import * as gulp from 'gulp'; import { GulpProxy } from './GulpProxy'; import { IExecutable } from './IExecutable'; /** * @public */ export interface IBuildConfig { /** * The maximum amount of time the build can run before being terminated. * Specified in milliseconds. By default, there is no timeout. * * If set to zero (0), the build will never time out. */ maxBuildTimeMs: number; /** * Proxy gulp instance. */ gulp: GulpProxy | gulp.Gulp; /** * Array of all unique tasks. */ uniqueTasks?: IExecutable[]; /** * Full physical path to the root path directory. */ rootPath: string; /** * Package output folder in which publishable output should be dropped. * Defaults to package.json directories/packagePath value. */ packageFolder: string; /** * Source folder name where source is included. */ srcFolder: string; /** * Unbundled commonjs modules folder, which will be referenced by other node projects. */ libFolder: string; /** * Unbundled amd modules folder, which can be optionally set to cause build tasks to * output AMD modules if required for legacy reasons. */ libAMDFolder?: string; /** * Unbundled es6 modules folder, which can be optionally set to cause build tasks to output es6 modules. */ libES6Folder?: string; /** * Unbundled esnext modules folder, which can be optionally set to cause build tasks to output esnext modules. */ libESNextFolder?: string; /** * Dist folder, which includes all bundled resources which would be copied to a CDN for the project. */ distFolder: string; /** * Temp folder for storing temporary files. */ tempFolder: string; /** * Re-log known issues after the build is complete. */ relogIssues?: boolean; /** * Show toast on build failures and recoveries. */ showToast?: boolean; /** * Path to icon shown in toast on a successful build recovery. */ buildSuccessIconPath?: string; /** * Path to icon shown in toast on a build error. */ buildErrorIconPath?: string; /** * Use verbose logging. */ verbose: boolean; /** * Build a full production build. */ production: boolean; /** * Should warnings be written to STDERR and cause build to return non-zero exit code */ shouldWarningsFailBuild: boolean; /** * Arguments passed in. */ args: { [name: string]: string | boolean; }; /** * Arbitrary property bag for a task to store environment values in. */ properties?: { [key: string]: any; }; /** * Optional callback to be executed when a task starts. */ onTaskStart?: (taskName: string) => void; /** * Optional callback to be executed when a task ends. */ onTaskEnd?: (taskName: string, duration: number[], error?: any) => void; /** * Flag used to indicate if the build is redundant and should be exited prematurely. */ isRedundantBuild?: boolean; /** * Flag to indicate whether Jest is enabled. * If Jest is enabled, mocha and Karma are disabled. */ jestEnabled?: boolean; } //#