import { CubicBezierAnimationCurve } from '../ui/animation'; import { FontStyleType, FontWeightType } from '../ui/styling/font-common'; export namespace CoreTypes { /** * Denotes a length number that is in device independent pixel units. */ export type dip = number; /** * Denotes a length number that is in physical device pixels. */ export type px = number; /** * Denotes a normalized percent number. * 0% is represented as 0 * 50% is represented as 0.5 * 100% is represented as 1 */ export type percent = number; export type LengthDipUnit = { readonly unit: 'dip'; readonly value: dip }; export type LengthPxUnit = { readonly unit: 'px'; readonly value: px }; export type LengthPercentUnit = { readonly unit: '%'; readonly value: percent }; export type LengthType = 'auto' | dip | LengthDipUnit | LengthPxUnit; export type PercentLengthType = 'auto' | dip | LengthDipUnit | LengthPxUnit | LengthPercentUnit; export type KeyboardInputType = 'datetime' | 'phone' | 'number' | 'url' | 'email' | 'integer'; /** * Represents a soft keyboard flavor. */ export module KeyboardType { /** * Android: [TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME]( | [TYPE_DATETIME_VARIATION_NORMAL]( * iOS: [UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation]( */ export const datetime: KeyboardInputType; /** * Android: [TYPE_CLASS_PHONE]( * iOS: [UIKeyboardTypePhonePad]( */ export const phone: KeyboardInputType; /** * Android: [TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER]( | [TYPE_NUMBER_VARIATION_NORMAL]( | [TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_SIGNED]( | [TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL]( * iOS: [UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation]( */ export const number: KeyboardInputType; /** * Android: [TYPE_CLASS_TEXT]( | [TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI]( * iOS: [UIKeyboardTypeURL]( */ export const url: KeyboardInputType; /** * Android: [TYPE_CLASS_TEXT]( | [TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS]( * iOS: [UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress]( */ export const email: KeyboardInputType; /** * Android: [TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER]( | [TYPE_NUMBER_VARIATION_PASSWORD](android type_text_variation_password)) * iOS: [UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad]( */ export const integer: KeyboardInputType; } export type ReturnKeyButtonType = 'done' | 'next' | 'go' | 'search' | 'send'; /** * Represents the flavor of the return key on the soft keyboard. */ export module ReturnKeyType { /** * Android: [IME_ACTION_DONE]( * iOS: [UIReturnKeyDone]( */ export const done: ReturnKeyButtonType; /** * Android: [IME_ACTION_NEXT]( * iOS: [UIReturnKeyNext]( */ export const next: ReturnKeyButtonType; /** * Android: [IME_ACTION_GO]( * iOS: [UIReturnKeyGo]( */ export const go: ReturnKeyButtonType; /** * Android: [IME_ACTION_SEARCH]( * iOS: [UIReturnKeySearch]( */ export const search: ReturnKeyButtonType; /** * Android: [IME_ACTION_SEND]( * iOS: [UIReturnKeySend]( */ export const send: string; } export type TextAlignmentType = 'initial' | 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify'; /** * Represents a text-align enumeration. */ export module TextAlignment { /** * Represents left text-align. */ export const left: TextAlignmentType; /** * Represents center text-align. */ export const center: TextAlignmentType; /** * Represents right text-align. */ export const right: TextAlignmentType; /** * Represents justify text-align. */ export const justify: TextAlignmentType; } export type OrientationType = 'horizontal' | 'vertical'; /** * Orientation indicates a direction of a layout that can exist in a horizontal or vertical state. */ export module Orientation { /** * Layout should be horizontally oriented. */ export const horizontal: OrientationType; /** * Layout should be vertically oriented. */ export const vertical: OrientationType; } export type DeviceOrientationType = 'portrait' | 'landscape' | 'unknown'; /** * Orientation of a device. */ export module DeviceOrientation { /** * Portrait orientation. */ export const portrait: string; /** * Landscape orientation. */ export const landscape: string; /** * Orientation cannot be determined. */ export const unknown: string; } export type HorizontalAlignmentType = 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'stretch'; /** * HorizontalAlignment indicates where an element should be displayed on the horizontal axis relative to the allocated layout slot of the parent element. */ export module HorizontalAlignment { /** * An element should be left aligned. */ export const left: HorizontalAlignmentType; /** * An element should be center aligned. */ export const center: HorizontalAlignmentType; /** * An element should be