/** * Calls a function after a specified delay. * @param callback The function to be called. * @param milliseconds The time to wait before the function is called. Defaults to 0. * @param args One or more parameter to use once the function is called. Defaults to no parameters. */ export function setTimeout(callback: Function, milliseconds?: number, ...args: any[]): number; /** * Clears the delay set by a call to the setTimeout function. * @param id The identifier returned by the previously called setTimeout() method. */ export function clearTimeout(id: number): void; /** * Calls a function repeatedly with a delay between each call. * @param callback The function to be called. * @param milliseconds The delay between each function call. * @param args One or more parameter to use once the function is called. Defaults to no parameters. */ export function setInterval(callback: Function, milliseconds?: number, ...args: any[]): number; /** * Clears repeated function which was set up by calling setInterval(). * @param id The identifier returned by the setInterval() method. */ export function clearInterval(id: number): void;