import { View, Template, KeyedTemplate } from '../core/view'; import { Color } from '../../color'; import { CoreTypes } from '../../core-types'; import { EventData } from '../../data/observable'; import { Length } from '../styling/style-properties'; import { Style } from '../styling/style'; import { Property, CssProperty } from '../core/properties'; /** * Represents a view that shows items in a vertically scrolling list. */ export class ListView extends View { /** * String value used when hooking to itemLoading event. */ public static itemLoadingEvent: string; /** * String value used when hooking to itemTap event. */ public static itemTapEvent: string; /** * String value used when hooking to loadMoreItems event. */ public static loadMoreItemsEvent: string; /** * Gets the native [android widget]( that represents the user interface for this component. Valid only when running on Android OS. */ android: any /* android.widget.ListView */; /** * Gets the native [iOS view]( that represents the user interface for this component. Valid only when running on iOS. */ ios: any /* UITableView */; /** * Gets or set the items collection of the ListView. * The items property can be set to an array or an object defining length and getItem(index) method. */ items: any[] | ItemsSource; /** * Gets or set the item template of the ListView. */ itemTemplate: string | Template; /** * Gets or set the list of item templates for the item template selector */ itemTemplates: string | Array; /** * A function that returns the appropriate ket template based on the data item. */ itemTemplateSelector: string | ((item: any, index: number, items: any) => string); /** * Item id generator */ itemIdGenerator: (item: any, index: number, items: any) => number; /** * Gets or set the items separator line color of the ListView. */ separatorColor: Color; /** * Gets or set row height of the ListView. */ rowHeight: CoreTypes.LengthType; /** * Gets or set the estimated height of rows in the ListView. * The default value is 44px. */ iosEstimatedRowHeight: CoreTypes.LengthType; /** * Forces the ListView to reload all its items. */ refresh(); /** * Scrolls the specified item with index into view. * [iOS]( * [Android]( * @param index - Item index. */ scrollToIndex(index: number); /** * Scrolls the specified item with index into view with animation. * [iOS]( * [Android]( * @param index - Item index. */ scrollToIndexAnimated(index: number); /** * Checks if Specified item with index is visible. * @param index - Item index. */ isItemAtIndexVisible(index: number): boolean; /** * Adds a listener for the specified event name. * * @param eventName The name of the event. * @param callback The event listener to add. Will be called when an event of * the given name is raised. * @param thisArg An optional parameter which, when set, will be bound as the * `this` context when the callback is called. Falsy values will be not be * bound. */ on(eventName: string, callback: (data: EventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * Raised when a View for the data at the specified index should be created. * The result should be returned trough the view property of the event data. * Note, that the view property of the event data can be pre-initialized with * an old instance of a view, so that it can be reused. */ on(event: 'itemLoading', callback: (args: ItemEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * Raised when an item inside the ListView is tapped. */ on(event: 'itemTap', callback: (args: ItemEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; /** * Raised when the ListView is scrolled so that its last item is visible. */ on(event: 'loadMoreItems', callback: (args: EventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; } /** * Event data containing information for the index and the view associated to a list view item. */ export interface ItemEventData extends EventData { /** * The index of the item, for which the event is raised. */ index: number; /** * The view that is associated to the item, for which the event is raised. */ view: View; /** * Gets the native [iOS view]( that represents the user interface where the view is hosted. Valid only when running on iOS. */ ios: any /* UITableViewCell */; /** * Gets the native [android widget]( that represents the user interface where the view is hosted. Valid only when running on Android OS. */ android: any /* android.view.ViewGroup */; } export interface ItemsSource { length: number; getItem(index: number): any; } export interface TemplatedItemsView { items: any[] | ItemsSource; itemTemplate: string | Template; itemTemplates?: string | Array; refresh(): void; on(event: 'itemLoading', callback: (args: ItemEventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; off(event: 'itemLoading', callback: (args: EventData) => void, thisArg?: any): void; } /** * Represents the property backing the items property of each ListView instance. */ export const itemsProperty: Property; /** * Represents the item template property of each ListView instance. */ export const itemTemplateProperty: Property; /** * Represents the items template property of each ListView instance. */ export const itemTemplatesProperty: Property>; /** * Represents the separator color backing property. */ export const separatorColor: Property; /** * Represents the observable property backing the rowHeight property of each ListView instance. */ export const rowHeightProperty: Property; /** * Represents the observable property backing the iosEstimatedRowHeight property of each ListView instance. */ export const iosEstimatedRowHeightProperty: Property; /** * Backing property for separator color property. */ export const separatorColorProperty: CssProperty;