/** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. * See License in the project root for license information. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @module ChaosHandlerOptions */ import { ChaosStrategy } from "./ChaosStrategy"; import { MiddlewareOptions } from "./IMiddlewareOptions"; /** * Class representing ChaosHandlerOptions * @class * Class * @implements MiddlewareOptions */ export declare class ChaosHandlerOptions implements MiddlewareOptions { /** * Specifies the startegy used for the Testing Handler -> RANDOM/MANUAL * * @public */ chaosStrategy: ChaosStrategy; /** * Status code to be returned in the response * * @public */ statusCode: number; /** * The Message to be returned in the response * * @public */ statusMessage: string; /** * The percentage of randomness/chaos in the handler * * Setting the default value as 10% * @public */ chaosPercentage: number; /** * The response body to be returned in the response * * @public */ responseBody: any; /** * The response headers to be returned in the response * * @public */ headers: Headers; /** * @public * @constructor * To create an instance of Testing Handler Options * @param {ChaosStrategy} chaosStrategy - Specifies the startegy used for the Testing Handler -> RAMDOM/MANUAL * @param {string} statusMessage - The Message to be returned in the response * @param {number?} statusCode - The statusCode to be returned in the response * @param {number?} chaosPercentage - The percentage of randomness/chaos in the handler * @param {any?} responseBody - The response body to be returned in the response * @returns An instance of ChaosHandlerOptions */ constructor(chaosStrategy?: ChaosStrategy, statusMessage?: string, statusCode?: number, chaosPercentage?: number, responseBody?: any, headers?: Headers); }