import * as Gulp from 'gulp'; import { IBuildConfig } from './IBuildConfig'; /** * Adds a message to be displayed in the summary after execution is complete. * @param value - the message to display * @public */ export declare function logSummary(value: string): void; /** * Log a message to the console * @param args - the messages to log to the console * @public */ export declare function log(...args: string[]): void; /** * Resets the state of the logging cache * @public */ export declare function reset(): void; /** * The result of a functional test run * @public */ export declare enum TestResultState { Passed = 0, Failed = 1, FlakyFailed = 2, Skipped = 3 } /** * Store a single functional test run's information * @param name - the name of the test * @param result - the result of the test * @param duration - the length of time it took for the test to execute * @public */ export declare function functionalTestRun(name: string, result: TestResultState, duration: number): void; /** @public */ export declare function endTaskSrc(taskName: string, startHrtime: [number, number], fileCount: number): void; /** * Store coverage information, potentially logging an error if the coverage is below the threshold * @param coverage - the coverage of the file as a percentage * @param threshold - the minimum coverage for the file as a percentage, an error will be logged if coverage is below * the threshold * @param filePath - the path to the file whose coverage is being measured * @public */ export declare function coverageData(coverage: number, threshold: number, filePath: string): void; /** * Adds a suppression for an error or warning * @param suppression - the error or warning as a string or Regular Expression * @public */ export declare function addSuppression(suppression: string | RegExp): void; /** * Logs a warning. It will be logged to standard error and cause the build to fail * if buildConfig.shouldWarningsFailBuild is true, otherwise it will be logged to standard output. * @param message - the warning description * @public */ export declare function warn(...args: string[]): void; /** * Logs an error to standard error and causes the build to fail. * @param message - the error description * @public */ export declare function error(...args: string[]): void; /** * Logs a message about a particular file * @param write - the function which will write message * @param taskName - the name of the task which is doing the logging * @param filePath - the path to the file which encountered an issue * @param line - the line in the file which had an issue * @param column - the column in the file which had an issue * @param errorCode - the custom error code representing this error * @param message - a description of the error * @public */ export declare function fileLog(write: (text: string) => void, taskName: string, filePath: string, line: number, column: number, errorCode: string, message: string): void; /** * Logs a warning regarding a specific file. * @param filePath - the path to the file which encountered an issue * @param line - the line in the file which had an issue * @param column - the column in the file which had an issue * @param warningCode - the custom warning code representing this warning * @param message - a description of the warning * @public */ export declare function fileWarning(taskName: string, filePath: string, line: number, column: number, errorCode: string, message: string): void; /** * Logs an error regarding a specific file to standard error and causes the build to fail. * @param filePath - the path to the file which encountered an issue * @param line - the line in the file which had an issue * @param column - the column in the file which had an issue * @param errorCode - the custom error code representing this error * @param message - a description of the error * @public */ export declare function fileError(taskName: string, filePath: string, line: number, column: number, errorCode: string, message: string): void; /** * Logs a message to standard output if the verbose flag is specified. * @param args - the messages to log when in verbose mode * @public */ export declare function verbose(...args: string[]): void; /** @public */ export declare function generateGulpError(err: any): any; /** * Logs an error to standard error and causes the build to fail. * @param e - the error (can be a string or Error object) * @public */ export declare function writeError(e: any): void; /** * Returns the list of warnings which have been logged * @public */ export declare function getWarnings(): string[]; /** * Returns the list of errors which have been logged * @public */ export declare function getErrors(): string[]; /** @public */ export declare function getStart(): [number, number] | undefined; /** * @public */ export declare function setWatchMode(): void; /** * @public */ export declare function getWatchMode(): boolean | undefined; /** * @public */ export declare function setExitCode(exitCode: number): void; /** * @public */ export declare function logStartSubtask(name: string): void; /** * @public */ export declare function logEndSubtask(name: string, startTime: [number, number], errorObject?: Error): void; /** * @public */ export declare function initialize(gulp: typeof Gulp, config: IBuildConfig, gulpErrorCallback?: (err: Error) => void, gulpStopCallback?: (err: Error) => void): void; /** * @public */ export declare function markTaskCreationTime(): void; //#