export interface NativeScriptAndroidView extends android.view.View { _cachedDrawable: android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; } export interface NativeScriptUIView extends UIView { hasNonUniformBorder: boolean; hasNonUniformBorderColor: boolean; borderLayer: CAShapeLayer; maskType: ios.LayerMaskType; originalMask: CALayer; gradientLayer: CAGradientLayer; outerShadowContainerLayer: CALayer; } export namespace ios { export type LayerMaskType = 'BORDER' | 'CLIP_PATH'; export namespace LayerMask { export const BORDER = 'BORDER'; export const CLIP_PATH = 'CLIP_PATH'; } /** * Gets actual height of a [UIView](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIView_Class/) widget in device pixels. * @param uiView - An instance of UIView. */ export function getActualHeight(uiView: any /* UIView */): number; /** * Gets the height of the status bar in device pixels. * @param viewController when specified it is used to check preferStatusBarHidden property. */ export function getStatusBarHeight(viewController?: any): number; /** * Draw gradient using CAGradientLayer and insert into UIView sublayer * @param nativeView NativeScriptUIView * @param gradientLayer CAGradientLayer * @param gradient Parsed LinearGradient * @param gradientLayerOpacity Initial layer opacity (in case you'd like to use with animation sequence) */ export function drawGradient(uiView: NativeScriptUIView, gradientLayer: CAGradientLayer, gradient: LinearGradient, gradientLayerOpacity?: number): void; }