/** * Contains utility methods for transforming css matrixes. * All methods in this module are experimental and * may be changed in a non-major version. */ import { TransformFunctionsInfo } from '../ui/animation'; /** * Returns the affine matrix representation of the transformation. * @param transformation Property and value of the transformation. */ export declare const getTransformMatrix: ({ property, value }) => number[]; /** * Returns the css matrix representation of * an affine transformation matrix * @param m The flat matrix array to be transformed */ export declare const matrixArrayToCssMatrix: (m: number[]) => number[]; /** * Multiplies two two-dimensional affine matrices * https://jsperf.com/array-vs-object-affine-matrices/ * @param m1 Left-side matrix array * @param m2 Right-side matrix array */ export declare function multiplyAffine2d(m1: number[], m2: number[]): number[]; /** * QR decomposition using the Gram–Schmidt process. * Decomposes a css matrix to simple transforms - translate, rotate and scale. * @param matrix The css matrix array to decompose. */ export function decompose2DTransformMatrix(matrix: number[]): TransformFunctionsInfo;