var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('pathe'); var pluginutils = require('@rollup/pluginutils'); var estreeWalker = require('estree-walker'); var MagicString = require('magic-string'); var defu = require('defu'); function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } function _interopNamespace(e) { if (e && e.__esModule) return e; var n = Object.create(null); if (e) { Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) { if (k !== 'default') { var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k); Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : { enumerable: true, get: function () { return e[k]; } }); } }); } n["default"] = e; return n; } var fs__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(fs); var path__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(path); var path__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(path); var MagicString__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(MagicString); var addEntry = function addEntry(_ref) { var entryName = _ref.entryName, entryPath = _ref.entryPath, fileName = _ref.fileName, _ref$inject = _ref.inject, inject = _ref$inject === void 0 ? 'entry' : _ref$inject; var devEntryPath = entryPath.startsWith('virtual:mf') ? '@id/' + entryPath : entryPath; var entryFiles = []; var htmlFilePath; var _command; var emitFileId; var viteConfig; return [{ name: 'add-entry', apply: 'serve', config: function config(_config, _ref2) { var command = _ref2.command; _command = command; }, configResolved: function configResolved(config) { viteConfig = config; devEntryPath = config.base + devEntryPath.replace(/\\\\?/g, '/').replace(/.+?\:([/\\])[/\\]?/, '$1').replace(/^\//, ''); }, configureServer: function configureServer(server) { var _server$httpServer; (_server$httpServer = server.httpServer) == null || _server$httpServer.once == null || _server$httpServer.once('listening', function () { var port = server.config.server.port; fetch("http://localhost:" + port + devEntryPath)["catch"](function (e) {}); }); server.middlewares.use(function (req, res, next) { if (!fileName) { next(); return; } if (req.url && req.url.startsWith((viteConfig.base + fileName).replace(/^\/?/, '/'))) { req.url = devEntryPath; } next(); }); }, transformIndexHtml: function transformIndexHtml(c) { return c.replace('', ""); } }, { name: 'add-entry', enforce: 'post', configResolved: function configResolved(config) { viteConfig = config; var inputOptions =; if (!inputOptions) { htmlFilePath = path__namespace.resolve(config.root, 'index.html'); } else if (typeof inputOptions === 'string') { entryFiles = [inputOptions]; htmlFilePath = path__namespace.resolve(config.root, inputOptions); } else if (Array.isArray(inputOptions)) { entryFiles = inputOptions; htmlFilePath = path__namespace.resolve(config.root, inputOptions[0]); } else if (typeof inputOptions === 'object') { entryFiles = Object.values(inputOptions); htmlFilePath = path__namespace.resolve(config.root, Object.values(inputOptions)[0]); } }, buildStart: function buildStart() { if (_command === 'serve') return; var hasHash = fileName == null || fileName.includes == null ? void 0 : fileName.includes('[hash'); var emitFileOptions = { name: entryName, type: 'chunk', id: entryPath, preserveSignature: 'strict' }; if (!hasHash) { emitFileOptions.fileName = fileName; } emitFileId = this.emitFile(emitFileOptions); if (htmlFilePath) { var htmlContent = fs__namespace.readFileSync(htmlFilePath, 'utf-8'); var scriptRegex = /]*src=["']([^"']+)["'][^>]*>/gi; var match; while ((match = scriptRegex.exec(htmlContent)) !== null) { entryFiles.push(match[1]); } } }, generateBundle: function generateBundle(options, bundle) { if (inject !== 'html') return; var file = this.getFileName(emitFileId); var scriptContent = "\n \n "; for (var _fileName in bundle) { if (_fileName.endsWith('.html')) { var htmlAsset = bundle[_fileName]; if (htmlAsset.type === 'chunk') return; var htmlContent = htmlAsset.source.toString() || ''; htmlContent = htmlContent.replace('', "" + scriptContent); htmlAsset.source = htmlContent; } } }, transform: function transform(code, id) { if (inject === 'entry' && entryFiles.some(function (file) { return id.endsWith(file); })) { var injection = "\n import " + JSON.stringify(entryPath) + ";\n "; return injection + code; } } }]; }; /** * Solve the problem that dev mode dependency prebunding does not support top-level await syntax */ function PluginDevProxyModuleTopLevelAwait() { var filterFunction = pluginutils.createFilter(); return { name: 'dev-proxy-module-top-level-await', apply: 'serve', transform: function transform(code, id) { if (!code.includes('/*mf top-level-await placeholder replacement mf*/')) { return null; } if (!filterFunction(id)) return null; var ast; try { ast = this.parse(code, { allowReturnOutsideFunction: true }); } catch (e) { throw new Error(id + ": " + e); } var magicString = new MagicString__default["default"](code); estreeWalker.walk(ast, { enter: function enter(node) { if (node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && node.specifiers) { var exportSpecifiers = (specifier) { return; }); var proxyStatements = (name) { return "\n const __mfproxy__await" + name + " = await " + name + "();\n const __mfproxy__" + name + " = () => __mfproxy__await" + name + ";\n "; }).join('\n'); var exportStatements = (name) { return "__mfproxy__" + name + " as " + name; }).join(', '); var start = node.start; var end = node.end; var replacement = proxyStatements + "\nexport { " + exportStatements + " };"; magicString.overwrite(start, end, replacement); } if (node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration') { var declaration = node.declaration; var _start = node.start; var _end = node.end; var proxyStatement; var exportStatement = 'default'; if (declaration.type === 'Identifier') { // example: export default foo; proxyStatement = "\n const __mfproxy__awaitdefault = await " + + "();\n const __mfproxy__default = __mfproxy__awaitdefault;\n "; } else if (declaration.type === 'CallExpression' || declaration.type === 'FunctionDeclaration') { // example: export default someFunction(); var declarationCode = code.slice(declaration.start, declaration.end); proxyStatement = "\n const __mfproxy__awaitdefault = await (" + declarationCode + ");\n const __mfproxy__default = __mfproxy__awaitdefault;\n "; } else { // other proxyStatement = "\n const __mfproxy__awaitdefault = await (" + code.slice(declaration.start, declaration.end) + ");\n const __mfproxy__default = __mfproxy__awaitdefault;\n "; } var _replacement = proxyStatement + "\nexport { __mfproxy__default as " + exportStatement + " };"; magicString.overwrite(_start, _end, _replacement); } } }); return { code: magicString.toString(), map: magicString.generateMap({ hires: true }) }; } }; } function _arrayLikeToArray(r, a) { (null == a || a > r.length) && (a = r.length); for (var e = 0, n = Array(a); e < a; e++) n[e] = r[e]; return n; } function _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(r, e) { var t = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && r[Symbol.iterator] || r["@@iterator"]; if (t) return (t =; if (Array.isArray(r) || (t = _unsupportedIterableToArray(r)) || e && r && "number" == typeof r.length) { t && (r = t); var o = 0; return function () { return o >= r.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: r[o++] }; }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } function _extends() { return _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (n) { for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) { var t = arguments[e]; for (var r in t) ({}), r) && (n[r] = t[r]); } return n; }, _extends.apply(null, arguments); } function _unsupportedIterableToArray(r, a) { if (r) { if ("string" == typeof r) return _arrayLikeToArray(r, a); var t = {}, -1); return "Object" === t && r.constructor && (t =, "Map" === t || "Set" === t ? Array.from(r) : "Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t) ? _arrayLikeToArray(r, a) : void 0; } } var warn = function warn(message) { return message.split('\n').forEach(function (msg) { return console.warn('\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m', msg); }); }; function normalizeExposesItem(key, item) { var importPath = ''; if (typeof item === 'string') { importPath = item; } if (typeof item === 'object') { importPath = item["import"]; } return { "import": importPath }; } function normalizeExposes(exposes) { if (!exposes) return {}; var res = {}; Object.keys(exposes).forEach(function (key) { res[key] = normalizeExposesItem(key, exposes[key]); }); return res; } function normalizeRemotes(remotes) { if (!remotes) return {}; var result = {}; if (typeof remotes === 'object') { Object.keys(remotes).forEach(function (key) { result[key] = normalizeRemoteItem(key, remotes[key]); }); } return result; } function normalizeRemoteItem(key, remote) { if (typeof remote === 'string') { var _remote$split = remote.split('@'), entryGlobalName = _remote$split[0]; var entry = remote.replace(entryGlobalName + '@', ''); return { type: 'var', name: key, entry: entry, entryGlobalName: entryGlobalName, shareScope: 'default' }; } return Object.assign({ type: 'var', name: key, shareScope: 'default', entryGlobalName: key }, remote); } function removePathFromNpmPackage(packageString) { // 匹配npm包名的正则表达式,忽略路径部分 var regex = /^(?:@[^/]+\/)?[^/]+/; // 使用正则表达式匹配并提取包名 var match = packageString.match(regex); // 返回匹配到的包名,如果没有匹配到则返回原字符串 return match ? match[0] : packageString; } function normalizeShareItem(key, shareItem) { var version; try { version = require(path__namespace.join(removePathFromNpmPackage(key), 'package.json')).version; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } if (typeof shareItem === 'string') { return { name: shareItem, version: version, scope: 'default', from: '', shareConfig: { singleton: false, requiredVersion: version ? "^" + version : '*' } }; } return { name: key, from: '', version: shareItem.version || version, scope: shareItem.shareScope || 'default', shareConfig: { singleton: shareItem.singleton || false, requiredVersion: shareItem.requiredVersion || (version ? "^" + version : '*'), strictVersion: !!shareItem.strictVersion } }; } function normalizeShared(shared) { if (!shared) return {}; var result = {}; if (Array.isArray(shared)) { shared.forEach(function (key) { result[key] = normalizeShareItem(key, key); }); return result; } if (typeof shared === 'object') { Object.keys(shared).forEach(function (key) { result[key] = normalizeShareItem(key, shared[key]); }); } return result; } function normalizeLibrary(library) { if (!library) return undefined; return library; } function normalizeManifest(manifest) { if (manifest === void 0) { manifest = false; } if (typeof manifest === 'boolean') { return manifest; } return Object.assign({ filePath: '', disableAssetsAnalyze: false, fileName: 'mf-manifest.json' }, manifest); } var config; function getNormalizeModuleFederationOptions() { return config; } function getNormalizeShareItem(key) { var options = getNormalizeModuleFederationOptions(); var shareItem = options.shared[removePathFromNpmPackage(key)] || options.shared[removePathFromNpmPackage(key) + '/']; return shareItem; } function normalizeModuleFederationOptions(options) { if (options.getPublicPath) { warn("We are ignoring the getPublicPath options because they are natively supported by Vite\nwith the \"experimental.renderBuiltUrl\" configuration"); } return config = { exposes: normalizeExposes(options.exposes), filename: options.filename || 'remoteEntry-[hash]', library: normalizeLibrary(options.library), name:, // remoteType: options.remoteType, remotes: normalizeRemotes(options.remotes), runtime: options.runtime, shareScope: options.shareScope || 'default', shared: normalizeShared(options.shared), runtimePlugins: options.runtimePlugins || [], implementation: options.implementation, manifest: normalizeManifest(options.manifest), dev:, dts: options.dts, getPublicPath: options.getPublicPath, shareStrategy: options.shareStrategy || 'version-first' }; } /** * Escaping rules: * Convert using the format __${mapping}__, where _ and $ are not allowed in npm package names but can be used in variable names. * @ => 1 * / => 2 * - => 3 * . => 4 */ /** * Encodes a package name into a valid file name. * @param {string} name - The package name, e.g., "@scope/xx-xx.xx". * @returns {string} - The encoded file name. */ function packageNameEncode(name) { if (typeof name !== 'string') throw new Error('A string package name is required'); return name.replace(/@/g, '_mf_0_').replace(/\//g, '_mf_1_').replace(/-/g, '_mf_2_').replace(/\./g, '_mf_3_'); } /** * Decodes an encoded file name back to the original package name. * @param {string} encoded - The encoded file name, e.g., "_mf_0_scope_mf_1_xx_mf_2_xx_mf_3_xx". * @returns {string} - The decoded package name. */ function packageNameDecode(encoded) { if (typeof encoded !== 'string') throw new Error('A string encoded file name is required'); return encoded.replace(/_mf_0_/g, '@').replace(/_mf_1_/g, '/').replace(/_mf_2_/g, '-').replace(/_mf_3_/g, '.'); } /** * */ function getLocalSharedImportMapPath_temp() { var _getNormalizeModuleFe = getNormalizeModuleFederationOptions(), name =; return path__default["default"].resolve('.__mf__temp', packageNameEncode(name), 'localSharedImportMap'); } function writeLocalSharedImportMap_temp(content) { var localSharedImportMapId = getLocalSharedImportMapPath_temp(); createFile(localSharedImportMapId + '.js', '\n// Windows temporarily needs this file,\n' + content); } function createFile(filePath, content) { var dir = path__default["default"].dirname(filePath); fs.mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true }); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content); } var nodeModulesDir = function findNodeModulesDir(startDir) { if (startDir === void 0) { startDir = process.cwd(); } var currentDir = startDir; while (currentDir !== path.parse(currentDir).root) { var nodeModulesPath = path.join(currentDir, 'node_modules'); if (fs.existsSync(nodeModulesPath)) { return nodeModulesPath; } currentDir = path.dirname(currentDir); } return ''; }(); var virtualPackageName = '__mf__virtual'; if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(nodeModulesDir, virtualPackageName))) { fs.mkdirSync(path.resolve(nodeModulesDir, virtualPackageName)); } fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(nodeModulesDir, virtualPackageName, 'empty.js'), ''); fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(nodeModulesDir, virtualPackageName, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify({ name: virtualPackageName, main: 'empty.js' })); var patternMap = {}; var cacheMap = {}; /** * Physically generate files as virtual modules under node_modules/__mf__virtual/* */ var VirtualModule = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function VirtualModule(name, tag, suffix) { var _name$split$slice$pop; if (tag === void 0) { tag = '__mf_v__'; } if (suffix === void 0) { suffix = ''; } = void 0; this.tag = void 0; this.suffix = void 0; this.inited = false; = name; this.tag = tag; this.suffix = suffix || ((_name$split$slice$pop = name.split('.').slice(1).pop()) == null ? void 0 : _name$split$slice$pop.replace(/(.)/, '.$1')) || '.js'; if (!cacheMap[this.tag]) cacheMap[this.tag] = {}; cacheMap[this.tag][] = this; } VirtualModule.findModule = function findModule(tag, str) { if (str === void 0) { str = ''; } if (!patternMap[tag]) patternMap[tag] = new RegExp("(.*" + packageNameEncode(tag) + "(.+?)" + packageNameEncode(tag) + ".