import { since } from '@naturalcycles/time-lib' import * as c from 'chalk' import * as cpFile from 'cp-file' import * as fs from 'fs-extra' import * as globby from 'globby' import * as moveFile from 'move-file' import * as path from 'path' import * as yargs from 'yargs' export interface KpyOptions { baseDir: string inputPatterns?: string[] outputDir: string silent?: boolean verbose?: boolean noOverwrite?: boolean dotfiles?: boolean flat?: boolean dry?: boolean move?: boolean } export async function kpyCommand(): Promise { const { _: args, silent, verbose, overwrite, dotfiles, flat, dry, move } = yargs .demandCommand(2) .options({ silent: { type: 'boolean', descr: 'Suppress all text output', }, verbose: { type: 'boolean', descr: 'Report progress on every file', }, overwrite: { type: 'boolean', default: true, }, dotfiles: { type: 'boolean', }, flat: { type: 'boolean', }, dry: { type: 'boolean', }, move: { type: 'boolean', descr: 'Move files instead of copy', }, }).argv const [baseDir, ...inputPatterns] = args const outputDir = inputPatterns.pop()! /* console.log({ argv: process.argv, baseDir, inputPatterns, outputDir, silent, overwrite, })*/ await kpy({ baseDir, inputPatterns, outputDir, silent, verbose, noOverwrite: !overwrite, dotfiles, flat, dry, move, }) } export async function kpy(opt: KpyOptions): Promise { const started = let { baseDir, inputPatterns, outputDir, silent, verbose, noOverwrite, dotfiles, flat, dry, move, } = opt // Default pattern inputPatterns = inputPatterns || [] if (!inputPatterns.length) inputPatterns = ['**'] baseDir = baseDir || '.' // default to cwd outputDir = outputDir || '.' // default to cwd if (!fs.existsSync(baseDir)) { console.log(`kpy: baseDir doesn't exist: ${c.dim(baseDir)}`) return } await fs.ensureDir(outputDir) const filenames = await globby(inputPatterns, { cwd: baseDir, dot: dotfiles, }) // console.log({filenames}) if (!silent) { console.log( `Will ${move ? 'move' : 'copy'} ${c.white(String(filenames.length))} files from ${c.dim( baseDir, )} to ${c.dim(outputDir)} (${c.dim(inputPatterns.join(' '))})`, ) } await Promise.all( filename => { const basename = path.basename(filename) const srcFilename = path.resolve(baseDir, filename) const destFilename = path.resolve(outputDir, flat ? basename : filename) if (!dry) { if (move) { await moveFile(srcFilename, destFilename, { overwrite: !noOverwrite, }) } else { await cpFile(srcFilename, destFilename, { overwrite: !noOverwrite, }) } } if (verbose) { console.log(c.grey(` ${filename}`)) } // console.log({filename, basename, srcFilename, destFilename}) }), ) if (!silent && filenames.length) { console.log( `${move ? 'Moved' : 'Copied'} ${c.white(String(filenames.length))} files to ${c.dim( outputDir, )} ${c.dim(since(started))}`, ) } }