import { StringMap } from '@naturalcycles/js-lib' import { dayjs } from '@naturalcycles/time-lib' import got from 'got' import { Debug, DebugLogLevel, inspectAny, InspectAnyOptions } from '..' import { SlackApiBody, SlackAttachmentField, SlackMessage, SlackServiceCfg, } from './slack.service.model' const GAE = !!process.env['GAE_INSTANCE'] const DEFAULTS = (): SlackMessage => ({ username: 'bot', channel: '#log', icon_emoji: ':spider_web:', items: 'no text', }) const inspectOpt: InspectAnyOptions = { colors: false, } const log = Debug('nc:nodejs-lib:slack') /** * Has 2 main methods: * * 1. .send({ items: any, channel: ..., ... }) * Low-level method with all possible options available. * * 2. .log(...items: any[]) * Shortcut method to "just log a bunch of things", everything is "by default" there. * * .send method has a shortcut: * .send(string, ctx?: CTX) */ export class SlackService { constructor(cfg: Partial>) { this.cfg = { messagePrefixHook: slackDefaultMessagePrefixHook, ...cfg, } } public cfg!: SlackServiceCfg /** * Allows to "log" many things at once, similar to `console.log(one, two, three). */ async log(...items: any[]): Promise { await this.send({ // If it's an Array of just 1 item - treat it as non-array items: items.length === 1 ? items[0] : items, }) } async send(msg: SlackMessage | string, ctx?: CTX): Promise { const { webhookUrl, messagePrefixHook } = this.cfg // If String is passed as first argument - just transform it to a full SlackMessage if (typeof msg === 'string') { msg = { items: msg, } } if (ctx !== undefined) { Object.assign(msg, { ctx }) } if (!msg.noLog) { log[msg.level ||]( ...[msg.items, msg.kv, msg.attachments, msg.mentions].filter(Boolean), ) } if (!webhookUrl) return // Transform msg.kv into msg.attachments if (msg.kv) { msg.attachments = [...(msg.attachments || []), { fields: this.kvToFields(msg.kv) }] delete msg.kv // to not pass it all the way to Slack Api } let text: string // Array has a special treatment here if (Array.isArray(msg.items)) { text = => inspectAny(t, inspectOpt)).join('\n') } else { text = inspectAny(msg.items, inspectOpt) } // Wrap in markdown-text-block if it's anything but plain String if (typeof msg.items !== 'string') { text = '```' + text + '```' } if (msg.mentions?.length) { text += '\n' + => `<@${s}>`).join(' ') } const prefix = await messagePrefixHook(msg) if (prefix === null) return // filtered out! const json: SlackApiBody = { ...DEFAULTS(), ...this.cfg.defaults, ...msg, // Text with Prefix text: [prefix.join(': '), text].filter(Boolean).join('\n'), } // they're not needed in the json payload delete json['items'] delete json['ctx'] delete json['noLog'] = (this.cfg.channelByLevel || {})[msg.level!] || await got .post(webhookUrl, { json, responseType: 'text', }) .catch(err => { // ignore (unless throwOnError is set) if ((msg as SlackMessage).throwOnError) throw err }) } kvToFields(kv: StringMap): SlackAttachmentField[] { return Object.entries(kv).map(([k, v]) => ({ title: k, value: String(v), short: String(v).length < 80, })) } } export function slackDefaultMessagePrefixHook(msg: SlackMessage): string[] { const tokens = [dayjs().toPretty()] const { ctx } = msg // AppEngine-specific decoration if (GAE && ctx && typeof ctx === 'object' && typeof ctx.header === 'function') { tokens.push(ctx.header('x-appengine-country')!, ctx.header('x-appengine-city')!) } return tokens.filter(Boolean) }