import { OverridableStringUnion } from '@mui/types'; import { SxConfig, SxProps, CSSObject, ApplyStyles } from '@mui/system'; import { ExtractTypographyTokens } from '@mui/system/cssVars'; import { ThemeOptions, Theme } from './createThemeNoVars'; import { Palette, PaletteOptions } from './createPalette'; import { Shadows } from './shadows'; import { ZIndex } from './zIndex'; import { Components } from './components'; /** * default MD color-schemes */ export type DefaultColorScheme = 'light' | 'dark'; /** * The application can add more color-scheme by extending this interface via module augmentation * * Ex. * declare module @mui/material/styles { * interface ColorSchemeOverrides { * foo: true; * } * } * * // SupportedColorScheme = 'light' | 'dark' | 'foo'; */ export interface ColorSchemeOverrides {} export type ExtendedColorScheme = OverridableStringUnion; /** * All color-schemes that the application has */ export type SupportedColorScheme = DefaultColorScheme | ExtendedColorScheme; export interface Opacity { inputPlaceholder: number; inputUnderline: number; switchTrackDisabled: number; switchTrack: number; } export type Overlays = [ string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, string | undefined, ]; export interface PaletteBackgroundChannel { defaultChannel: string; paperChannel: string; } export interface PaletteCommonChannel { background: string; backgroundChannel: string; onBackground: string; onBackgroundChannel: string; } export interface PaletteColorChannel { mainChannel: string; lightChannel: string; darkChannel: string; contrastTextChannel: string; } export interface PaletteActionChannel { activeChannel: string; selectedChannel: string; } export interface PaletteTextChannel { primaryChannel: string; secondaryChannel: string; } export interface PaletteAlert { errorColor: string; infoColor: string; successColor: string; warningColor: string; errorFilledBg: string; infoFilledBg: string; successFilledBg: string; warningFilledBg: string; errorFilledColor: string; infoFilledColor: string; successFilledColor: string; warningFilledColor: string; errorStandardBg: string; infoStandardBg: string; successStandardBg: string; warningStandardBg: string; errorIconColor: string; infoIconColor: string; successIconColor: string; warningIconColor: string; } export interface PaletteAppBar { defaultBg: string; darkBg: string; darkColor: string; } export interface PaletteAvatar { defaultBg: string; } export interface PaletteButton { inheritContainedBg: string; inheritContainedHoverBg: string; } export interface PaletteChip { defaultBorder: string; defaultAvatarColor: string; defaultIconColor: string; } export interface PaletteFilledInput { bg: string; hoverBg: string; disabledBg: string; } export interface PaletteLinearProgress { primaryBg: string; secondaryBg: string; errorBg: string; infoBg: string; successBg: string; warningBg: string; } export interface PaletteSkeleton { bg: string; } export interface PaletteSlider { primaryTrack: string; secondaryTrack: string; errorTrack: string; infoTrack: string; successTrack: string; warningTrack: string; } export interface PaletteSnackbarContent { bg: string; color: string; } export interface PaletteSpeedDialAction { fabHoverBg: string; } export interface PaletteStepConnector { border: string; } export interface PaletteStepContent { border: string; } export interface PaletteSwitch { defaultColor: string; defaultDisabledColor: string; primaryDisabledColor: string; secondaryDisabledColor: string; errorDisabledColor: string; infoDisabledColor: string; successDisabledColor: string; warningDisabledColor: string; } export interface PaletteTableCell { border: string; } export interface PaletteTooltip { bg: string; } // The Palette should be sync with `../themeCssVarsAugmentation/index.d.ts` export interface ColorSystemOptions { palette?: PaletteOptions & { background?: Partial; common?: Partial; primary?: Partial; secondary?: Partial; error?: Partial; info?: Partial; success?: Partial; text?: Partial; dividerChannel?: Partial; action?: Partial; Alert?: Partial; AppBar?: Partial; Avatar?: Partial; Button?: Partial; Chip?: Partial; FilledInput?: Partial; LinearProgress?: Partial; Skeleton?: Partial; Slider?: Partial; SnackbarContent?: Partial; SpeedDialAction?: Partial; StepConnector?: Partial; StepContent?: Partial; Switch?: Partial; TableCell?: Partial; Tooltip?: Partial; }; opacity?: Partial; overlays?: Overlays; } export interface CssVarsPalette { common: PaletteCommonChannel; primary: PaletteColorChannel; secondary: PaletteColorChannel; error: PaletteColorChannel; info: PaletteColorChannel; success: PaletteColorChannel; warning: PaletteColorChannel; text: PaletteTextChannel; background: PaletteBackgroundChannel; dividerChannel: string; action: PaletteActionChannel; Alert: PaletteAlert; AppBar: PaletteAppBar; Avatar: PaletteAvatar; Button: PaletteButton; Chip: PaletteChip; FilledInput: PaletteFilledInput; LinearProgress: PaletteLinearProgress; Skeleton: PaletteSkeleton; Slider: PaletteSlider; SnackbarContent: PaletteSnackbarContent; SpeedDialAction: PaletteSpeedDialAction; StepConnector: PaletteStepConnector; StepContent: