/** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. * See License in the project root for license information. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @module MiddlewareControl */ import { MiddlewareOptions } from "./options/IMiddlewareOptions"; /** * @class * Class representing MiddlewareControl */ export declare class MiddlewareControl { /** * @private * A member holding map of MiddlewareOptions */ private middlewareOptions; /** * @public * @constructor * Creates an instance of MiddlewareControl * @param {MiddlewareOptions[]} [middlewareOptions = []] - The array of middlewareOptions * @returns The instance of MiddlewareControl */ constructor(middlewareOptions?: MiddlewareOptions[]); /** * @public * To get the middleware option using the class of the option * @param {Function} fn - The class of the strongly typed option class * @returns The middleware option * @example * // if you wanted to return the middleware option associated with this class (MiddlewareControl) * // call this function like this: * getMiddlewareOptions(MiddlewareControl) */ getMiddlewareOptions(fn: Function): MiddlewareOptions; /** * @public * To set the middleware options using the class of the option * @param {Function} fn - The class of the strongly typed option class * @param {MiddlewareOptions} option - The strongly typed middleware option * @returns nothing */ setMiddlewareOptions(fn: Function, option: MiddlewareOptions): void; }