import { View } from '../core/view'; import { Property, CoercibleProperty } from '../core/properties'; import { EventData } from '../../data/observable'; import type { SliderBase } from './slider-common'; /** * Represents a slider component. */ export class Slider extends View { static readonly accessibilityDecrementEvent = 'accessibilityDecrement'; static readonly accessibilityIncrementEvent = 'accessibilityIncrement'; /** * Gets the native [android widget]( that represents the user interface for this component. Valid only when running on Android OS. */ android: any /* android.widget.SeekBar */; /** * Gets the native iOS [UISlider]( that represents the user interface for this component. Valid only when running on iOS. */ ios: any /* UISlider */; /** * Gets or sets a slider current value. The default value is 0. */ value: number; /** * Gets or sets a slider min value. The default value is 0. */ minValue: number; /** * Gets or sets a slider max value. The default value is 100. */ maxValue: number; /** * Increase/Decrease step size for iOS Increment-/Decrement events */ accessibilityStep: number; } /** * Represents the observable property backing the value property of each Slider instance. */ export const valueProperty: CoercibleProperty; /** * Represents the observable property backing the minValue property of each Slider instance. */ export const minValueProperty: Property; /** * Represents the observable property backing the maxValue property of each Slider instance. */ export const maxValueProperty: CoercibleProperty; /** * Represents the observable property backing the accessibilityStep property of each Slider instance. */ export const accessibilityStepProperty: Property; interface AccessibilityIncrementEventData extends EventData { object: Slider; value?: number; } interface AccessibilityDecrementEventData extends EventData { object: Slider; value?: number; }