export declare function getter(_this: any, property: T | { (): T; }): T; export declare namespace collections { function jsArrayToNSArray(str: T[]): NSArray; function nsArrayToJSArray(a: NSArray): Array; } export declare function getRootViewController(): UIViewController; export declare function getWindow(): UIWindow; export declare function getMainScreen(): UIScreen; export declare function setWindowBackgroundColor(value: string): void; export declare function isLandscape(): boolean; /** * @deprecated use Utils.SDK_VERSION instead which is a float of the {major}.{minor} verison */ export declare const MajorVersion: number; export declare function openFile(filePath: string): boolean; export declare function getCurrentAppPath(): string; export declare function joinPaths(...paths: string[]): string; export declare function getVisibleViewController(rootViewController: UIViewController): UIViewController; export declare function applyRotateTransform(transform: CATransform3D, x: number, y: number, z: number): CATransform3D; export declare function createUIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate(): NSObject; export declare function isRealDevice(): boolean; export declare function printCGRect(rect: CGRect): string; export declare function snapshotView(view: UIView, scale: number): UIImage; export declare function copyLayerProperties(view: UIView, toView: UIView, customProperties?: { view?: Array; layer?: Array; }): void; export declare function animateWithSpring(options?: { tension?: number; friction?: number; mass?: number; delay?: number; velocity?: number; animateOptions?: UIViewAnimationOptions; animations?: () => void; completion?: (finished?: boolean) => void; }): void;