import { DocNode, type IDocNodeParameters, DocNodeKind } from './DocNode'; import type { TokenSequence } from '../parser/TokenSequence'; /** * Indicates the type of {@link DocExcerpt}. */ export declare enum ExcerptKind { Spacing = "Spacing", BlockTag = "BlockTag", CodeSpan_OpeningDelimiter = "CodeSpan_OpeningDelimiter", CodeSpan_Code = "CodeSpan_Code", CodeSpan_ClosingDelimiter = "CodeSpan_ClosingDelimiter", DeclarationReference_PackageName = "DeclarationReference_PackageName", DeclarationReference_ImportPath = "DeclarationReference_ImportPath", DeclarationReference_ImportHash = "DeclarationReference_ImportHash", /** * Input characters that were reported as an error and do not appear to be part of a valid expression. * A syntax highlighter might display them with an error color (e.g. red). */ ErrorText = "ErrorText", /** * Input characters that do not conform to the TSDoc specification, but were recognized by the parser, for example * as a known JSDoc pattern. A syntax highlighter should not display them with an error color (e.g. red) * because the error reporting may be suppressed for "lax" parsing of legacy source code. */ NonstandardText = "NonstandardText", EscapedText = "EscapedText", FencedCode_OpeningFence = "FencedCode_OpeningFence", FencedCode_Language = "FencedCode_Language", FencedCode_Code = "FencedCode_Code", FencedCode_ClosingFence = "FencedCode_ClosingFence", HtmlAttribute_Name = "HtmlAttribute_Name", HtmlAttribute_Equals = "HtmlAttribute_Equals", HtmlAttribute_Value = "HtmlAttribute_Value", HtmlEndTag_OpeningDelimiter = "HtmlEndTag_OpeningDelimiter", HtmlEndTag_Name = "HtmlEndTag_Name", HtmlEndTag_ClosingDelimiter = "HtmlEndTag_ClosingDelimiter", HtmlStartTag_OpeningDelimiter = "HtmlStartTag_OpeningDelimiter", HtmlStartTag_Name = "HtmlStartTag_Name", HtmlStartTag_ClosingDelimiter = "HtmlStartTag_ClosingDelimiter", InlineTag_OpeningDelimiter = "InlineTag_OpeningDelimiter", InlineTag_TagName = "InlineTag_TagName", InlineTag_TagContent = "InlineTag_TagContent", InlineTag_ClosingDelimiter = "InlineTag_ClosingDelimiter", LinkTag_UrlDestination = "LinkTag_UrlDestination", LinkTag_Pipe = "LinkTag_Pipe", LinkTag_LinkText = "LinkTag_LinkText", MemberIdentifier_LeftQuote = "MemberIdentifier_LeftQuote", MemberIdentifier_Identifier = "MemberIdentifier_Identifier", MemberIdentifier_RightQuote = "MemberIdentifier_RightQuote", MemberReference_Dot = "MemberReference_Dot", MemberReference_LeftParenthesis = "MemberReference_LeftParenthesis", MemberReference_Colon = "MemberReference_Colon", MemberReference_RightParenthesis = "MemberReference_RightParenthesis", MemberSelector = "MemberSelector", DocMemberSymbol_LeftBracket = "DocMemberSymbol_LeftBracket", DocMemberSymbol_RightBracket = "DocMemberSymbol_RightBracket", ParamBlock_ParameterName = "ParamBlock_ParameterName", ParamBlock_Hyphen = "ParamBlock_Hyphen", PlainText = "PlainText", SoftBreak = "SoftBreak" } /** * Constructor parameters for {@link DocExcerpt}. */ export interface IDocExcerptParameters extends IDocNodeParameters { excerptKind: ExcerptKind; content: TokenSequence; } /** * Represents a parsed token sequence. * * @remarks * When a `DocNode` is created by parsing a doc comment, it will have `DocExcerpt` child nodes corresponding to * the parsed syntax elements such as names, keywords, punctuation, and spaces. These excerpts indicate the original * coordinates of the syntax element, and thus can be used for syntax highlighting and precise error reporting. * They could also be used to rewrite specific words in a source file (e.g. renaming a parameter) without disturbing * any other characters in the file. * * Every parsed character will correspond to at most one DocExcerpt object. In other words, excerpts never overlap. * A given excerpt can span multiple comment lines, and it may contain gaps, for example to skip the `*` character * that starts a new TSDoc comment line. */ export declare class DocExcerpt extends DocNode { private readonly _excerptKind; private readonly _content; /** * Don't call this directly. Instead use {@link TSDocParser} * @internal */ constructor(parameters: IDocExcerptParameters); /** @override */ get kind(): DocNodeKind | string; /** * Indicates the kind of DocExcerpt. */ get excerptKind(): ExcerptKind; /** * The input token sequence corresponding to this excerpt. * @remarks * Note that a token sequence can span multiple input lines and may contain gaps, for example to skip the `*` * character that starts a new TSDoc comment line. */ get content(): TokenSequence; } //#