*)"); var moduleName = (str.match(patternMap[tag]) || [])[2]; if (moduleName) return cacheMap[tag][packageNameDecode(moduleName)]; return undefined; }; var _proto = VirtualModule.prototype; _proto.getPath = function getPath() { return path.resolve(nodeModulesDir, this.getImportId()); }; _proto.getImportId = function getImportId() { var _getNormalizeModuleFe = getNormalizeModuleFederationOptions(), mfName =; return virtualPackageName + "/" + packageNameEncode("" + mfName + this.tag + + this.tag) + this.suffix; }; _proto.writeSync = function writeSync(code, force) { if (!force && this.inited) return; if (!this.inited) { this.inited = true; } fs.writeFileSync(this.getPath(), code); }; _proto.write = function write(code) { fs.writeFile(this.getPath(), code, function () {}); }; return VirtualModule; }(); var VIRTUAL_EXPOSES = 'virtual:mf-exposes'; function generateExposes() { var options = getNormalizeModuleFederationOptions(); return "\n export default {\n " + Object.keys(options.exposes).map(function (key) { return "\n " + JSON.stringify(key) + ": async () => {\n const importModule = await import(" + JSON.stringify(options.exposes[key]["import"]) + ")\n const exportModule = {}\n Object.assign(exportModule, importModule)\n Object.defineProperty(exportModule, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true,\n enumerable: false\n })\n return exportModule\n }\n "; }).join(',') + "\n }\n "; } var virtualRuntimeInitStatus = new VirtualModule('runtimeInit'); function writeRuntimeInitStatus() { virtualRuntimeInitStatus.writeSync("\n let initResolve, initReject\n const initPromise = new Promise((re, rj) => {\n initResolve = re\n initReject = rj\n })\n module.exports = {\n initPromise,\n initResolve,\n initReject\n }\n "); } var cacheRemoteMap = {}; var LOAD_REMOTE_TAG = '__loadRemote__'; function getRemoteVirtualModule(remote, command) { if (!cacheRemoteMap[remote]) { cacheRemoteMap[remote] = new VirtualModule(remote, LOAD_REMOTE_TAG, '.js'); cacheRemoteMap[remote].writeSync(generateRemotes(remote, command)); } var virtual = cacheRemoteMap[remote]; return virtual; } var usedRemotesMap = { // remote1: {remote1/App, remote1, remote1/Button} }; function addUsedRemote(remoteKey, remoteModule) { if (!usedRemotesMap[remoteKey]) usedRemotesMap[remoteKey] = new Set(); usedRemotesMap[remoteKey].add(remoteModule); } function getUsedRemotesMap() { return usedRemotesMap; } function generateRemotes(id, command) { return "\n const {loadRemote} = require(\"@module-federation/runtime\")\n const {initPromise} = require(\"" + virtualRuntimeInitStatus.getImportId() + "\")\n const res = initPromise.then(_ => loadRemote(" + JSON.stringify(id) + "))\n const exportModule = " + (command !== 'build' ? '/*mf top-level-await placeholder replacement mf*/' : 'await ') + "initPromise.then(_ => res)\n module.exports = exportModule\n "; } /** * Even the resolveId hook cannot interfere with vite pre-build, * and adding query parameter virtual modules will also fail. * You can only proxy to the real file through alias */ // *** __prebuild__ var preBuildCacheMap = {}; var PREBUILD_TAG = '__prebuild__'; function writePreBuildLibPath(pkg) { if (!preBuildCacheMap[pkg]) preBuildCacheMap[pkg] = new VirtualModule(pkg, PREBUILD_TAG); preBuildCacheMap[pkg].writeSync(''); } function getPreBuildLibImportId(pkg) { if (!preBuildCacheMap[pkg]) preBuildCacheMap[pkg] = new VirtualModule(pkg, PREBUILD_TAG); var importId = preBuildCacheMap[pkg].getImportId(); return importId; } // *** __loadShare__ var LOAD_SHARE_TAG = '__loadShare__'; var loadShareCacheMap = {}; function getLoadShareModulePath(pkg) { if (!loadShareCacheMap[pkg]) loadShareCacheMap[pkg] = new VirtualModule(pkg, LOAD_SHARE_TAG, '.js'); var filepath = loadShareCacheMap[pkg].getPath(); return filepath; } function writeLoadShareModule(pkg, shareItem, command) { loadShareCacheMap[pkg].writeSync("\n \n ;() => import(" + JSON.stringify(getPreBuildLibImportId(pkg)) + ").catch(() => {});\n // dev uses dynamic import to separate chunks\n " + (command !== 'build' ? ";() => import(" + JSON.stringify(pkg) + ").catch(() => {});" : '') + "\n const {loadShare} = require(\"@module-federation/runtime\")\n const {initPromise} = require(\"" + virtualRuntimeInitStatus.getImportId() + "\")\n const res = initPromise.then(_ => loadShare(" + JSON.stringify(pkg) + ", {\n customShareInfo: {shareConfig:{\n singleton: " + shareItem.shareConfig.singleton + ",\n strictVersion: " + shareItem.shareConfig.strictVersion + ",\n requiredVersion: " + JSON.stringify(shareItem.shareConfig.requiredVersion) + "\n }}}))\n const exportModule = " + (command !== 'build' ? '/*mf top-level-await placeholder replacement mf*/' : 'await ') + "res.then(factory => factory())\n module.exports = exportModule\n "); } var usedShares = new Set(); function getUsedShares() { return usedShares; } function addUsedShares(pkg) { usedShares.add(pkg); } // *** Expose locally provided shared modules here new VirtualModule('localSharedImportMap'); function getLocalSharedImportMapPath() { return getLocalSharedImportMapPath_temp(); // return localSharedImportMapModule.getPath() } var prevSharedCount; function writeLocalSharedImportMap() { var sharedCount = getUsedShares().size; if (prevSharedCount !