import { CoreTypes } from '../../core-types'; import { LinearGradient } from './linear-gradient'; import { Color } from '../../color'; import { BoxShadow } from './box-shadow'; /** * Flags used to hint the background handler if it has to clear a specific property * * Flags can be combined with the | operator * for example: BackgroundClearFlags.CLEAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR | BackgroundClearFlags.CLEAR_BOX_SHADOW * * Flags can be checked for using the & operator * for example: if(clearFlags & BackgroundClearFlags.CLEAR_BOX_SHADOW) { ...clear box shadow... } */ export declare const enum BackgroundClearFlags { NONE = 0, CLEAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 1, CLEAR_BOX_SHADOW = 2 } export declare class Background { static default: Background; color: Color; image: string | LinearGradient; repeat: CoreTypes.BackgroundRepeatType; position: string; size: string; borderTopColor: Color; borderRightColor: Color; borderBottomColor: Color; borderLeftColor: Color; borderTopWidth: number; borderRightWidth: number; borderBottomWidth: number; borderLeftWidth: number; borderTopLeftRadius: number; borderTopRightRadius: number; borderBottomLeftRadius: number; borderBottomRightRadius: number; clipPath: string; boxShadow: BoxShadow; clearFlags: number; private clone; withColor(value: Color): Background; withImage(value: string | LinearGradient): Background; withRepeat(value: CoreTypes.BackgroundRepeatType): Background; withPosition(value: string): Background; withSize(value: string): Background; withBorderTopColor(value: Color): Background; withBorderRightColor(value: Color): Background; withBorderBottomColor(value: Color): Background; withBorderLeftColor(value: Color): Background; withBorderTopWidth(value: number): Background; withBorderRightWidth(value: number): Background; withBorderBottomWidth(value: number): Background; withBorderLeftWidth(value: number): Background; withBorderTopLeftRadius(value: number): Background; withBorderTopRightRadius(value: number): Background; withBorderBottomRightRadius(value: number): Background; withBorderBottomLeftRadius(value: number): Background; withClipPath(value: string): Background; withBoxShadow(value: BoxShadow): Background; isEmpty(): boolean; static equals(value1: Background, value2: Background): boolean; hasBorderColor(): boolean; hasBorderWidth(): boolean; hasBorderRadius(): boolean; hasBorder(): boolean; hasUniformBorderColor(): boolean; hasUniformBorderWidth(): boolean; hasUniformBorderRadius(): boolean; hasUniformBorder(): boolean; getUniformBorderColor(): Color; getUniformBorderWidth(): number; getUniformBorderRadius(): number; hasBoxShadow(): boolean; getBoxShadow(): BoxShadow; toString(): string; }