import { AssetJSON, BinaryWriter, common, crypto, ECPoint, IOHelper, JSONHelper, UInt160, UInt256, UInt256Hex, } from '@neo-one/client-common-esnext-esm'; import { BaseState } from '@neo-one/client-full-common-esnext-esm'; import { makeErrorWithCode } from '@neo-one/utils-esnext-esm'; import BN from 'bn.js'; import { assertAssetType, AssetType, toJSONAssetType } from './AssetType'; import { Equals, EquatableKey } from './Equatable'; import { createSerializeWire, DeserializeWireBaseOptions, DeserializeWireOptions, SerializableJSON, SerializableWire, SerializeJSONContext, SerializeWire, } from './Serializable'; import { BinaryReader, utils } from './utils'; export const InvalidAssetError = makeErrorWithCode('INVALID_ASSET', (message: string) => message); export interface AssetKey { readonly hash: UInt256; } export interface AssetAdd { readonly version?: number; readonly hash: UInt256; readonly type: AssetType; readonly name: string; readonly amount: BN; readonly available?: BN; readonly precision: number; readonly feeMode?: number; readonly fee?: BN; readonly feeAddress?: UInt160; readonly owner: ECPoint; readonly admin: UInt160; readonly issuer: UInt160; readonly expiration: number; readonly isFrozen?: boolean; } export interface AssetUpdate { readonly available?: BN; readonly expiration?: number; readonly isFrozen?: boolean; } const NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 1024; const PRECISION_MAX = 8; export class Asset extends BaseState implements SerializableWire, SerializableJSON, EquatableKey { public static deserializeWireBase({ reader }: DeserializeWireBaseOptions): Asset { const version = reader.readUInt8(); const hash = reader.readUInt256(); const type = assertAssetType(reader.readUInt8()); const name = reader.readVarString(); const amount = reader.readFixed8(); const available = reader.readFixed8(); const precision = reader.readUInt8(); reader.readUInt8(); // FeeMode const fee = reader.readFixed8(); const feeAddress = reader.readUInt160(); const owner = reader.readECPoint(); const admin = reader.readUInt160(); const issuer = reader.readUInt160(); const expiration = reader.readUInt32LE(); const isFrozen = reader.readBoolean(); return new Asset({ version, hash, type, name, amount, available, precision, fee, feeAddress, owner, admin, issuer, expiration, isFrozen, }); } public static deserializeWire(options: DeserializeWireOptions): Asset { return this.deserializeWireBase({ context: options.context, reader: new BinaryReader(options.buffer), }); } public readonly hash: UInt256; public readonly hashHex: UInt256Hex; public readonly type: AssetType; public readonly name: string; public readonly amount: BN; public readonly available: BN; public readonly precision: number; public readonly feeMode: number; public readonly fee: BN; public readonly feeAddress: UInt160; public readonly owner: ECPoint; public readonly admin: UInt160; public readonly issuer: UInt160; public readonly expiration: number; public readonly isFrozen: boolean; public readonly equals: Equals = utils.equals(Asset, this, (other) => common.uInt256Equal(this.hash, other.hash)); public readonly toKeyString = utils.toKeyString(Asset, () => this.hashHex); public readonly serializeWire: SerializeWire = createSerializeWire(this.serializeWireBase.bind(this)); private readonly sizeInternal: () => number; public constructor({ version, hash, type, name, amount, available = utils.ZERO, precision, feeMode = 0, fee = utils.ZERO, feeAddress = common.ZERO_UINT160, owner, admin, issuer, expiration, isFrozen = false, }: AssetAdd) { super({ version }); // tslint:disable-next-line verifyAsset({ name, type, amount, precision }); this.hash = hash; this.hashHex = common.uInt256ToHex(hash); this.type = type; = name; this.amount = amount; this.available = available; this.precision = precision; this.feeMode = feeMode; this.fee = fee; this.feeAddress = feeAddress; this.owner = owner; this.admin = admin; this.issuer = issuer; this.expiration = expiration; this.isFrozen = isFrozen; this.sizeInternal = utils.lazy( () => IOHelper.sizeOfUInt8 + IOHelper.sizeOfUInt256 + IOHelper.sizeOfUInt8 + IOHelper.sizeOfVarString( + IOHelper.sizeOfFixed8 + IOHelper.sizeOfFixed8 + IOHelper.sizeOfUInt8 + IOHelper.sizeOfUInt8 + IOHelper.sizeOfFixed8 + IOHelper.sizeOfUInt160 + IOHelper.sizeOfECPoint(this.owner) + IOHelper.sizeOfUInt160 + IOHelper.sizeOfUInt160 + IOHelper.sizeOfUInt32LE + IOHelper.sizeOfBoolean, ); } public get size(): number { return this.sizeInternal(); } public update({ available = this.available, expiration = this.expiration, isFrozen = this.isFrozen, }: AssetUpdate): Asset { return new Asset({ hash: this.hash, type: this.type, name:, amount: this.amount, precision: this.precision, fee: this.fee, feeAddress: this.feeAddress, owner: this.owner, admin: this.admin, issuer: this.issuer, available, expiration, isFrozen, }); } public serializeWireBase(writer: BinaryWriter): void { writer.writeUInt8(this.version); writer.writeUInt256(this.hash); writer.writeUInt8(this.type); writer.writeVarString(; writer.writeFixed8(this.amount); writer.writeFixed8(this.available); writer.writeUInt8(this.precision); writer.writeUInt8(this.feeMode); writer.writeFixed8(this.fee); writer.writeUInt160(this.feeAddress); writer.writeECPoint(this.owner); writer.writeUInt160(this.admin); writer.writeUInt160(this.issuer); writer.writeUInt32LE(this.expiration); writer.writeBoolean(this.isFrozen); } public serializeJSON(context: SerializeJSONContext): AssetJSON { let name =; try { name = JSON.parse(name); } catch { // Ignore errors } return { version: this.version, id: JSONHelper.writeUInt256(this.hash), type: toJSONAssetType(this.type), name, amount: JSONHelper.writeFixed8(this.amount), available: JSONHelper.writeFixed8(this.available), precision: this.precision, owner: JSONHelper.writeECPoint(this.owner), admin: crypto.scriptHashToAddress({ addressVersion: context.addressVersion, scriptHash: this.admin, }), issuer: crypto.scriptHashToAddress({ addressVersion: context.addressVersion, scriptHash: this.issuer, }), expiration: this.expiration, frozen: this.isFrozen, }; } } export const verifyAsset = ({ name, type, amount, precision, }: { readonly name: AssetAdd['name']; readonly type: AssetAdd['type']; readonly amount: AssetAdd['amount']; readonly precision: AssetAdd['precision']; }) => { if (type === AssetType.CreditFlag || type === AssetType.DutyFlag) { throw new InvalidAssetError(`Asset type cannot be CREDIT_FLAG or DUTY_FLAG, received: ${type}`); } const nameBuffer = Buffer.from(name, 'utf8'); if (nameBuffer.length > NAME_MAX_LENGTH) { throw new InvalidAssetError(`Name too long. Max: ${NAME_MAX_LENGTH}, Received: ${nameBuffer.length}`); } if (amount.lte(utils.ZERO) && !amount.eq(common.NEGATIVE_SATOSHI_FIXED8)) { throw new InvalidAssetError(`Amount must be greater than 0. (received ${amount})`); } if (type === AssetType.Invoice && !amount.eq(common.NEGATIVE_SATOSHI_FIXED8)) { throw new InvalidAssetError('Invoice assets must have unlimited amount.'); } if (precision > PRECISION_MAX) { throw new InvalidAssetError(`Max precision is 8. Received: ${precision}`); } if (!amount.eq(utils.NEGATIVE_SATOSHI) && !amount.mod(utils.TEN.pow(utils.EIGHT.subn(precision))).eq(utils.ZERO)) { throw new InvalidAssetError('Invalid precision for amount.'); } };