/** * @license * Copyright Akveo. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. */ import { AfterViewInit, ElementRef, EventEmitter, NgZone, Renderer2 } from '@angular/core'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { NbStatusService } from '../../services/status.service'; import { NbFocusMonitor } from '../cdk/a11y/a11y.module'; import { NbInputDirective } from '../input/input.directive'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; export interface NbTagInputAddEvent { input: ElementRef; value: string; } /** * * `[nbTagInput]` directive connects input with a `nb-tag-list` component. * * @stacked-example(Tag Input, tag/tag-input.component) * * @additional-example(Tag Input with Autocomplete, tag/tag-input-with-autocomplete.component) * * @styles * * tag-list-tiny-tag-offset: * tag-list-small-tag-offset: * tag-list-medium-tag-offset: * tag-list-large-tag-offset: * tag-list-giant-tag-offset: * tag-list-with-input-tiny-padding: * tag-list-with-input-small-padding: * tag-list-with-input-medium-padding: * tag-list-with-input-large-padding: * tag-list-with-input-giant-padding: */ export declare class NbTagInputDirective extends NbInputDirective implements AfterViewInit { _hostElement: ElementRef; protected focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor; protected renderer: Renderer2; protected zone: NgZone; protected statusService: NbStatusService; protected readonly keyDown$: Subject; get _value(): string; /** * Controls which keys should trigger tag add event. */ separatorKeys: number[]; /** * Emits when a tag need to be added. */ tagAdd: EventEmitter; readonly nbTagInputClass = true; _onKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent): void; constructor(_hostElement: ElementRef, focusMonitor: NbFocusMonitor, renderer: Renderer2, zone: NgZone, statusService: NbStatusService); ngAfterViewInit(): void; protected isSeparatorKey(keyCode: number): boolean; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵdir: i0.ɵɵDirectiveDeclaration; }