right aligned. */ export const right: HorizontalAlignmentType; /** * An element should be stretched to fill all the available size. */ export const stretch: HorizontalAlignmentType; } export type VerticalAlignmentType = 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' | 'stretch'; export type VerticalAlignmentTextType = (VerticalAlignmentType & 'text-top') | 'text-bottom' | 'super' | 'sub' | 'baseline'; /** * VerticalAlignment indicates where an element should be displayed on the horizontal axis relative to the allocated layout slot of the parent element. */ export module VerticalAlignment { /** * An element should be top aligned. */ export const top: VerticalAlignmentType; /** * An element should be center aligned. */ export const center: VerticalAlignmentType; /** * Same as center. An element should be aligned in the middle. */ export const middle: VerticalAlignmentType; /** * An element should be bottom aligned. */ export const bottom: VerticalAlignmentType; /** * An element should be stretched to fill all the available size. */ export const stretch: VerticalAlignmentType; } export type ImageStretchType = 'none' | 'aspectFill' | 'aspectFit' | 'fill'; /** * Describes how content is resized to fill its allocated space. */ export module ImageStretch { /** * The image preserves its original size. */ export const none: ImageStretchType; /** * The image is resized to fill in the destination dimensions while it preserves its native aspect ratio. * If the aspect ratio of the destination rectangle differs from the image, the image is clipped to fill * in the destination. */ export const aspectFill: ImageStretchType; /** * The image is resized to fit the destination dimensions while it preserves * its native aspect ratio. */ export const aspectFit: ImageStretchType; /** * The image is resized to fill the destination dimensions. The aspect ratio is not preserved. */ export const fill: ImageStretchType; } export type VisibilityType = 'visible' | 'hidden' | 'collapse' | 'collapsed'; /** * Represents the visibility mode of a view. */ export module Visibility { /** * The view is visible. */ export const visible: VisibilityType; /** * The view is not visible and won't take place in the layout. */ export const collapse: VisibilityType; /** * @deprecated Use collapse instead */ export const collapsed: VisibilityType; /** * The view is not visible but will take place in the layout. */ export const hidden: VisibilityType; } /** * A flag enum that represents common font attributes. */ export module FontAttributes { /** * Denotes that text should be drawn in a normal style. */ export const Normal: number; /** * Denotes that text should be drawn in a bold weight. */ export const Bold: number; /** * Denotes that text should be drawn in a italic style. */ export const Italic: number; } /** * Describes the type of a device */ export module DeviceType { /** * Indicates a smart-phone device. */ export const Phone: string; /** * Indicates a tablet device. */ export const Tablet: string; } export type UpdateTextTriggerType = 'focusLost' | 'textChanged'; /** * Represents an enumeration specifying when the text property of an EditableTextBase will be updated. */ export module UpdateTextTrigger { /** * The text property will be udpaded when the widget loses focus. */ export const focusLost: UpdateTextTriggerType; /** * The text property will be udpaded on every single character typed by the user. */ export const textChanged: UpdateTextTriggerType; } /** * Specifies common accuracy values. */ export namespace Accuracy { /** * The default accuracy. About 300 meters. */ export const any: number; /** * High accuracy. About 3 meters. */ export const high: number; } export type DockType = 'left' | 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom'; /** * Specifies the Dock position of a child element that is inside a DockLayout. */ export module Dock { /** * A child element that is positioned on the left side of the DockLayout. */ export const left: DockType; /** * A child element that is positioned on the top side of the DockLayout. */ export const top: DockType; /** * A child element that is positioned on the right side of the DockLayout. */ export const right: DockType; /** * A child element that is positioned on the bottom side of the DockLayout. */ export const bottom: DockType; } export type AutocapitalizationInputType = 'none' | 'words' | 'sentences' | 'allcharacters'; /** * Represents the auto-capitalization style for a text input. */ export module AutocapitalizationType { /** * Do not capitalize any text automatically. */ export const none: AutocapitalizationInputType; /** * Capitalize the first letter of each word automatically. */ export const words: AutocapitalizationInputType; /** * Capitalize the first letter