PaletteStepContent; Switch: PaletteSwitch; TableCell: PaletteTableCell; Tooltip: PaletteTooltip; } export interface ColorSystem { palette: Palette & CssVarsPalette; opacity: Opacity; overlays: Overlays; } export interface CssVarsThemeOptions extends Omit { /** * @default 'light' */ defaultColorScheme?: SupportedColorScheme; /** * Prefix of the generated CSS variables * @default 'mui' */ cssVarPrefix?: string; /** * Theme components */ components?: Components & CssVarsTheme>; /** * Color schemes configuration */ colorSchemes?: Partial> & (ExtendedColorScheme extends string ? Record : {}); /** * The strategy to generate CSS variables * * @example 'media' * Generate CSS variables using [prefers-color-scheme]( * * @example '.mode-%s' * Generate CSS variables within a class .mode-light, .mode-dark * * @example '[data-mode-%s]' * Generate CSS variables within a data attribute [data-mode-light], [data-mode-dark] */ colorSchemeSelector?: 'media' | 'class' | 'data' | string; /** * The selector to generate the global CSS variables (non-color-scheme related) * @default ':root' * @example ':host' // (for shadow DOM) * @see */ rootSelector?: string; /** * If `true`, the CSS color-scheme will not be set. * * @default false */ disableCssColorScheme?: boolean; /** * A function to determine if the key, value should be attached as CSS Variable * `keys` is an array that represents the object path keys. * Ex, if the theme is { foo: { bar: 'var(--test)' } } * then, keys = ['foo', 'bar'] * value = 'var(--test)' */ shouldSkipGeneratingVar?: (keys: string[], value: string | number) => boolean; } // should not include keys defined in `shouldSkipGeneratingVar` and have value typeof function export interface ThemeVars { font: ExtractTypographyTokens; palette: Omit< ColorSystem['palette'], | 'colorScheme' | 'mode' | 'contrastThreshold' | 'tonalOffset' | 'getContrastText' | 'augmentColor' >; opacity: Opacity; overlays: Overlays; shadows: Shadows; shape: Theme['shape']; spacing: string; zIndex: ZIndex; } type Split = K extends string | number ? { [k in K]: Exclude } : never; type ConcatDeep = T extends Record ? keyof T extends string | number ? V extends string | number ? keyof T : keyof V extends string | number ? `${keyof T}-${ConcatDeep>}` : never : never : never; /** * Does not work for these cases: * - { borderRadius: string | number } // the value can't be a union * - { shadows: [string, string, ..., string] } // the value can't be an array */ type NormalizeVars = ConcatDeep>; // shut off automatic exporting for the Generics above export {}; export interface ThemeCssVarOverrides {} export type ThemeCssVar = OverridableStringUnion< | NormalizeVars> | 'shape-borderRadius' | 'shadows-0' | 'shadows-1' | 'shadows-2' | 'shadows-3' | 'shadows-4' | 'shadows-5' | 'shadows-6' | 'shadows-7' | 'shadows-8' | 'shadows-9' | 'shadows-10' | 'shadows-11' | 'shadows-12' | 'shadows-13' | 'shadows-14' | 'shadows-15' | 'shadows-16' | 'shadows-17' | 'shadows-18' | 'shadows-19' | 'shadows-20' | 'shadows-21' | 'shadows-22' | 'shadows-23' | 'shadows-24' | 'overlays-0' | 'overlays-1' | 'overlays-2' | 'overlays-3' | 'overlays-4' | 'overlays-5' | 'overlays-6' | 'overlays-7' | 'overlays-8' | 'overlays-9' | 'overlays-10' | 'overlays-11' | 'overlays-12' | 'overlays-13' | 'overlays-14' | 'overlays-15' | 'overlays-16' | 'overlays-17' | 'overlays-18' | 'overlays-19' | 'overlays-20' | 'overlays-21' | 'overlays-22' | 'overlays-23' | 'overlays-24', ThemeCssVarOverrides >; /** * Theme properties generated by extendTheme and CssVarsProvider */ export interface CssVarsTheme extends ColorSystem { colorSchemes: Partial>; rootSelector: string; colorSchemeSelector: 'media' | 'class' | 'data' | string; cssVarPrefix: string; defaultColorScheme: SupportedColorScheme; vars: ThemeVars; getCssVar: (field: ThemeCssVar, ...vars: ThemeCssVar[]) => string; getColorSchemeSelector: (colorScheme: SupportedColorScheme) => string; generateThemeVars: () => ThemeVars; generateStyleSheets: () => Array>; generateSpacing: () => Theme['spacing']; // Default theme tokens spacing: Theme['spacing']; breakpoints: Theme['breakpoints']; shape: Theme['shape']; typography: Theme['typography']; transitions: Theme['transitions']; shadows: Theme['shadows']; mixins: Theme['mixins']; zIndex: Theme['zIndex']; direction: Theme['direction']; /** * A function to determine if the key, value should be attached as CSS Variable * `keys` is an array that represents the object path keys. * Ex, if the theme is { foo: { bar: 'var(--test)' } } * then, keys = ['foo', 'bar'] * value = 'var(--test)' */ shouldSkipGeneratingVar: (keys: string[], value: string | number) => boolean; unstable_sxConfig: SxConfig; unstable_sx: (props: SxProps) => CSSObject; applyStyles: ApplyStyles; } /** * Generate a theme base on the options received. * @param options Takes an incomplete theme object and adds the missing parts. * @param args Deep merge the arguments with the about to be returned theme. * @returns A complete, ready-to-use theme object. */ export default function createThemeWithVars( options?: CssVarsThemeOptions, ...args: object[] ): Omit & CssVarsTheme;