/// import { GulpProxy } from './GulpProxy'; import { IExecutable } from './IExecutable'; import { IBuildConfig } from './IBuildConfig'; import { CopyStaticAssetsTask } from './tasks/copyStaticAssets/CopyStaticAssetsTask'; export { IExecutable } from './IExecutable'; import * as Gulp from 'gulp'; import { JestTask } from './tasks/JestTask'; export * from './IBuildConfig'; export { addSuppression, coverageData, functionalTestRun, getErrors, getWarnings, TestResultState, warn, verbose, error, fileError, fileLog, fileWarning, reset, log, logSummary } from './logging'; export { GCBTerminalProvider } from './utilities/GCBTerminalProvider'; export * from './tasks/CopyTask'; export * from './tasks/GenerateShrinkwrapTask'; export * from './tasks/GulpTask'; export * from './tasks/CleanTask'; export * from './tasks/CleanFlagTask'; export * from './tasks/ValidateShrinkwrapTask'; export * from './tasks/copyStaticAssets/CopyStaticAssetsTask'; export * from './tasks/JestTask'; /** * Merges the given build config settings into existing settings. * * @param config - The build config settings. * @public */ export declare function setConfig(config: Partial): void; /** * Merges the given build config settings into existing settings. * * @param config - The build config settings. * @public */ export declare function mergeConfig(config: Partial): void; /** * Replaces the build config. * * @param config - The build config settings. * @public */ export declare function replaceConfig(config: IBuildConfig): void; /** * Gets the current config. * @returns the current build configuration * @public */ export declare function getConfig(): IBuildConfig; /** @public */ export declare const cleanFlag: IExecutable; /** * Registers an IExecutable to gulp so that it can be called from the command line * @param taskName - the name of the task, can be called from the command line (e.g. "gulp ") * @param taskExecutable - the executable to execute when the task is invoked * @returns the task parameter * @public */ export declare function task(taskName: string, taskExecutable: IExecutable): IExecutable; /** * The callback interface for a custom task definition. * The task should either return a Promise, a stream, or call the * callback function (passing in an object value if there was an error). * @public */ export interface ICustomGulpTask { (gulp: typeof Gulp | GulpProxy, buildConfig: IBuildConfig, done?: (failure?: any) => void): Promise | NodeJS.ReadWriteStream | void; } /** * Creates a new subtask from a function callback. Useful as a shorthand way * of defining tasks directly in a gulpfile. * * @param taskName - the name of the task, appearing in build logs * @param fn - the callback function to execute when this task runs * @returns an IExecutable which can be registered to the command line with task() * @public */ export declare function subTask(taskName: string, fn: ICustomGulpTask): IExecutable; /** * Defines a gulp watch and maps it to a given IExecutable. * * @param watchMatch - the list of files patterns to watch * @param taskExecutable - the task to execute when a file changes * @returns IExecutable * @public */ export declare function watch(watchMatch: string | string[], taskExecutable: IExecutable): IExecutable; /** * Takes in IExecutables as arguments and returns an IExecutable that will execute them in serial. * @public */ export declare function serial(...tasks: (IExecutable[] | IExecutable)[]): IExecutable; /** * Takes in IExecutables as arguments and returns an IExecutable that will execute them in parallel. * @public */ export declare function parallel(...tasks: (IExecutable[] | IExecutable)[]): IExecutable; /** * Initializes the gulp tasks. * @public */ export declare function initialize(gulp: typeof Gulp): void; /** @public */ export declare const clean: IExecutable; /** @public */ export declare const copyStaticAssets: CopyStaticAssetsTask; /** @public */ export declare const jest: JestTask; //# sourceMappingURL=index.d.ts.map