of each sentence automatically. */ export const sentences: AutocapitalizationInputType; /** * Capitalize all characters automatically. */ export const allCharacters: AutocapitalizationInputType; } /** * Defines the recognized image formats. */ export module ImageFormat { /** * The W3C Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format. */ export const png: string; /** * The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format. */ export const jpeg: string; /** * The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image format. */ export const jpg: string; } /** * Specifies NavigationBar visibility mode. */ export module NavigationBarVisibility { /** * NavigationBar will be visible if there if frame backstack canGoBack is true or if the page Action Bar is not empty. */ export const auto: string; /** * NavigationBar will be hidden. */ export const never: string; /** * NavigationBar will be visible. */ export const always: string; } /** * Specifies the visibility of the application bar icon */ export module AndroidActionBarIconVisibility { export const auto: string; export const never: string; export const always: string; } /** * Specifies android MenuItem position. */ export module AndroidActionItemPosition { /** * Always show this item as a button in an Action Bar. */ export const actionBar: string; /** * Show this item as a button in an Action Bar if the system decides there is room for it. */ export const actionBarIfRoom: string; /** * Never show this item as a button in an Action Bar. */ export const popup: string; } /** * Specifies different font styles. */ export module FontStyle { /** * Normal font style. */ export const normal: FontStyleType; /** * Italic font style. */ export const italic: FontStyleType; } export type TextDecorationType = 'none' | 'underline' | 'line-through' | 'underline line-through'; /** * Specifies different text decorations. */ export module TextDecoration { /** * No decoration. */ export const none: TextDecorationType; /** * Text decoration underline. */ export const underline: TextDecorationType; /** * Text decoration line-through. */ export const lineThrough: TextDecorationType; } export type TextTransformType = 'initial' | 'none' | 'capitalize' | 'uppercase' | 'lowercase'; /** * Specifies different text transforms. */ export module TextTransform { /** * No transform. */ export const none: TextTransformType; /** * Text transform capitalize. */ export const capitalize: TextTransformType; /** * Text transform uppercase. */ export const uppercase: TextTransformType; /** * Text transform lowercase. */ export const lowercase: TextTransformType; } export type WhiteSpaceType = 'initial' | 'normal' | 'nowrap'; /** * Specifies different white spaces. */ export module WhiteSpace { /** * Normal wrap. */ export const normal: WhiteSpaceType; /** * No wrap. */ export const nowrap: WhiteSpaceType; } /** * Specifies different font weights. */ export module FontWeight { /** * Thin font weight. CSS font-weight 100. */ export const thin: FontWeightType; /** * Extra-light / Ultra-light font weight. CSS font-weight 200. */ export const extraLight: FontWeightType; /** * Light font weight. CSS font-weight 300. */ export const light: FontWeightType; /** * Normal font weight. CSS font-weight 400. */ export const normal: FontWeightType; /** * Medium font weight. CSS font-weight 500. */ export const medium: FontWeightType; /** * Semi-bold / Demi-bold font weight. CSS font-weight 600. */ export const semiBold: FontWeightType; /** * Bold font weight. CSS font-weight 700. */ export const bold: FontWeightType; /** * Extra-bold / Ultra-bold font weight. CSS font-weight 800. */ export const extraBold: FontWeightType; /** * Black font weight. CSS font-weight 900. */ export const black: FontWeightType; } export type BackgroundRepeatType = 'repeat' | 'repeat-x' | 'repeat-y' | 'no-repeat'; /** * Specifies background repeat. */ export module BackgroundRepeat { export const repeat: BackgroundRepeatType; export const repeatX: BackgroundRepeatType; export const repeatY: BackgroundRepeatType; export const noRepeat: BackgroundRepeatType; export const isValid: (value: any) => BackgroundRepeatType; export const parse: (value: any) => BackgroundRepeatType; } /** * Specifies android MenuItem position. */ export module IOSActionItemPosition { /** * Show this item at the left of the navigation bar. */ export const left: string; /** * Show this item at the right of the action bar. */ export const right: string; } /** * Represents an animation curve type. */ export module AnimationCurve { /** * Default value. Specifies a transition effect with a slow start, then fast, then end slowly (equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25,0.1,0.25,1)) */ export const ease: string; /** * An ease-in