/** * General @nativescript/core types used throughout the library. */ import * as animationModule from '../ui/animation'; export declare namespace CoreTypes { /** * Denotes a length number that is in device independent pixel units. */ type dip = number; /** * Denotes a length number that is in physical device pixels. */ type px = number; /** * Denotes a normalized percent number. * 0% is represented as 0 * 50% is represented as 0.5 * 100% is represented as 1 */ type percent = number; type LengthDipUnit = { readonly unit: 'dip'; readonly value: dip; }; type LengthPxUnit = { readonly unit: 'px'; readonly value: px; }; type LengthPercentUnit = { readonly unit: '%'; readonly value: percent; }; type LengthType = 'auto' | dip | LengthDipUnit | LengthPxUnit; type PercentLengthType = 'auto' | dip | LengthDipUnit | LengthPxUnit | LengthPercentUnit; const zeroLength: LengthType; type KeyboardInputType = 'datetime' | 'phone' | 'number' | 'url' | 'email' | 'integer'; namespace KeyboardType { const datetime = "datetime"; const phone = "phone"; const number = "number"; const url = "url"; const email = "email"; const integer = "integer"; } type AutofillType = 'username' | 'password' | 'none' | string; namespace AutofillType { const username = "username"; const password = "password"; const newUsername = "newUsername"; const newPassword = "newPassword"; const oneTimeCode = "oneTimeCode"; const none = "none"; } type ReturnKeyButtonType = 'done' | 'next' | 'go' | 'search' | 'send'; namespace ReturnKeyType { const done = "done"; const next = "next"; const go = "go"; const search = "search"; const send = "send"; } type TextAlignmentType = 'initial' | 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'justify'; namespace TextAlignment { const left = "left"; const center = "center"; const right = "right"; const justify = "justify"; } type TextDecorationType = 'none' | 'underline' | 'line-through' | 'underline line-through'; namespace TextDecoration { const none = "none"; const underline = "underline"; const lineThrough = "line-through"; } type TextTransformType = 'initial' | 'none' | 'capitalize' | 'uppercase' | 'lowercase'; namespace TextTransform { const none = "none"; const capitalize = "capitalize"; const uppercase = "uppercase"; const lowercase = "lowercase"; } type WhiteSpaceType = 'initial' | 'normal' | 'nowrap'; namespace WhiteSpace { const normal = "normal"; const nowrap = "nowrap"; } type TextOverflowType = 'clip' | 'ellipsis' | 'initial' | 'unset'; namespace TextOverflow { const clip = "clip"; const ellipsis = "ellipsis"; const initial = "initial"; const unset = "unset"; } type MaxLinesType = number; type OrientationType = 'horizontal' | 'vertical'; namespace Orientation { const horizontal = "horizontal"; const vertical = "vertical"; } type DeviceOrientationType = 'portrait' | 'landscape' | 'unknown'; namespace DeviceOrientation { const portrait = "portrait"; const landscape = "landscape"; const unknown = "unknown"; } type HorizontalAlignmentType = 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'stretch'; namespace HorizontalAlignment { const left = "left"; const center = "center"; const right = "right"; const stretch = "stretch"; const isValid: (value: any) => value is HorizontalAlignmentType; const parse: (value: any) => HorizontalAlignmentType; } type VerticalAlignmentType = 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' | 'stretch'; namespace VerticalAlignment { const top = "top"; const middle = "middle"; const bottom = "bottom"; const stretch = "stretch"; } type VerticalAlignmentTextType = VerticalAlignmentType | 'text-top' | 'text-bottom' | 'sup' | 'sub' | 'baseline'; namespace VerticalAlignmentText { const top = "top"; const middle = "middle"; const bottom = "bottom"; const stretch = "stretch"; const texttop = "text-top"; const textbottom = "text-bottom"; const sup = "sup"; const sub = "sub"; const baseline = "baseline"; const isValid: (value: any) => value is VerticalAlignmentTextType; const parse: (value: string) => VerticalAlignmentTextType; } type ImageStretchType = 'none' | 'aspectFill' | 'aspectFit' | 'fill'; namespace ImageStretch { const none: ImageStretchType; const aspectFill: ImageStretchType; const aspectFit: ImageStretchType; const fill: ImageStretchType; } type VisibilityType = 'visible' | 'hidden' | 'collapse' | 'collapsed'; namespace Visibility { const visible: VisibilityType; const collapse: VisibilityType; const collapsed: VisibilityType; const hidden: VisibilityType; const isValid: (value: any) => value is VisibilityType; const parse: (value: string) => VisibilityType; } namespace FontAttributes { const Normal = 0; const Bold = 1; const Italic: number; } namespace DeviceType { const Phone: string; const Tablet: string; } type UpdateTextTriggerType = 'focusLost' | 'textChanged'; namespace UpdateTextTrigger { const focusLost: UpdateTextTriggerType; const textChanged: UpdateTextTriggerType; } namespace Accuracy { const any: number; const high: number; } type DockType = 'left' | 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom'; namespace Dock { const left: DockType; const top: DockType; const right: DockType; const bottom: DockType; } type AutocapitalizationInputType = 'none' | 'words' | 'sentences' | 'allcharacters'; namespace AutocapitalizationType { const none: AutocapitalizationInputType; const words: AutocapitalizationInputType; const sentences: AutocapitalizationInputType; const allCharacters: AutocapitalizationInputType; } namespace NavigationBarVisibility { const auto: string; const never: string; const always: string; } namespace AndroidActionBarIconVisibility { const auto: string; const never: string; const always: string; } namespace AndroidActionItemPosition { const actionBar: string; const actionBarIfRoom: string; const popup: string; } namespace IOSActionItemPosition { const left: string; const right: string; } namespace ImageFormat { const png: string; const jpeg: string; const jpg: string; } namespace FontStyle { const normal: string; const italic: string; } namespace FontWeight { const thin: string; const extraLight: string; const light: string; const normal: string; const medium: string; const semiBold: string; const bold: string; const extraBold: string; const black: string; } type BackgroundRepeatType = 'repeat' | 'repeat-x' | 'repeat-y' | 'no-repeat'; namespace BackgroundRepeat { const repeat: BackgroundRepeatType; const repeatX: BackgroundRepeatType; const repeatY: BackgroundRepeatType; const noRepeat: BackgroundRepeatType; const isValid: (value: any) => value is BackgroundRepeatType; const parse: (value: any) => BackgroundRepeatType; } namespace AnimationCurve { const ease = "ease"; const easeIn = "easeIn"; const easeOut = "easeOut"; const easeInOut = "easeInOut"; const linear = "linear"; const spring = "spring"; function cubicBezier(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number): animationModule.CubicBezierAnimationCurve; } namespace StatusBarStyle { const light = "light"; const dark = "dark"; } namespace SystemAppearance { const light = "light"; const dark = "dark"; } } /** * NOTE: Auto migrate deprecations via eslint-plugin in future */ /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.dip` instead. */ export type dip = number; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.px` instead. */ export type px = number; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.percent` instead. */ export type percent = number; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.LengthDipUnit` instead. */ export type LengthDipUnit = CoreTypes.LengthDipUnit; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.LengthPxUnit` instead. */ export type LengthPxUnit = CoreTypes.LengthPxUnit; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.LengthPercentUnit` instead. */ export type LengthPercentUnit = CoreTypes.LengthPercentUnit; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.LengthType` instead. */ export type LengthType = CoreTypes.LengthType; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.PercentLengthType` instead. */ export type PercentLengthType = CoreTypes.PercentLengthType; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.AnimationCurve` instead. */ export declare const AnimationCurve: typeof CoreTypes.AnimationCurve; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.HorizontalAlignmentType` instead. */ export type HorizontalAlignment = CoreTypes.HorizontalAlignmentType; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes.VerticalAlignmentType` instead. */ export type VerticalAlignment = CoreTypes.VerticalAlignmentType; /** * @deprecated Use `CoreTypes` instead. Enums will be removed in 9.0 */ export declare const Enums: { Accuracy: typeof CoreTypes.Accuracy; AndroidActionBarIconVisibility: typeof CoreTypes.AndroidActionBarIconVisibility; AndroidActionItemPosition: typeof CoreTypes.AndroidActionItemPosition; AnimationCurve: typeof CoreTypes.AnimationCurve; AutocapitalizationType: typeof CoreTypes.AutocapitalizationType; BackgroundRepeat: typeof CoreTypes.BackgroundRepeat; DeviceOrientation: typeof CoreTypes.DeviceOrientation; DeviceType: typeof CoreTypes.DeviceType; Dock: typeof CoreTypes.Dock; FontAttributes: typeof CoreTypes.FontAttributes; FontStyle: typeof CoreTypes.FontStyle; FontWeight: typeof CoreTypes.FontWeight; HorizontalAlignment: typeof CoreTypes.HorizontalAlignment; IOSActionItemPosition: typeof CoreTypes.IOSActionItemPosition; ImageFormat: typeof CoreTypes.ImageFormat; KeyboardType: typeof CoreTypes.KeyboardType; NavigationBarVisibility: typeof CoreTypes.NavigationBarVisibility; Orientation: typeof CoreTypes.Orientation; ReturnKeyType: typeof CoreTypes.ReturnKeyType; StatusBarStyle: typeof CoreTypes.StatusBarStyle; Stretch: typeof CoreTypes.ImageStretch; SystemAppearance: typeof CoreTypes.SystemAppearance; TextAlignment: typeof CoreTypes.TextAlignment; TextDecoration: typeof CoreTypes.TextDecoration; TextTransform: typeof CoreTypes.TextTransform; UpdateTextTrigger: typeof CoreTypes.UpdateTextTrigger; VerticalAlignment: typeof CoreTypes.VerticalAlignment; Visibility: typeof CoreTypes.Visibility; WhiteSpace: typeof CoreTypes.WhiteSpace; };