/** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. * See License in the project root for license information. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ import { Client } from "../index"; import { UploadEventHandlers } from "./FileUploadTask/Interfaces/IUploadEventHandlers"; import { Range } from "./FileUploadTask/Range"; import { UploadResult } from "./FileUploadTask/UploadResult"; /** * @interface * Signature to representing key value pairs * @property {[key: string] : string | number} - The Key value pair */ interface KeyValuePairObjectStringNumber { [key: string]: string | number; } /** * @interface * Signature to define options for upload task * @property {number} [rangeSize = LargeFileUploadTask.DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE] - Specifies the range chunk size * @property {UploadEventHandlers} uploadEventHandlers - UploadEventHandlers attached to an upload task */ export interface LargeFileUploadTaskOptions { rangeSize?: number; uploadEventHandlers?: UploadEventHandlers; } /** * @interface * Signature to represent upload session resulting from the session creation in the server * @property {string} url - The URL to which the file upload is made * @property {Date} expiry - The expiration of the time of the upload session */ export interface LargeFileUploadSession { url: string; expiry: Date; isCancelled?: boolean; } /** * @type * Representing the return type of the sliceFile function that is type of the slice of a given range. */ export type SliceType = ArrayBuffer | Blob | Uint8Array; /** * @interface * Signature to define the properties and content of the file in upload task * @property {ArrayBuffer | File} content - The actual file content * @property {string} name - Specifies the file name with extension * @property {number} size - Specifies size of the file */ export interface FileObject { content: T; name: string; size: number; sliceFile(range: Range): SliceType | Promise; } /** * @class * Class representing LargeFileUploadTask */ export declare class LargeFileUploadTask { /** * @private * Default value for the rangeSize */ private DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE; /** * @protected * The GraphClient instance */ protected client: Client; /** * @protected * The object holding file details */ protected file: FileObject; /** * @protected * The object holding options for the task */ protected options: LargeFileUploadTaskOptions; /** * @protected * The object for upload session */ protected uploadSession: LargeFileUploadSession; /** * @protected * The next range needs to be uploaded */ protected nextRange: Range; /** * @public * @static * @async * Makes request to the server to create an upload session * @param {Client} client - The GraphClient instance * @param {string} requestUrl - The URL to create the upload session * @param {any} payload - The payload that needs to be sent * @param {KeyValuePairObjectStringNumber} headers - The headers that needs to be sent * @returns The promise that resolves to LargeFileUploadSession */ static createUploadSession(client: Client, requestUrl: string, payload: any, headers?: KeyValuePairObjectStringNumber): Promise; /** * @public * @constructor * Constructs a LargeFileUploadTask * @param {Client} client - The GraphClient instance * @param {FileObject} file - The FileObject holding details of a file that needs to be uploaded * @param {LargeFileUploadSession} uploadSession - The upload session to which the upload has to be done * @param {LargeFileUploadTaskOptions} options - The upload task options * @returns An instance of LargeFileUploadTask */ constructor(client: Client, file: FileObject, uploadSession: LargeFileUploadSession, options?: LargeFileUploadTaskOptions); /** * @private * Parses given range string to the Range instance * @param {string[]} ranges - The ranges value * @returns The range instance */ private parseRange; /** * @private * Updates the expiration date and the next range * @param {UploadStatusResponse} response - The response of the upload status * @returns Nothing */ private updateTaskStatus; /** * @public * Gets next range that needs to be uploaded * @returns The range instance */ getNextRange(): Range; /** * @deprecated This function has been moved into FileObject interface. * @public * Slices the file content to the given range * @param {Range} range - The range value * @returns The sliced ArrayBuffer or Blob */ sliceFile(range: Range): ArrayBuffer | Blob; /** * @public * @async * Uploads file to the server in a sequential order by slicing the file * @returns The promise resolves to uploaded response */ upload(): Promise; private reportProgress; /** * @public * @async * Uploads given slice to the server * @param {ArrayBuffer | Blob | File} fileSlice - The file slice * @param {Range} range - The range value * @param {number} totalSize - The total size of a complete file * @returns The response body of the upload slice result */ uploadSlice(fileSlice: ArrayBuffer | Blob | File, range: Range, totalSize: number): Promise; /** * @public * @async * Uploads given slice to the server * @param {unknown} fileSlice - The file slice * @param {Range} range - The range value * @param {number} totalSize - The total size of a complete file * @returns The raw response of the upload slice result */ uploadSliceGetRawResponse(fileSlice: unknown, range: Range, totalSize: number): Promise; /** * @public * @async * Deletes upload session in the server * @returns The promise resolves to cancelled response */ cancel(): Promise; /** * @public * @async * Gets status for the upload session * @returns The promise resolves to the status enquiry response */ getStatus(): Promise; /** * @public * @async * Resumes upload session and continue uploading the file from the last sent range * @returns The promise resolves to the uploaded response */ resume(): Promise; /** * @public * @async * Get the upload session information * @returns The large file upload session */ getUploadSession(): LargeFileUploadSession; } export {};