curve causes the animation to begin slowly, and then speed up as it progresses. */ export const easeIn: string; /** * An ease-out curve causes the animation to begin quickly, and then slow down as it completes. */ export const easeOut: string; /** * An ease-in ease-out curve causes the animation to begin slowly, accelerate through the middle of its duration, and then slow again before completing. */ export const easeInOut: string; /** * A linear animation curve causes an animation to occur evenly over its duration. */ export const linear: string; /** * A spring animation curve causes an animation to produce a spring (bounce) effect. */ export const spring: string; /** * A custom cubic bezier function defined by its two control points. Possible values are numeric values from 0 to 1 */ export function cubicBezier(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): CubicBezierAnimationCurve; } /** * @deprecated use `SystemAppearance` instead. * * Specifies the types of the status bar style. */ export module StatusBarStyle { /** * The light style of the status bar - light background with dark letters. */ export const light: string; /** * The dark style of the status bar - dark background with light letters. */ export const dark: string; } /** * Specifies the types of the system appearance. */ export module SystemAppearance { /** * The light system appearance. */ export const light: string; /** * The dark system appearance. */ export const dark: string; } /** * @deprecated use `SystemAppearance` instead. * * Specifies the types of the user interface style. */ export module UserInterfaceStyle { /** * The light style of the user interface. */ export const light: string; /** * The dark style of the user interface. */ export const dark: string; } } /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.dip` instead. */ export type dip = CoreTypes.dip; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.px` instead. */ export type px = CoreTypes.px; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.percent` instead. */ export type percent = CoreTypes.percent; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.LengthDipUnit` instead. */ export type LengthDipUnit = CoreTypes.LengthDipUnit; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.LengthPxUnit` instead. */ export type LengthPxUnit = CoreTypes.LengthPxUnit; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.LengthPercentUnit` instead. */ export type LengthPercentUnit = CoreTypes.LengthPercentUnit; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.LengthType` instead. */ export type LengthType = CoreTypes.LengthType; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.PercentLengthType` instead. */ export type PercentLengthType = CoreTypes.PercentLengthType; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.AnimationCurve` instead. */ export const AnimationCurve: typeof CoreTypes.AnimationCurve; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.HorizontalAlignmentType` instead. */ export type HorizontalAlignment = CoreTypes.HorizontalAlignmentType; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.VerticalAlignmentType` instead. */ export type VerticalAlignment = CoreTypes.VerticalAlignmentType; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes` instead. Enums will be removed in 9.0 */ export declare const Enums: { Accuracy: typeof CoreTypes.Accuracy; AndroidActionBarIconVisibility: typeof CoreTypes.AndroidActionBarIconVisibility; AndroidActionItemPosition: typeof CoreTypes.AndroidActionItemPosition; AnimationCurve: typeof CoreTypes.AnimationCurve; AutocapitalizationType: typeof CoreTypes.AutocapitalizationType; BackgroundRepeat: typeof CoreTypes.BackgroundRepeat; DeviceOrientation: typeof CoreTypes.DeviceOrientation; DeviceType: typeof CoreTypes.DeviceType; Dock: typeof CoreTypes.Dock; FontAttributes: typeof CoreTypes.FontAttributes; FontStyle: typeof CoreTypes.FontStyle; FontWeight: typeof CoreTypes.FontWeight; HorizontalAlignment: typeof CoreTypes.HorizontalAlignment; IOSActionItemPosition: typeof CoreTypes.IOSActionItemPosition; ImageFormat: typeof CoreTypes.ImageFormat; KeyboardType: typeof CoreTypes.KeyboardType; NavigationBarVisibility: typeof CoreTypes.NavigationBarVisibility; Orientation: typeof CoreTypes.Orientation; ReturnKeyType: typeof CoreTypes.ReturnKeyType; StatusBarStyle: typeof CoreTypes.StatusBarStyle; Stretch: typeof CoreTypes.ImageStretch; SystemAppearance: typeof CoreTypes.SystemAppearance; TextAlignment: CoreTypes.TextAlignmentType; TextDecoration: CoreTypes.TextDecorationType; TextTransform: CoreTypes.TextTransformType; UpdateTextTrigger: CoreTypes.UpdateTextTriggerType; VerticalAlignment: CoreTypes.VerticalAlignmentType; Visibility: CoreTypes.VisibilityType; WhiteSpace: CoreTypes.WhiteSpaceType; };