/** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. * See License in the project root for license information. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @module GraphResponseHandler * References - https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#responses */ import { GraphRequestCallback } from "./IGraphRequestCallback"; import { ResponseType } from "./ResponseType"; /** * @enum * Enum for document types * @property {string} TEXT_HTML - The text/html content type * @property {string} TEXT_XML - The text/xml content type * @property {string} APPLICATION_XML - The application/xml content type * @property {string} APPLICATION_XHTML - The application/xhml+xml content type */ export declare enum DocumentType { TEXT_HTML = "text/html", TEXT_XML = "text/xml", APPLICATION_XML = "application/xml", APPLICATION_XHTML = "application/xhtml+xml" } /** * @class * Class for GraphResponseHandler */ export declare class GraphResponseHandler { /** * @private * @static * To parse Document response * @param {Response} rawResponse - The response object * @param {DocumentType} type - The type to which the document needs to be parsed * @returns A promise that resolves to a document content */ private static parseDocumentResponse; /** * @private * @static * @async * To convert the native Response to response content * @param {Response} rawResponse - The response object * @param {ResponseType} [responseType] - The response type value * @returns A promise that resolves to the converted response content */ private static convertResponse; /** * @public * @static * @async * To get the parsed response * @param {Response} rawResponse - The response object * @param {ResponseType} [responseType] - The response type value * @param {GraphRequestCallback} [callback] - The graph request callback function * @returns The parsed response */ static getResponse(rawResponse: Response, responseType?: ResponseType, callback?: GraphRequestCallback): Promise; }