import { View } from '..'; export class ViewHelper { /** * Measure a child by taking into account its margins and a given measureSpecs. * @param parent This parameter is not used. You can pass null. * @param child The view to be measured. * @param measuredWidth The measured width that the parent layout specifies for this view. * @param measuredHeight The measured height that the parent layout specifies for this view. */ public static measureChild(parent: View, child: View, widthMeasureSpec: number, heightMeasureSpec: number): { measuredWidth: number; measuredHeight: number }; /** * Layout a child by taking into account its margins, horizontal and vertical alignments and a given bounds. * @param parent This parameter is not used. You can pass null. * @param left Left position, relative to parent * @param top Top position, relative to parent * @param right Right position, relative to parent * @param bottom Bottom position, relative to parent */ public static layoutChild(parent: View, child: View, left: number, top: number, right: number, bottom: number): void; /** * Utility to reconcile a desired size and state, with constraints imposed * by a MeasureSpec. Will take the desired size, unless a different size * is imposed by the constraints. The returned value is a compound integer, * with the resolved size in the MEASURED_SIZE_MASK bits and * optionally the bit MEASURED_STATE_TOO_SMALL set if the resulting * size is smaller than the size the view wants to be. */ public static resolveSizeAndState(size: number, specSize: number, specMode: number, childMeasuredState: number): number; public static combineMeasuredStates(curState: number, newState): number; } /** * Various Android view helper methods */ export namespace AndroidHelper { export function getDrawableColor(drawable: any /* */): Color; export function setDrawableColor(color: number, drawable: any /* */, blendMode?: any /* */): void; export function clearDrawableColor(drawable: any /* */): void; export function getCopyOrDrawable(drawable: any /* */, resources?: any /* android.content.res.Resources */): any; /* */ } /** * Various iOS view helper methods */ export namespace IOSHelper { /** * String value used when hooking to traitCollectionColorAppearanceChangedEvent event. */ export const traitCollectionColorAppearanceChangedEvent: string; /** * Returns a view with viewController or undefined if no such found along the view's parent chain. * @param view The view form which to start the search. */ export function getParentWithViewController(view: View): View; export function updateAutoAdjustScrollInsets(controller: any /* UIViewController */, owner: View): void; export function updateConstraints(controller: any /* UIViewController */, owner: View): void; export function layoutView(controller: any /* UIViewController */, owner: View): void; export function getPositionFromFrame(frame: any /* CGRect */): { left; top; right; bottom }; export function getFrameFromPosition(position: { left; top; right; bottom }, insets?: { left; top; right; bottom }): any; /* CGRect */ export function shrinkToSafeArea(view: View, frame: any /* CGRect */): any; /* CGRect */ export function expandBeyondSafeArea(view: View, frame: any /* CGRect */): any; /* CGRect */ export class UILayoutViewController { public static initWithOwner(owner: WeakRef): UILayoutViewController; } export class UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegateImp { public static initWithOwnerAndCallback(owner: WeakRef, whenClosedCallback: Function): UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegateImp; } export class UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegateImp { public static initWithOwnerAndCallback(owner: WeakRef, whenClosedCallback: Function): UIPopoverPresentationControllerDelegateImp; } }