import * as React from 'react'; import { EventHandlers } from '../utils'; export interface UseSliderParameters { /** * The id of the element containing a label for the slider. */ 'aria-labelledby'?: string; /** * The default value. Use when the component is not controlled. */ defaultValue?: number | number[]; /** * If `true`, the component is disabled. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the active thumb doesn't swap when moving pointer over a thumb while dragging another thumb. * @default false */ disableSwap?: boolean; /** * If `true` the Slider will be rendered right-to-left (with the lowest value on the right-hand side). * @default false */ isRtl?: boolean; /** * Marks indicate predetermined values to which the user can move the slider. * If `true` the marks are spaced according the value of the `step` prop. * If an array, it should contain objects with `value` and an optional `label` keys. * @default false */ marks?: boolean | Mark[]; /** * The maximum allowed value of the slider. * Should not be equal to min. * @default 100 */ max?: number; /** * The minimum allowed value of the slider. * Should not be equal to max. * @default 0 */ min?: number; /** * Name attribute of the hidden `input` element. */ name?: string; /** * Callback function that is fired when the slider's value changed. * * @param {Event} event The event source of the callback. * You can pull out the new value by accessing `` (any). * **Warning**: This is a generic event not a change event. * @param {number | number[]} value The new value. * @param {number} activeThumb Index of the currently moved thumb. */ onChange?: (event: Event, value: number | number[], activeThumb: number) => void; /** * Callback function that is fired when the `mouseup` is triggered. * * @param {React.SyntheticEvent | Event} event The event source of the callback. **Warning**: This is a generic event not a change event. * @param {number | number[]} value The new value. */ onChangeCommitted?: (event: React.SyntheticEvent | Event, value: number | number[]) => void; /** * The component orientation. * @default 'horizontal' */ orientation?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'; /** * The ref attached to the root of the Slider. */ rootRef?: React.Ref; /** * A transformation function, to change the scale of the slider. * @param {any} x * @returns {any} * @default function Identity(x) { * return x; * } */ scale?: (value: number) => number; /** * The granularity with which the slider can step through values. (A "discrete" slider.) * The `min` prop serves as the origin for the valid values. * We recommend (max - min) to be evenly divisible by the step. * * When step is `null`, the thumb can only be slid onto marks provided with the `marks` prop. * @default 1 */ step?: number | null; /** * Tab index attribute of the hidden `input` element. */ tabIndex?: number; /** * The value of the slider. * For ranged sliders, provide an array with two values. */ value?: number | number[]; } export interface Mark { value: number; label?: React.ReactNode; } export type UseSliderRootSlotOwnProps = { onMouseDown: React.MouseEventHandler; ref: React.RefCallback | null; }; export type UseSliderRootSlotProps = Omit & UseSliderRootSlotOwnProps; export type UseSliderThumbSlotOwnProps = { onMouseLeave: React.MouseEventHandler; onMouseOver: React.MouseEventHandler; }; export type UseSliderThumbSlotProps = Omit & UseSliderThumbSlotOwnProps; export type UseSliderHiddenInputOwnProps = { 'aria-labelledby'?: string; 'aria-orientation'?: React.AriaAttributes['aria-orientation']; 'aria-valuemax'?: React.AriaAttributes['aria-valuemax']; 'aria-valuemin'?: React.AriaAttributes['aria-valuemin']; disabled: boolean; name?: string; onBlur: React.FocusEventHandler; onChange: React.ChangeEventHandler; onFocus: React.FocusEventHandler; step?: number; style: React.CSSProperties; tabIndex?: number; type?: React.InputHTMLAttributes['type']; }; export type UseSliderHiddenInputProps = Omit & UseSliderHiddenInputOwnProps; export type Axis = 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'horizontal-reverse'; export interface AxisProps { offset: (percent: number) => T extends 'horizontal' ? { left: string; } : T extends 'vertical' ? { bottom: string; } : T extends 'horizontal-reverse' ? { right: string; } : never; leap: (percent: number) => T extends 'horizontal' | 'horizontal-reverse' ? { width: string; } : T extends 'vertical' ? { height: string; } : never; } export interface UseSliderReturnValue { /** * The active index of the slider. */ active: number; /** * The orientation of the slider. */ axis: Axis; /** * Returns the `offset` and `leap` methods to calculate the positioning styles based on the slider axis. */ axisProps: { [key in Axis]: AxisProps; }; /** * If `true`, the slider is being dragged. */ dragging: boolean; /** * The index of the thumb which is focused on the slider. */ focusedThumbIndex: number; /** * Resolver for the hidden input slot's props. * @param otherHandlers props for the hidden input slot * @returns props that should be spread on the hidden input slot */ getHiddenInputProps: (otherHandlers?: TOther) => UseSliderHiddenInputProps; /** * Resolver for the root slot's props. * @param otherHandlers props for the root slot * @returns props that should be spread on the root slot */ getRootProps: (otherHandlers?: TOther) => UseSliderRootSlotProps; /** * Resolver for the thumb slot's props. * @param otherHandlers props for the thumb slot * @returns props that should be spread on the thumb slot */ getThumbProps: (otherHandlers?: TOther) => UseSliderThumbSlotProps; /** * The marks of the slider. Marks indicate predetermined values to which the user can move the slider. */ marks: Mark[]; /** * The thumb index for the current value when in hover state. */ open: number; /** * If `true`, the slider is a range slider when the `value` prop passed is an array. */ range: boolean; /** * Ref to the root slot's DOM node. */ rootRef: React.RefCallback | null; /** * The track leap for the current value of the slider. */ trackLeap: number; /** * The track offset for the current value of the slider. */ trackOffset: number; /** * The possible values of the slider. */ values: number[]; }