== sharedCount) { prevSharedCount = sharedCount; writeLocalSharedImportMap_temp(generateLocalSharedImportMap()); // localSharedImportMapModule.writeSync(generateLocalSharedImportMap(), true) } } function generateLocalSharedImportMap() { var options = getNormalizeModuleFederationOptions(); return "\n const importMap = {\n " + Array.from(getUsedShares()).map(function (pkg) { return "\n " + JSON.stringify(pkg) + ": async () => {\n let pkg = await import(\"" + getPreBuildLibImportId(pkg) + "\")\n return pkg\n }\n "; }).join(',') + "\n }\n const usedShared = {\n " + Array.from(getUsedShares()).map(function (key) { var shareItem = getNormalizeShareItem(key); return "\n " + JSON.stringify(key) + ": {\n name: " + JSON.stringify(key) + ",\n version: " + JSON.stringify(shareItem.version) + ",\n scope: [" + JSON.stringify(shareItem.scope) + "],\n loaded: false,\n from: " + JSON.stringify( + ",\n async get () {\n usedShared[" + JSON.stringify(key) + "].loaded = true\n const {" + JSON.stringify(key) + ": pkgDynamicImport} = importMap \n const res = await pkgDynamicImport()\n const exportModule = {...res}\n // All npm packages pre-built by vite will be converted to esm\n Object.defineProperty(exportModule, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true,\n enumerable: false\n })\n return function () {\n return exportModule\n }\n },\n shareConfig: {\n singleton: " + shareItem.shareConfig.singleton + ",\n requiredVersion: " + JSON.stringify(shareItem.shareConfig.requiredVersion) + "\n }\n }\n "; }).join(',') + "\n }\n const usedRemotes = [" + Object.keys(getUsedRemotesMap()).map(function (key) { var remote = options.remotes[key]; return "\n {\n entryGlobalName: " + JSON.stringify(remote.entryGlobalName) + ",\n name: " + JSON.stringify( + ",\n type: " + JSON.stringify(remote.type) + ",\n entry: " + JSON.stringify(remote.entry) + ",\n }\n "; }).join(',') + "\n ]\n export {\n usedShared,\n usedRemotes\n }\n "; } var REMOTE_ENTRY_ID = 'virtual:mf-REMOTE_ENTRY_ID'; function generateRemoteEntry(options) { var pluginImportNames = (p, i) { return ["$runtimePlugin_" + i, "import $runtimePlugin_" + i + " from \"" + p + "\";"]; }); return "\n import {init as runtimeInit, loadRemote} from \"@module-federation/runtime\";\n " + (item) { return item[1]; }).join('\n') + "\n import exposesMap from \"" + VIRTUAL_EXPOSES + "\"\n import {usedShared, usedRemotes} from \"" + getLocalSharedImportMapPath() + "\"\n import {\n initResolve\n } from \"" + virtualRuntimeInitStatus.getImportId() + "\"\n async function init(shared = {}) {\n const initRes = runtimeInit({\n name: " + JSON.stringify( + ",\n remotes: usedRemotes,\n shared: usedShared,\n plugins: [" + (item) { return item[0] + "()"; }).join(', ') + "],\n " + (options.shareStrategy ? "shareStrategy: '" + options.shareStrategy + "'" : '') + "\n });\n initRes.initShareScopeMap('" + options.shareScope + "', shared);\n try {\n await Promise.all(await initRes.initializeSharing('" + options.shareScope + "', {strategy: '" + options.shareStrategy + "'}));\n } catch (e) {\n console.error(e)\n }\n initResolve(initRes)\n return initRes\n }\n\n function getExposes(moduleName) {\n if (!(moduleName in exposesMap)) throw new Error(`Module ${moduleName} does not exist in container.`)\n return (exposesMap[moduleName])().then(res => () => res)\n }\n export {\n init,\n getExposes as get\n }\n "; } /** * Inject entry file, automatically init when used as host, * and will not inject remoteEntry */ var HOST_AUTO_INIT_TAG = '__H_A_I__'; var hostAutoInitModule = new VirtualModule('hostAutoInit', HOST_AUTO_INIT_TAG); function writeHostAutoInit() { hostAutoInitModule.writeSync("\n import {init} from \"" + REMOTE_ENTRY_ID + "\"\n init()\n "); } function getHostAutoInitImportId() { return hostAutoInitModule.getImportId(); } function getHostAutoInitPath() { return hostAutoInitModule.getPath(); } function initVirtualModules() { writeLocalSharedImportMap(); writeHostAutoInit(); writeRuntimeInitStatus(); } var Manifest = function Manifest() { var mfOptions = getNormalizeModuleFederationOptions(); var name =, filename = mfOptions.filename, getPublicPath = mfOptions.getPublicPath, manifestOptions = mfOptions.manifest; var mfManifestName = ''; if (manifestOptions === true) { mfManifestName = 'mf-manifest.json'; } if (typeof manifestOptions !== 'boolean') { mfManifestName = path.join((manifestOptions == null ? void 0 : manifestOptions.filePath) || '', (manifestOptions == null ? void 0 : manifestOptions.fileName) || ''); } var extensions; var root; var remoteEntryFile; var publicPath; var _command; var viteConfig; return [{ name: 'module-federation-manifest', apply: 'serve', configResolved: function configResolved(config) { viteConfig = config; }, configureServer: function configureServer(server) { server.middlewares.use(function (req, res, next) { if (!mfManifestName) { next(); return; } if (req.url === (viteConfig.base + mfManifestName).replace(/^\/?/, '/')) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); res.end(JSON.stringify(_extends({}, generateMFManifest({}), { id: name, name: name, metaData: { name: name, type: 'app', buildInfo: { buildVersion: '1.0.0', buildName: name }, remoteEntry: { name: filename, path: '', type: 'module' }, ssrRemoteEntry: { name: filename, path: '', type: 'module' }, types: { path: '', name: '' }, globalName: name, pluginVersion: '0.2.5', publicPath: publicPath } }))); } else { next(); } }); } }, { name: 'module-federation-manifest', enforce: 'post', config: function config(_config, _ref) { var command = _ref.command; if (! = {}; if (! = || !!manifestOptions; _command = command; }, configResolved: function configResolved(config) { root = config.root; extensions = config.resolve.extensions || ['.mjs', '.js', '.mts', '.ts', '.jsx', '.tsx', '.json']; var base = config.base; if (_command === 'serve') { base = (config.server.origin || '') + config.base; } publicPath = base ? base.replace(/\/?