/** * @license * Copyright Akveo. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. */ import { NbBooleanInput } from '../helpers'; import { NbComponentSize } from '../component-size'; import { NbComponentOrCustomStatus } from '../component-status'; import { NbBadgePosition } from '../badge/badge.component'; import { NbIconConfig } from '../icon/icon.component'; /** * Action item, display a link with an icon, or any other content provided instead. */ export declare class NbActionComponent { /** * Router link to use * @type string */ link: string; /** * Regular HREF link * @type: string */ href: string; /** * Optional title for mouseover * @type string */ title: string; /** * Icon name or config object * @type {string | NbIconConfig} */ icon: string | NbIconConfig; /** * Visually disables the item * @type boolean */ get disabled(): boolean; set disabled(value: boolean); protected _disabled: boolean; static ngAcceptInputType_disabled: NbBooleanInput; /** * Use badge dot mode * @type boolean */ get badgeDot(): boolean; set badgeDot(value: boolean); protected _badgeDot: boolean; static ngAcceptInputType_badgeDot: NbBooleanInput; /** * Badge text to display * @type string */ badgeText: string; /** * Badge status (adds specific styles): * 'basic', 'primary', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'control' * @param {string} val */ badgeStatus: NbComponentOrCustomStatus; /** * Badge position. * Can be set to any class or to one of predefined positions: * 'top left', 'top right', 'bottom left', 'bottom right', * 'top start', 'top end', 'bottom start', 'bottom end' * @type string */ badgePosition: NbBadgePosition; } /** * Shows a horizontal list of actions, available in multiple sizes. * Aligns items vertically. * * @stacked-example(Showcase, action/action-showcase.component) * * Basic actions setup: * ```html * * * * * * ``` * ### Installation * * Import `NbActionsModule` to your feature module. * ```ts * @NgModule({ * imports: [ * // ... * NbActionsModule, * ], * }) * export class PageModule { } * ``` * ### Usage * * Multiple sizes example: * @stacked-example(Multiple Sizes, action/action-sizes.component) * * It is also possible to specify a `badge` value: * * @stacked-example(Action Badge, action/action-badge.component) * * and we can set it to full a width of a parent component * @stacked-example(Full Width, action/action-width.component) * * Action dot mode * @stacked-example(Action badge in dot mode, action/action-dot-mode.component) * * @styles * * actions-background-color: * actions-divider-color: * actions-divider-style: * actions-divider-width: * actions-icon-color: * actions-text-color: * actions-text-font-family: * actions-text-font-weight: * actions-text-line-height: * actions-disabled-icon-color: * actions-disabled-text-color: * actions-tiny-height: * actions-tiny-icon-height: * actions-tiny-padding: * actions-tiny-text-font-size: * actions-small-height: * actions-small-icon-height: * actions-small-padding: * actions-small-text-font-size: * actions-medium-height: * actions-medium-icon-height: * actions-medium-padding: * actions-medium-text-font-size: * actions-large-height: * actions-large-icon-height: * actions-large-padding: * actions-large-text-font-size: * actions-giant-height: * actions-giant-icon-height: * actions-giant-padding: * actions-giant-text-font-size: */ export declare class NbActionsComponent { /** * Size of the component: 'tiny', 'small' (default), 'medium', 'large', 'giant' */ get size(): NbComponentSize; set size(value: NbComponentSize); protected _size: NbComponentSize; /** * Component will fill full width of the container */ get fullWidth(): boolean; set fullWidth(value: boolean); protected _fullWidth: boolean; static ngAcceptInputType_fullWidth: NbBooleanInput; get tiny(): boolean; get small(): boolean; get medium(): boolean; get large(): boolean; get giant(): boolean; }