import * as React from 'react'; import { UseButtonRootSlotProps } from '../useButton'; export interface UseTabParameters { /** * The value of the tab. * It's used to associate the tab with a tab panel(s) with the same value. * If the value is not provided, it falls back to the position index. */ value?: number | string; /** * If `true`, the tab will be disabled. */ onChange?: (event: React.SyntheticEvent, value: number | string) => void; /** * Callback fired when the tab is clicked. */ onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * If `true`, the tab will be disabled. */ disabled?: boolean; /** * The id of the tab. * If not provided, it will be automatically generated. */ id?: string; /** * Ref to the root slot's DOM element. */ rootRef?: React.Ref; } export type UseTabRootSlotProps = UseButtonRootSlotProps & { 'aria-controls': React.AriaAttributes['aria-controls']; 'aria-selected': React.AriaAttributes['aria-selected']; id: string | undefined; ref: React.RefCallback | null; role: React.AriaRole; }; export interface UseTabReturnValue { /** * Resolver for the root slot's props. * @param externalProps props for the root slot * @returns props that should be spread on the root slot */ getRootProps: = {}>(externalProps?: ExternalProps) => UseTabRootSlotProps; /** * If `true`, the tab is active (as in `:active` pseudo-class; in other words, pressed). */ active: boolean; /** * If `true`, the tab has visible focus. * This is a workaround for browsers that do not support this feature natively. */ focusVisible: boolean; /** * If `true`, the tab is highlighted. */ highlighted: boolean; /** * 0-based index of the tab in the list of tabs. */ index: number; /** * Ref to the root slot's DOM element. */ rootRef: React.RefCallback | null; /** * If `true`, the tab is selected. */ selected: boolean; /** * Sets the focus-visible state of the tab. * This is a workaround for browsers that do not support this feature natively. */ setFocusVisible: React.Dispatch>; /** * Total number of tabs in the nearest parent TabsList. * This can be used to determine if the tab is the last one to style it accordingly. */ totalTabsCount: number; }