import { BinaryWriter, common, createSerializeWire, crypto, InvalidFormatError, IOHelper, SerializableWire, SerializeWire, } from '@neo-one/client-common-esnext-esm'; import { BinaryReader, Block, ConsensusPayload, deserializeTransactionWire, DeserializeWireBaseOptions, DeserializeWireContext, DeserializeWireOptions, Transaction, } from '@neo-one/node-core-esnext-esm'; import { makeErrorWithCode, utils } from '@neo-one/utils-esnext-esm'; import { Transform } from 'stream'; import { assertCommand, Command } from './Command'; import { AddrPayload, FilterAddPayload, FilterLoadPayload, GetBlocksPayload, HeadersPayload, InvPayload, MerkleBlockPayload, VersionPayload, } from './payload'; export type MessageValue = | { readonly command: Command.addr; readonly payload: AddrPayload } | { readonly command: Command.block; readonly payload: Block } | { readonly command: Command.consensus; readonly payload: ConsensusPayload } | { readonly command: Command.filteradd; readonly payload: FilterAddPayload } | { readonly command: Command.filterclear } | { readonly command: Command.filterload; readonly payload: FilterLoadPayload } | { readonly command: Command.getaddr } | { readonly command: Command.getblocks; readonly payload: GetBlocksPayload } | { readonly command: Command.getdata; readonly payload: InvPayload } | { readonly command: Command.getheaders; readonly payload: GetBlocksPayload } | { readonly command: Command.headers; readonly payload: HeadersPayload } | { readonly command: Command.inv; readonly payload: InvPayload } | { readonly command: Command.mempool } | { readonly command: Command.tx; readonly payload: Transaction } | { readonly command: Command.verack } | { readonly command: Command.version; readonly payload: VersionPayload } | { readonly command: Command.alert } | { readonly command: Command.merkleblock; readonly payload: MerkleBlockPayload } | { readonly command: Command.notfound } | { readonly command: } | { readonly command: Command.pong } | { readonly command: Command.reject }; export interface MessageAdd { readonly magic: number; readonly value: MessageValue; } export const COMMAND_LENGTH = 12; export const PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE = 0x02000000; const calculateChecksum = (buffer: Buffer) => common.toUInt32LE(crypto.hash256(buffer)); const deserializeMessageHeader = ({ context, reader, }: DeserializeWireBaseOptions): { readonly command: Command; readonly length: number; readonly checksum: number; } => { if (reader.readUInt32LE() !== context.messageMagic) { throw new InvalidFormatError(); } const command = assertCommand(reader.readFixedString(COMMAND_LENGTH)); const length = reader.readUInt32LE(); if (length > PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE) { throw new InvalidFormatError(); } const checksum = reader.readUInt32LE(); return { command, length, checksum }; }; export class Message implements SerializableWire { public static deserializeWireBase(options: DeserializeWireBaseOptions): Message { const { reader, context } = options; const { command, length, checksum } = deserializeMessageHeader(options); const payloadBuffer = reader.readBytes(length); if (calculateChecksum(payloadBuffer) !== checksum) { throw new InvalidFormatError(); } const payloadOptions = { context: options.context, buffer: payloadBuffer, }; let value: MessageValue; switch (command) { case Command.addr: value = { command: Command.addr, payload: AddrPayload.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.block: value = { command: Command.block, payload: Block.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.consensus: value = { command: Command.consensus, payload: ConsensusPayload.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.filteradd: value = { command: Command.filteradd, payload: FilterAddPayload.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.filterclear: value = { command: Command.filterclear }; break; case Command.filterload: value = { command: Command.filterload, payload: FilterLoadPayload.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.getaddr: value = { command: Command.getaddr }; break; case Command.getblocks: value = { command: Command.getblocks, payload: GetBlocksPayload.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.getdata: value = { command: Command.getdata, payload: InvPayload.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.getheaders: value = { command: Command.getheaders, payload: GetBlocksPayload.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.headers: value = { command: Command.headers, payload: HeadersPayload.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.inv: value = { command: Command.inv, payload: InvPayload.