import { ViewBase } from '../core/view-base'; import { SyntaxTree } from '../../css'; import { RuleSet, Node, SelectorCore, ChangeMap } from '../styling/css-selector'; import { KeyframeAnimationInfo } from '../animation/keyframe-animation'; export class CssState { /** * Re-evaluate the selectors and apply any changes to the underlying view. */ public apply(): void; /** * Gets the static selectors that match the view and the dynamic selectors that may potentially match the view. */ public changeMap: ChangeMap; /** * Checks whether style scope and CSS state selectors are in sync. */ public isSelectorsLatestVersionApplied(): boolean; } export class StyleScope { public css: string; public addCss(cssString: string, cssFileName?: string): void; public addCssFile(cssFileName: string): void; public changeCssFile(cssFileName: string): void; public static createSelectorsFromCss(css: string, cssFileName: string, keyframes: Object): RuleSet[]; public static createSelectorsFromImports(tree: SyntaxTree, keyframes: Object): RuleSet[]; public ensureSelectors(): number; /** * Increase the application CSS selector version. */ public _increaseApplicationCssSelectorVersion(): void; public isApplicationCssSelectorsLatestVersionApplied(): boolean; public isLocalCssSelectorsLatestVersionApplied(): boolean; public applySelectors(view: ViewBase): void; public query(options: Node): SelectorCore[]; public getKeyframeAnimationWithName(animationName: string): KeyframeAnimationInfo; public getAnimations(ruleset: RuleSet): KeyframeAnimationInfo[]; } export function resolveFileNameFromUrl(url: string, appDirectory: string, fileExists: (filepath: string) => boolean, importSource?: string): string; export function applyInlineStyle(view: ViewBase, style: string): void; export function addTaggedAdditionalCSS(cssText: string, tag?: string | Number): boolean; export function removeTaggedAdditionalCSS(tag: String | Number): boolean;