$/, '/') : 'auto'; }, generateBundle: function generateBundle(options, bundle) { try { var _this = this; // 递归查找模块的同步导入文件 var _findSynchronousImports = function findSynchronousImports(fileName, array) { var fileData = bundle[fileName]; if (fileData && fileData.type === 'chunk') { array.push(fileName); // 将当前文件加入预加载列表 // 遍历该文件的同步导入文件 fileData.imports.forEach(function (importedFile) { if (array.indexOf(importedFile) === -1) { _findSynchronousImports(importedFile, array); // 递归查找同步导入的文件 } }); } }; if (!mfManifestName) return Promise.resolve(); var exposesModules = Object.keys(mfOptions.exposes).map(function (item) { return mfOptions.exposes[item]["import"]; }); // 获取你提供的 moduleIds var filesContainingModules = {}; // 帮助函数:检查模块路径是否匹配 var isModuleMatched = function isModuleMatched(relativeModulePath, preloadModule) { // 先尝试直接匹配 if (relativeModulePath === preloadModule) return true; // 如果 preloadModule 没有后缀,尝试添加可能的后缀进行匹配 for (var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(extensions), _step; !(_step = _iterator()).done;) { var ext = _step.value; if (relativeModulePath === "" + preloadModule + ext) { return true; } } return false; }; // 遍历打包生成的每个文件 for (var _i = 0, _Object$entries = Object.entries(bundle); _i < _Object$entries.length; _i++) { var _Object$entries$_i = _Object$entries[_i], fileName = _Object$entries$_i[0], fileData = _Object$entries$_i[1]; if (mfOptions.filename.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '_') === || === 'remoteEntry') { remoteEntryFile = fileData.fileName; } if (fileData.type === 'chunk') { // 遍历该文件的所有模块 for (var _i2 = 0, _Object$keys = Object.keys(fileData.modules); _i2 < _Object$keys.length; _i2++) { var modulePath = _Object$keys[_i2]; // 将绝对路径转换为相对于 Vite root 的相对路径 var relativeModulePath = path.relative(root, modulePath); // 检查模块是否在 preloadModules 列表中 for (var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(exposesModules), _step2; !(_step2 = _iterator2()).done;) { var preloadModule = _step2.value; var formatPreloadModule = preloadModule.replace('./', ''); if (isModuleMatched(relativeModulePath, formatPreloadModule)) { var _filesContainingModul; if (!filesContainingModules[preloadModule]) { filesContainingModules[preloadModule] = { sync: [], async: [] }; } console.log(Object.keys(fileData.modules)); filesContainingModules[preloadModule].sync.push(fileName); (_filesContainingModul = filesContainingModules[preloadModule].async).push.apply(_filesContainingModul, fileData.dynamicImports || []); _findSynchronousImports(fileName, filesContainingModules[preloadModule].sync); break; // 如果找到匹配,跳出循环 } } } } } var fileToShareKey = {}; return Promise.resolve(Promise.all(Array.from(getUsedShares()).map(function (shareKey) { try { return Promise.resolve(_this.resolve(getPreBuildLibImportId(shareKey))).then(function (_this$resolve) { var file = _this$'?')[0]; fileToShareKey[file] = shareKey; }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } }))).then(function () { // 遍历打包生成的每个文件 for (var _i3 = 0, _Object$entries2 = Object.entries(bundle); _i3 < _Object$entries2.length; _i3++) { var _Object$entries2$_i = _Object$entries2[_i3], _fileName = _Object$entries2$_i[0], _fileData = _Object$entries2$_i[1]; if (_fileData.type === 'chunk') { // 遍历该文件的所有模块 for (var _i4 = 0, _Object$keys2 = Object.keys(_fileData.modules); _i4 < _Object$keys2.length; _i4++) { var _modulePath = _Object$keys2[_i4]; var sharedKey = fileToShareKey[_modulePath]; if (sharedKey) { var _filesContainingModul2; if (!filesContainingModules[sharedKey]) { filesContainingModules[sharedKey] = { sync: [], async: [] }; } filesContainingModules[sharedKey].sync.push(_fileName); (_filesContainingModul2 = filesContainingModules[sharedKey].async).push.apply(_filesContainingModul2, _fileData.dynamicImports || []); _findSynchronousImports(_fileName, filesContainingModules[sharedKey].sync); break; // 如果找到匹配,跳出循环 } } } } Object.keys(filesContainingModules).forEach(function (key) { filesContainingModules[key].sync = Array.from(new Set(filesContainingModules[key].sync)); filesContainingModules[key].async = Array.from(new Set(filesContainingModules[key].async)); }); _this.emitFile({ type: 'asset', fileName: mfManifestName, source: JSON.stringify(generateMFManifest(filesContainingModules)) }); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } } }]; function generateMFManifest(preloadMap) { var options = getNormalizeModuleFederationOptions(); var name =; var remoteEntry = { name: remoteEntryFile, path: '', type: 'module' }; var remotes = []; var usedRemotesMap = getUsedRemotesMap(); Object.keys(usedRemotesMap).forEach(function (remoteKey) { var usedModules = Array.from(usedRemotesMap[remoteKey]); usedModules.forEach(function (moduleKey) { remotes.push({ federationContainerName: options.remotes[remoteKey].entry, moduleName: moduleKey.replace(remoteKey, '').replace('/', ''), alias: remoteKey, entry: '*' }); }); }); // @ts-ignore var shared = Array.from(getUsedShares()).map(function (shareKey) { var _preloadMap$shareKey, _preloadMap$shareKey2; var shareItem = getNormalizeShareItem(shareKey); return { id: name + ":" + shareKey, name: shareKey, version: shareItem.version, requiredVersion: shareItem.shareConfig.requiredVersion, assets: { js: { async: (preloadMap == null || (_preloadMap$shareKey = preloadMap[shareKey]) == null ? void 0 : _preloadMap$shareKey.async) || [], sync: (preloadMap == null || (_preloadMap$shareKey2 = preloadMap[shareKey]) == null ? void 0 : _preloadMap$shareKey2.sync) || [] }, css: { async: [], sync: [] } } }; }).filter(function (item) { return item; }); var exposes = Object.keys(options.exposes).map(function (key) { var _preloadMap$sourceFil, _preloadMap$sourceFil2; // assets(.css, .jpg, .svg等)其他资源, 不重要, 暂未处理 var formatKey = key.replace('./', ''); var sourceFile = options.exposes[key]["import"]; return { id: name + ':' + formatKey, name: formatKey, assets: { js: { async: (preloadMap == null || (_preloadMap$sourceFil = preloadMap[sourceFile]) == null ? void 0 : _preloadMap$sourceFil.async) || [], sync: (preloadMap == null || (_preloadMap$sourceFil2 = preloadMap[sourceFile]) == null ? void 0 : _preloadMap$sourceFil2.sync) || [] }, css: { sync: [], async: [] } }, path: key }; }).filter(function (item) { return item; }); // Filter out any null values var result = { id: name, name: name, metaData: _extends({ name: name, type: 'app', buildInfo: { buildVersion: '1.0.0', buildName: name }, remoteEntry: remoteEntry, ssrRemoteEntry: remoteEntry, types: { path: '', name: '' // "zip": "", // "api": "@mf-types.d.ts" }, globalName: name, pluginVersion: '0.2.5' }, !!getPublicPath ? { getPublicPath: getPublicPath } : { publicPath: publicPath }), shared: shared, remotes: remotes, exposes: exposes }; return result; } }; var _resolve, promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { _resolve = resolve; }); var parsePromise = promise; var exposesParseEnd = false; var parseStartSet = new Set(); var parseEndSet = new Set(); function pluginModuleParseEnd (excludeFn) { return [{ name: '_', apply: 'serve', config: function config() { // No waiting in development mode _resolve(1); } }, { enforce: 'pre', name: 'parseStart', apply: 'build', load: function load(id) { if (excludeFn(id)) { return; } parseStartSet.add(id); } }, { enforce: 'post', name: 'parseEnd', apply: 'build', moduleParsed: function moduleParsed(module) { var id =; if (id === VIRTUAL_EXPOSES) { // When the entry JS file is empty and only contains exposes export code, it’s necessary to wait for the exposes modules to be resolved in order to collect the dependencies being used. exposesParseEnd = true; } if (excludeFn(id)) { return; } parseEndSet.add(id); if (exposesParseEnd && parseStartSet.size === parseEndSet.size) { _resolve(1); } } }]; } var filter = pluginutils.createFilter(); function pluginProxyRemoteEntry () { return { name: 'proxyRemoteEntry', enforce: 'post', resolveId: function resolveId(id) { if (id === REMOTE_ENTRY_ID) { return REMOTE_ENTRY_ID; } if (id === VIRTUAL_EXPOSES) { return VIRTUAL_EXPOSES; } }, load: function load(id) { if (id === REMOTE_ENTRY_ID) { return parsePromise.then(function (_) { return generateRemoteEntry(getNormalizeModuleFederationOptions()); }); } if (id === VIRTUAL_EXPOSES) { return generateExposes(); } }, transform: function transform(code, id) { try { if (!filter(id)) return Promise.resolve(); if (id.includes(REMOTE_ENTRY_ID)) { return Promise.resolve(parsePromise.then(function (_) { return generateRemoteEntry(getNormalizeModuleFederationOptions()); })); } if (id === VIRTUAL_EXPOSES) { return Promise.resolve(generateExposes()); } return Promise.resolve(); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } } }; } pluginutils.createFilter(); function pluginProxyRemotes (options) { var remotes = options.remotes; return { name: 'proxyRemotes', config: function config(_config, _ref) { var _command = _ref.command; Object.keys(remotes).forEach(function (key) { var remote = remotes[key]; _config.resolve.alias.push({ find: new RegExp("^(" + + "(/.*|$))"), replacement: '$1', customResolver: function customResolver(source) { var remoteModule = getRemoteVirtualModule(source, _command); addUsedRemote(, source); return remoteModule.getPath(); } }); }); } }; } /** * example: * const store = new PromiseStore(); * store.get("example").then((result) => { * console.log("Result from example:", result); // 42 * }); * setTimeout(() => { * store.set("example", Promise.resolve(42)); * }, 2000); */ var PromiseStore = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function PromiseStore() { this.promiseMap = new Map(); this.resolveMap = new Map(); } var _proto = PromiseStore.prototype; _proto.set = function set(id, promise) { if (this.resolveMap.has(id)) { promise.then(this.resolveMap.get(id)); this.resolveMap["delete"](id); } this.promiseMap.set(id, promise); }; _proto.get = function get(id) { var _this = this; if (this.promiseMap.has(id)) { return this.promiseMap.get(id); } var pendingPromise = new Promise(function (resolve) { _this.resolveMap.set(id, resolve); }); this.promiseMap.set(id, pendingPromise); return pendingPromise; }; return PromiseStore; }(); function proxySharedModule(options) { var _options$shared = options.shared, shared = _options$shared === void 0 ? {} : _options$shared; var _config; return [{ name: 'generateLocalSharedImportMap', enforce: 'post', load: function load(id) { if (id.includes(getLocalSharedImportMapPath())) { return parsePromise.then(function (_) { return generateLocalSharedImportMap(); }); } }, transform: function transform(code, id) { if (id.includes(getLocalSharedImportMapPath())) { return parsePromise.then(function (_) { return generateLocalSharedImportMap(); }); } } }, { name: 'proxyPreBuildShared', enforce: 'post', configResolved: function configResolved(config) { _config = config; }, config: function config(_config2, _ref) { var _config2$resolve$alia, _config2$resolve$alia2; var command = _ref.command; (_config2$resolve$alia = _config2.resolve.alias).push.apply(_config2$resolve$alia, Object.keys(shared).map(function (key) { var pattern = key.endsWith('/') ? "(^" + key.replace(/\/$/, '') + "(/.