import { Readable } from 'node:stream' import { CommonLogger } from '@naturalcycles/js-lib' export function pipelineClose( name: string, readableDownstream: Readable, sourceReadable: Readable | undefined, streamDone: Promise | undefined, logger: CommonLogger, ): void { readableDownstream.push(null) // this closes the stream, so downstream Readable will receive `end` and won't write anything if (!sourceReadable) { logger.warn(`${name} sourceReadable is not provided, readable stream will not be stopped`) } else { logger.log(`${name} is calling readable.unpipe() to pause the stream`) sourceReadable.unpipe() // it is expected to pause the stream if (!streamDone) { logger.log(`${name} streamDone is not provided, will do readable.destroy right away`) sourceReadable.destroy() } else { void streamDone.then(() => { logger.log(`${name} streamDone, calling readable.destroy()`) sourceReadable.destroy() // this throws ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE }) } } }