import type { View } from '../ui/core/view'; import type { NavigationEntry } from '../ui/frame/frame-interfaces'; import type { AndroidApplication as IAndroidApplication, iOSApplication as IiOSApplication } from './'; import type { ApplicationEventData, CssChangedEventData, DiscardedErrorEventData, FontScaleChangedEventData, LaunchEventData, OrientationChangedEventData, SystemAppearanceChangedEventData, UnhandledErrorEventData } from './application-interfaces'; interface ApplicationEvents { off(eventNames: string, callback?: any, thisArg?: any): void; notify(eventData: T): void; hasListeners(eventName: string): boolean; on(eventNames: string, callback: (args: ApplicationEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised when application css is changed. */ on(event: 'cssChanged', callback: (args: CssChangedEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * Event raised then livesync operation is performed. */ on(event: 'livesync', callback: (args: ApplicationEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised when application css is changed. */ on(event: 'cssChanged', callback: (args: CssChangedEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised on application launchEvent. */ on(event: 'launch', callback: (args: LaunchEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised after the application has performed most of its startup actions. * Its intent is to be suitable for measuring app startup times. * @experimental */ on(event: 'displayed', callback: (args: ApplicationEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised when the Application is suspended. */ on(event: 'suspend', callback: (args: ApplicationEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised when the Application is resumed after it has been suspended. */ on(event: 'resume', callback: (args: ApplicationEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised when the Application is about to exit. */ on(event: 'exit', callback: (args: ApplicationEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised when there is low memory on the target device. */ on(event: 'lowMemory', callback: (args: ApplicationEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised when an uncaught error occurs while the application is running. */ on(event: 'uncaughtError', callback: (args: UnhandledErrorEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised when an discarded error occurs while the application is running. */ on(event: 'discardedError', callback: (args: DiscardedErrorEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised when the orientation of the application changes. */ on(event: 'orientationChanged', callback: (args: OrientationChangedEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * This event is raised when the operating system appearance changes * between light and dark theme (for Android); * between light and dark mode (for iOS) and vice versa. */ on(event: 'systemAppearanceChanged', callback: (args: SystemAppearanceChangedEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; on(event: 'fontScaleChanged', callback: (args: FontScaleChangedEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; } export declare class ApplicationCommon { readonly launchEvent = "launch"; readonly suspendEvent = "suspend"; readonly displayedEvent = "displayed"; readonly backgroundEvent = "background"; readonly foregroundEvent = "foreground"; readonly resumeEvent = "resume"; readonly exitEvent = "exit"; readonly lowMemoryEvent = "lowMemory"; readonly uncaughtErrorEvent = "uncaughtError"; readonly discardedErrorEvent = "discardedError"; readonly orientationChangedEvent = "orientationChanged"; readonly systemAppearanceChangedEvent = "systemAppearanceChanged"; readonly fontScaleChangedEvent = "fontScaleChanged"; readonly livesyncEvent = "livesync"; readonly loadAppCssEvent = "loadAppCss"; readonly cssChangedEvent = "cssChanged"; readonly initRootViewEvent = "initRootView"; /** * @deprecated Use `` instead. */ static on: ApplicationEvents['on']; /** * @deprecated Use `` instead. */ static once: ApplicationEvents['on']; /** * @deprecated Use `` instead. */ static off: ApplicationEvents['off']; /** * @deprecated Use `` instead. */ static notify: ApplicationEvents['notify']; /** * @deprecated Use `` instead. */ static hasListeners: ApplicationEvents['hasListeners']; on: ApplicationEvents['on']; once: ApplicationEvents['on']; off: ApplicationEvents['off']; notify: ApplicationEvents['notify']; hasListeners: ApplicationEvents['hasListeners']; /** * @internal - should not be constructed by the user. */ constructor(); /** * @internal */ livesync(rootView: View, context?: ModuleContext): void; /** * Applies the the `newCssClass` to the `rootView` and removes all other css classes from `cssClasses` * previously applied to the `rootView`. * @param rootView * @param cssClasses * @param newCssClass * @param skipCssUpdate */ applyCssClass(rootView: View, cssClasses: string[], newCssClass: string, skipCssUpdate?: boolean): void; private addCssClass; private removeCssClass; private increaseStyleScopeApplicationCssSelectorVersion; private setRootViewCSSClasses; /** * iOS Only * Dynamically change the preferred frame rate * For devices (iOS 15+) which support min/max/preferred frame rate you can specify ranges * For devices (iOS < 15), you can specify the max frame rate * see: * To use, ensure your Info.plist has: * ```xml * CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone * * ``` * @param options { min?: number; max?: number; preferred?: number } */ setMaxRefreshRate(options?: { min?: number; max?: number; preferred?: number; }): void; protected mainEntry: NavigationEntry; /** * @returns The main entry of the application */ getMainEntry(): NavigationEntry; protected notifyLaunch(additionalLanchEventData?: any): View | null; createRootView(view?: View, fireLaunchEvent?: boolean, additionalLanchEventData?: any): View; getRootView(): View; resetRootView(entry?: NavigationEntry | string): void; initRootView(rootView: View): void; /** * Get application level static resources. */ getResources(): any; /** * Set application level static resources. */ setResources(res: any): void; private cssFile; /** * Sets css file name for the application. */ setCssFileName(cssFileName: string): void; /** * Gets css file name for the application. */ getCssFileName(): string; /** * Loads immediately the app.css. * By default the app.css file is loaded shortly after "loaded". * For the Android snapshot the CSS can be parsed during the snapshot generation, * as the CSS does not depend on runtime APIs, and loadAppCss will be called explicitly. */ loadAppCss(): void; addCss(cssText: string, attributeScoped?: boolean): void; run(entry?: string | NavigationEntry): void; private _orientation; protected getOrientation(): 'portrait' | 'landscape' | 'unknown'; protected setOrientation(value: 'portrait' | 'landscape' | 'unknown'): void; orientation(): 'portrait' | 'landscape' | 'unknown'; orientationChanged(rootView: View, newOrientation: 'portrait' | 'landscape' | 'unknown'): void; getNativeApplication(): any; hasLaunched(): boolean; private _systemAppearance; protected getSystemAppearance(): 'dark' | 'light' | null; protected setSystemAppearance(value: 'dark' | 'light'): void; systemAppearance(): 'dark' | 'light' | null; /** * Boolean to enable/disable systemAppearanceChanged */ autoSystemAppearanceChanged: boolean; /** * enable/disable systemAppearanceChanged */ setAutoSystemAppearanceChanged(value: boolean): void; /** * Updates root view classes including those of modals * @param rootView the root view * @param newSystemAppearance the new appearance change */ systemAppearanceChanged(rootView: View, newSystemAppearance: 'dark' | 'light'): void; private _inBackground; get inBackground(): boolean; setInBackground(value: boolean, additonalData?: any): void; private _suspended; get suspended(): boolean; setSuspended(value: boolean, additonalData?: any): void; started: boolean; get android(): IAndroidApplication; get ios(): IiOSApplication; get AndroidApplication(): IAndroidApplication; get iOSApplication(): IiOSApplication; } export {};