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.mempool: value = { command: Command.mempool }; break; case Command.tx: value = { command: Command.tx, payload: deserializeTransactionWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.verack: value = { command: Command.verack }; break; case Command.version: value = { command: Command.version, payload: VersionPayload.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.alert: value = { command: Command.alert }; break; case Command.merkleblock: value = { command: Command.merkleblock, payload: MerkleBlockPayload.deserializeWire(payloadOptions), }; break; case Command.notfound: value = { command: Command.notfound }; break; case value = { command: }; break; case Command.pong: value = { command: Command.pong }; break; case Command.reject: value = { command: Command.reject }; break; default: utils.assertNever(command); throw new InvalidFormatError(); } return new this({ magic: context.messageMagic, value }); } public static deserializeWire(options: DeserializeWireOptions): Message { return this.deserializeWireBase({ context: options.context, reader: new BinaryReader(options.buffer), }); } public readonly magic: number; public readonly value: MessageValue; public readonly serializeWire: SerializeWire = createSerializeWire(this.serializeWireBase.bind(this)); public constructor({ magic, value }: MessageAdd) { this.magic = magic; this.value = value; } public serializeWireBase(writer: BinaryWriter): void { const { value } = this; writer.writeUInt32LE(this.magic); writer.writeFixedString(value.command, COMMAND_LENGTH); let payload = Buffer.alloc(0); switch (value.command) { case Command.addr: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.block: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.consensus: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.filteradd: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.filterclear: break; case Command.filterload: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.getaddr: break; case Command.getblocks: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.getdata: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.getheaders: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.headers: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.inv: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.mempool: break; case Command.tx: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.verack: break; case Command.version: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.alert: break; case Command.merkleblock: payload = value.payload.serializeWire(); break; case Command.notfound: break; case break; case Command.pong: break; case Command.reject: break; default: utils.assertNever(value); throw new InvalidFormatError(); } writer.writeUInt32LE(payload.length); writer.writeUInt32LE(calculateChecksum(payload)); writer.writeBytes(payload); } } export const InvalidMessageTransformEncodingError = makeErrorWithCode( 'INVALID_MESSAGE_TRANSFORM_ENCODING', (message: string) => message, ); const SIZE_OF_MESSAGE_HEADER = IOHelper.sizeOfUInt32LE + IOHelper.sizeOfFixedString(COMMAND_LENGTH) + IOHelper.sizeOfUInt32LE + IOHelper.sizeOfUInt32LE; export class MessageTransform extends Transform { public readonly context: DeserializeWireContext; public mutableBuffer: Buffer; public constructor(context: DeserializeWireContext) { super({ readableObjectMode: true }); this.context = context; this.mutableBuffer = Buffer.from([]); } public _transform( chunk: Buffer | string, encoding: string, callback: (error: Error | undefined, data?: Buffer | string) => void, ): void { if (typeof chunk === 'string') { throw new InvalidMessageTransformEncodingError( `Invalid Message Transform Chunk Type. Expected chunk type to be 'string', found: ${typeof chunk}`, ); } if (encoding !== 'buffer') { throw new InvalidMessageTransformEncodingError( `Invalid Message Transform Encoding. Expected: 'buffer', found: ${encoding}`, ); } this.mutableBuffer = Buffer.concat([this.mutableBuffer, chunk]); try { const { remainingBuffer, mutableMessages } = this.processBuffer(new BinaryReader(this.mutableBuffer)); this.mutableBuffer = remainingBuffer; mutableMessages.forEach((message) => this.push(message)); callback(undefined); } catch (error) { callback(error); } } private processBuffer( reader: BinaryReader, ): { readonly remainingBuffer: Buffer; readonly mutableMessages: Message[]; } { if (reader.remaining < SIZE_OF_MESSAGE_HEADER) { return { remainingBuffer: reader.remainingBuffer, mutableMessages: [] }; } const { length } = deserializeMessageHeader({ context: this.context, reader: reader.clone(), }); if (reader.remaining < SIZE_OF_MESSAGE_HEADER + length) { return { remainingBuffer: reader.remainingBuffer, mutableMessages: [] }; } const message = Message.deserializeWireBase({ context: this.context, reader, }); const { remainingBuffer, mutableMessages } = this.processBuffer(reader); mutableMessages.push(message); return { remainingBuffer, mutableMessages }; } }