+)?$)" : "(^" + key + "$)"; return { // Intercept all shared requests and proxy them to loadShare find: new RegExp(pattern), replacement: '$1', customResolver: function customResolver(source, importer) { if (/\.css$/.test(source)) return; var loadSharePath = getLoadShareModulePath(source); writeLoadShareModule(source, shared[key], command); writePreBuildLibPath(source); addUsedShares(source); writeLocalSharedImportMap(); return this.resolve(loadSharePath); } }; })); var savePrebuild = new PromiseStore(); (_config2$resolve$alia2 = _config2.resolve.alias).push.apply(_config2$resolve$alia2, Object.keys(shared).map(function (key) { return command === 'build' ? { find: new RegExp("(.*" + PREBUILD_TAG + ".*)"), replacement: function replacement($1) { var pkgName = VirtualModule.findModule(PREBUILD_TAG, $1).name; return pkgName; } } : { find: new RegExp("(.*" + PREBUILD_TAG + ".*)"), replacement: '$1', customResolver: function customResolver(source, importer) { try { var _this = this; var pkgName = VirtualModule.findModule(PREBUILD_TAG, source).name; return Promise.resolve(_this.resolve(pkgName).then(function (item) { return; })).then(function (result) { if (!result.includes(_config.cacheDir)) { // save pre-bunding module id savePrebuild.set(pkgName, Promise.resolve(result)); } // Fix localSharedImportMap import id var _resolve = _this.resolve; return Promise.resolve(savePrebuild.get(pkgName)).then(function (_savePrebuild$get) { return Promise.resolve(, _savePrebuild$get)); }); }); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } } }; })); } }, { name: 'watchLocalSharedImportMap', apply: 'serve', config: function config(_config3) { _config3.optimizeDeps = defu.defu(_config3.optimizeDeps, { exclude: [getLocalSharedImportMapPath()] }); _config3.server = defu.defu(_config3.server, { watch: { ignored: [] } }); var watch =; watch.ignored = [].concat(watch.ignored); watch.ignored.push("!**" + getLocalSharedImportMapPath() + "**"); } }]; } var aliasToArrayPlugin = { name: 'alias-transform-plugin', config: function config(_config, _ref) { if (!_config.resolve) _config.resolve = {}; if (!_config.resolve.alias) _config.resolve.alias = []; var alias = _config.resolve.alias; if (typeof alias === 'object' && !Array.isArray(alias)) { _config.resolve.alias = Object.entries(alias).map(function (_ref2) { var find = _ref2[0], replacement = _ref2[1]; return { find: find, replacement: replacement }; }); } } }; var normalizeOptimizeDepsPlugin = { name: 'normalizeOptimizeDeps', config: function config(_config, _ref) { var optimizeDeps = _config.optimizeDeps; if (!optimizeDeps) { _config.optimizeDeps = {}; optimizeDeps = _config.optimizeDeps; } // todo: fix this workaround optimizeDeps.force = true; if (!optimizeDeps.include) optimizeDeps.include = []; if (!optimizeDeps.needsInterop) optimizeDeps.needsInterop = []; } }; function federation(mfUserOptions) { var options = normalizeModuleFederationOptions(mfUserOptions); initVirtualModules(); var name =, shared = options.shared, filename = options.filename; if (!name) throw new Error('name is required'); return [aliasToArrayPlugin, normalizeOptimizeDepsPlugin].concat(addEntry({ entryName: 'remoteEntry', entryPath: REMOTE_ENTRY_ID, fileName: filename }), addEntry({ entryName: 'hostInit', entryPath: getHostAutoInitPath(), inject: 'html' }), addEntry({ entryName: 'virtualExposes', entryPath: VIRTUAL_EXPOSES }), [pluginProxyRemoteEntry(), pluginProxyRemotes(options)], pluginModuleParseEnd(function (id) { return id.includes(getHostAutoInitImportId()) || id.includes(REMOTE_ENTRY_ID) || id.includes(VIRTUAL_EXPOSES) || id.includes(getLocalSharedImportMapPath()); }), proxySharedModule({ shared: shared }), [PluginDevProxyModuleTopLevelAwait(), { name: 'module-federation-vite', enforce: 'post', // @ts-expect-error // used to expose plugin options: _options: options, config: function config(_config, _ref) { var _config$optimizeDeps, _config$optimizeDeps2, _config$optimizeDeps3, _config$optimizeDeps4; // TODO: singleton _config.resolve.alias.push({ find: '@module-federation/runtime', replacement: require.resolve('@module-federation/runtime') }); (_config$optimizeDeps = _config.optimizeDeps) == null || (_config$optimizeDeps = _config$optimizeDeps.include) == null || _config$optimizeDeps.push('@module-federation/runtime'); (_config$optimizeDeps2 = _config.optimizeDeps) == null || (_config$optimizeDeps2 = _config$optimizeDeps2.include) == null || _config$optimizeDeps2.push('__mf__virtual'); (_config$optimizeDeps3 = _config.optimizeDeps) == null || (_config$optimizeDeps3 = _config$optimizeDeps3.needsInterop) == null || _config$optimizeDeps3.push('__mf__virtual'); (_config$optimizeDeps4 = _config.optimizeDeps) == null || (_config$optimizeDeps4 = _config$optimizeDeps4.needsInterop) == null || _config$optimizeDeps4.push(getLocalSharedImportMapPath()); } }], Manifest()); } exports.federation = federation;