import { ThemeOptions as SystemThemeOptions, Theme as SystemTheme, SxProps, CSSObject, SxConfig, } from '@mui/system'; import { Mixins, MixinsOptions } from './createMixins'; import { Palette, PaletteOptions } from './createPalette'; import { Typography, TypographyOptions } from './createTypography'; import { Shadows } from './shadows'; import { Transitions, TransitionsOptions } from './createTransitions'; import { ZIndex, ZIndexOptions } from './zIndex'; import { Components } from './components'; import { CssVarsTheme, CssVarsPalette, ColorSystemOptions } from './createThemeWithVars'; /** * To disable custom properties, use module augmentation * * @example * declare module '@mui/material/styles' { * interface CssThemeVariables { * enabled: true; * } * } */ export interface CssThemeVariables {} type CssVarsOptions = CssThemeVariables extends { enabled: true; } ? ColorSystemOptions : {}; export interface ThemeOptions extends Omit, CssVarsOptions { mixins?: MixinsOptions; components?: Components>; palette?: PaletteOptions; shadows?: Shadows; transitions?: TransitionsOptions; typography?: TypographyOptions | ((palette: Palette) => TypographyOptions); zIndex?: ZIndexOptions; unstable_strictMode?: boolean; unstable_sxConfig?: SxConfig; } interface BaseTheme extends SystemTheme { mixins: Mixins; palette: Palette & (CssThemeVariables extends { enabled: true } ? CssVarsPalette : {}); shadows: Shadows; transitions: Transitions; typography: Typography; zIndex: ZIndex; unstable_strictMode?: boolean; } // shut off automatic exporting for the `BaseTheme` above export {}; type CssVarsProperties = CssThemeVariables extends { enabled: true } ? Pick< CssVarsTheme, | 'applyStyles' | 'colorSchemes' | 'colorSchemeSelector' | 'rootSelector' | 'cssVarPrefix' | 'defaultColorScheme' | 'getCssVar' | 'getColorSchemeSelector' | 'generateThemeVars' | 'generateStyleSheets' | 'generateSpacing' | 'shouldSkipGeneratingVar' | 'vars' > : {}; /** * Our [TypeScript guide on theme customization]( explains in detail how you would add custom properties. */ export interface Theme extends BaseTheme, CssVarsProperties { cssVariables?: false; components?: Components; unstable_sx: (props: SxProps) => CSSObject; unstable_sxConfig: SxConfig; } /** * @deprecated * Use `import { createTheme } from '@mui/material/styles'` instead. */ export function createMuiTheme(options?: ThemeOptions, ...args: object[]): Theme; /** * Generate a theme base on the options received. * @param options Takes an incomplete theme object and adds the missing parts. * @param args Deep merge the arguments with the about to be returned theme. * @returns A complete, ready-to-use theme object. */ export default function createThemeNoVars(options?: ThemeOptions, ...args: object[]): Theme;