/** * @license * Copyright Akveo. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. */ import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core'; import { NbGlobalPosition } from '../cdk/overlay/position-helper'; import { NbComponentOrCustomStatus, NbComponentStatus } from '../component-status'; import { NbIconConfig } from '../icon/icon.component'; type IconToClassMap = { [status in NbComponentStatus]: string; }; export declare const NB_TOASTR_CONFIG: InjectionToken; export type NbDuplicateToastBehaviour = 'previous' | 'all'; /** * The `NbToastrConfig` class describes configuration of the `NbToastrService.show` and global toastr configuration. * */ export declare class NbToastrConfig { /** * Determines where on the screen toast have to be rendered. * */ position: NbGlobalPosition; /** * Status chooses color scheme for the toast. * */ status: NbComponentOrCustomStatus; /** * Duration is timeout between toast appears and disappears. * */ duration: number; /** * Destroy by click means you can hide the toast by clicking it. * */ destroyByClick: boolean; /** * If preventDuplicates is true then the toast with the same title, message and status will not be rendered. * Find duplicates behaviour determined by `preventDuplicates`. * The default `previous` duplicate behaviour is used. * */ preventDuplicates: boolean; /** * Determines the how to treat duplicates. * */ duplicatesBehaviour: NbDuplicateToastBehaviour; limit?: number; /** * Class to be applied to the toast. */ toastClass: string; /** * Determines render icon or not. * */ hasIcon: boolean; /** * Icon name or icon config object that can be provided to render custom icon. * */ icon: string | NbIconConfig; /** * Toast status icon-class mapping. * */ protected icons: IconToClassMap; constructor(config: Partial); protected patchIcon(config: Partial): void; } export {};