import { NbStatusService } from '../../services/status.service'; import { NbComponentOrCustomStatus } from '../component-status'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; export type NbBadgePhysicalPosition = 'top left' | 'top right' | 'bottom left' | 'bottom right' | 'center right' | 'center left'; export type NbBadgeLogicalPosition = 'top start' | 'top end' | 'bottom start' | 'bottom end' | 'center start' | 'center end'; export type NbBadgePosition = NbBadgePhysicalPosition | NbBadgeLogicalPosition; export interface NbBadge { text?: string; position?: NbBadgePosition; status?: NbComponentOrCustomStatus; dotMode?: boolean; } /** * Badge is a simple labeling component. * It can be used to add additional information to any content or highlight unread items. * * Element is absolute positioned, so parent should be * [positioned element]( * It means parent `position` should be set to anything except `static`, e.g. `relative`, * `absolute`, `fixed`, or `sticky`. * * ### Installation * * Import `NbBadgeModule` to your feature module. * ```ts * @NgModule({ * imports: [ * // ... * NbBadgeModule, * ], * }) * export class PageModule { } * ``` * ### Usage * * Badge with default position and status(color): * * ```html * * ``` * * For example, badge can be placed into nb-card header: * @stacked-example(Showcase, badge/badge-showcase.component) * * Badge located on the bottom right with warning status: * * ```html * * * ``` * * @styles * * badge-border-radius: * badge-text-font-family: * badge-text-font-size: * badge-text-font-weight: * badge-text-line-height: * badge-padding: * badge-basic-background-color: * badge-basic-text-color: * badge-primary-background-color: * badge-primary-text-color: * badge-success-background-color: * badge-success-text-color: * badge-info-background-color: * badge-info-text-color: * badge-warning-background-color: * badge-warning-text-color: * badge-danger-background-color: * badge-danger-text-color: * badge-control-background-color: * badge-control-text-color: */ export declare class NbBadgeComponent implements NbBadge { protected statusService: NbStatusService; /** * Text to display * @type string */ text: string; /** * Badge position * * Can be set to any class or to one of predefined positions: * 'top left', 'top right', 'bottom left', 'bottom right', * 'top start', 'top end', 'bottom start', 'bottom end' * @type string */ get position(): NbBadgePosition; set position(value: NbBadgePosition); protected _defaultPosition: NbBadgePosition; protected _position: NbBadgePosition; /** * Shows badge as a dot. No text is shown. * @type boolean */ get dotMode(): boolean; set dotMode(value: boolean); protected _dotMode: boolean; /** * Badge status (adds specific styles): * 'basic', 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'control' */ status: NbComponentOrCustomStatus; get additionalClasses(): string[]; get primary(): boolean; get success(): boolean; get info(): boolean; get warning(): boolean; get danger(): boolean; get basic(): boolean; get control(): boolean; get top(): boolean; get right(): boolean; get bottom(): boolean; get left(): boolean; get start(): boolean; get end(): boolean; get center(): boolean; constructor(statusService: NbStatusService); static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration; }