorMessagesConfig} */ messages?: IExtractorMessagesConfig; } /** * Configures reporting for a given message identifier. * * @remarks * This is part of the {@link IConfigFile} structure. * * @public */ export declare interface IConfigMessageReportingRule { /** * Specifies whether the message should be written to the the tool's output log. * * @remarks * Note that the `addToApiReportFile` property may supersede this option. */ logLevel: ExtractorLogLevel; /** * When `addToApiReportFile` is true: If API Extractor is configured to write an API report file (.api.md), * then the message will be written inside that file; otherwise, the message is instead logged according to * the `logLevel` option. */ addToApiReportFile?: boolean; } /** * Specifies a table of reporting rules for different message identifiers, and also the default rule used for * identifiers that do not appear in the table. * * @remarks * This is part of the {@link IConfigFile} structure. * * @public */ export declare interface IConfigMessageReportingTable { /** * The key is a message identifier for the associated type of message, or "default" to specify the default policy. * For example, the key might be `TS2551` (a compiler message), `tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text` (a TSDOc message), * or `ae-extra-release-tag` (a message related to the API Extractor analysis). */ [messageId: string]: IConfigMessageReportingRule; } /** * Configures how the tsdoc-metadata.json file will be generated. * * @remarks * This is part of the {@link IConfigFile} structure. * * @public */ export declare interface IConfigTsdocMetadata { /** * Whether to generate the tsdoc-metadata.json file. */ enabled: boolean; /** * Specifies where the TSDoc metadata file should be written. * * @remarks * The path is resolved relative to the folder of the config file that contains the setting; to change this, * prepend a folder token such as ``. * * The default value is ``, which causes the path to be automatically inferred from the `tsdocMetadata`, * `typings` or `main` fields of the project's package.json. If none of these fields are set, the lookup * falls back to `tsdoc-metadata.json` in the package folder. */ tsdocMetadataFilePath?: string; } /** * Configuration for a single API report, including its {@link IExtractorConfigApiReport.variant}. * * @public */ export declare interface IExtractorConfigApiReport { /** * Report variant. * Determines which API items will be included in the report output, based on their tagged release levels. */ variant: ApiReportVariant; /** * Name of the output report file. * @remarks Relative to the configured report directory path. */ fileName: string; } /** * Options for {@link ExtractorConfig.tryLoadForFolder}. * * @public */ export declare interface IExtractorConfigLoadForFolderOptions { /** * The folder path to start from when searching for api-extractor.json. */ startingFolder: string; /** * An already constructed `PackageJsonLookup` cache object to use. If omitted, a temporary one will * be constructed. */ packageJsonLookup?: PackageJsonLookup; /** * An already constructed `RigConfig` object. If omitted, then a new `RigConfig` object will be constructed. */ rigConfig?: IRigConfig; } /** * Options for {@link ExtractorConfig.prepare}. * * @public */ export declare interface IExtractorConfigPrepareOptions { /** * A configuration object as returned by {@link ExtractorConfig.loadFile}. */ configObject: IConfigFile; /** * The absolute path of the file that the `configObject` object was loaded from. This is used for error messages * and when probing for `tsconfig.json`. * * @remarks * * If `configObjectFullPath` and `projectFolderLookupToken` are both unspecified, then the api-extractor.json * config file must explicitly specify a `projectFolder` setting rather than relying on the `` token. */ configObjectFullPath: string | undefined; /** * The parsed package.json file for the working package, or undefined if API Extractor was invoked without * a package.json file. * * @remarks * * If omitted, then the `` and `` tokens will have default values. */ packageJson?: INodePackageJson | undefined; /** * The absolute path of the file that the `packageJson` object was loaded from, or undefined if API Extractor * was invoked without a package.json file. * * @remarks * * This is used for error messages and when resolving paths found in package.json. * * If `packageJsonFullPath` is specified but `packageJson` is omitted, the file will be loaded automatically. */ packageJsonFullPath: string | undefined; /** * The default value for the `projectFolder` setting is the `` token, which uses a heuristic to guess * an appropriate project folder. Use `projectFolderLookupValue` to manually specify the `` token value * instead. * * @remarks * If the `projectFolder` setting is explicitly specified in api-extractor.json file, it should take precedence * over a value specified via the API. Thus the `projectFolderLookupToken` option provides a way to override * the default value for `projectFolder` setting while still honoring a manually specified value. */ projectFolderLookupToken?: string; /** * Allow customization of the tsdoc.json config file. If omitted, this file will be loaded from its default * location. If the file does not exist, then the standard definitions will be used from * `@microsoft/api-extractor/extends/tsdoc-base.json`. */ tsdocConfigFile?: TSDocConfigFile; /** * When preparing the configuration object, folder and file paths referenced in the configuration are checked * for existence, and an error is reported if they are not found. This option can be used to disable this * check for the main entry point module. This may be useful when preparing a configuration file for an * un-built project. */ ignoreMissingEntryPoint?: boolean; } /** * Runtime options for Extractor. * * @public */ export declare interface IExtractorInvokeOptions { /** * An optional TypeScript compiler state. This allows an optimization where multiple invocations of API Extractor * can reuse the same TypeScript compiler analysis. */ compilerState?: CompilerState; /** * Indicates that API Extractor is running as part of a local build, e.g. on developer's * machine. * * @remarks * This disables certain validation that would normally be performed for a ship/production build. For example, * the *.api.md report file is automatically updated in a local build. * * The default value is false. */ localBuild?: boolean; /** * If true, API Extractor will include {@link ExtractorLogLevel.Verbose} messages in its output. */ showVerboseMessages?: boolean; /** * If true, API Extractor will print diagnostic information used for troubleshooting problems. * These messages will be included as {@link ExtractorLogLevel.Verbose} output. * * @remarks * Setting `showDiagnostics=true` forces `showVerboseMessages=true`. */ showDiagnostics?: boolean; /** * Specifies an alternate folder path to be used when loading the TypeScript system typings. * * @remarks * API Extractor uses its own TypeScript compiler engine to analyze your project. If your project * is built with a significantly different TypeScript version, sometimes API Extractor may report compilation * errors due to differences in the system typings (e.g. lib.dom.d.ts). You can use the "--typescriptCompilerFolder" * option to specify the folder path where you installed the TypeScript package, and API Extractor's compiler will * use those system typings instead. */ typescriptCompilerFolder?: string; /** * An optional callback function that will be called for each `ExtractorMessage` before it is displayed by * API Extractor. The callback can customize the message, handle it, or discard it. * * @remarks * If a `messageCallback` is not provided, then by default API Extractor will print the messages to * the STDERR/STDOUT console. */ messageCallback?: (message: ExtractorMessage) => void; } /** * Constructor options for `ExtractorMessage`. */ declare interface IExtractorMessageOptions { category: ExtractorMessageCategory; messageId: tsdoc.TSDocMessageId | ExtractorMessageId | ConsoleMessageId | string; text: string; sourceFilePath?: string; sourceFileLine?: number; sourceFileColumn?: number; properties?: IExtractorMessageProperties; logLevel?: ExtractorLogLevel; } /** * Used by {@link ExtractorMessage.properties}. * * @public */ export declare interface IExtractorMessageProperties { /** * A declaration can have multiple names if it is exported more than once. * If an `ExtractorMessage` applies to a specific export name, this property can indicate that. * * @remarks * * Used by {@link ExtractorMessageId.InternalMissingUnderscore}. */ readonly exportName?: string; } /** * Configures how API Extractor reports error and warning messages produced during analysis. * * @remarks * This is part of the {@link IConfigFile} structure. * * @public */ export declare interface IExtractorMessagesConfig { /** * Configures handling of diagnostic messages generating the TypeScript compiler while analyzing the * input .d.ts files. */ compilerMessageReporting?: IConfigMessageReportingTable; /** * Configures handling of messages reported by API Extractor during its analysis. */ extractorMessageReporting?: IConfigMessageReportingTable; /** * Configures handling of messages reported by the TSDoc parser when analyzing code comments. */ tsdocMessageReporting?: IConfigMessageReportingTable; } export { }