export enum DiagnosticMessage { GenericUnsupportedSyntax = 'Unsupported syntax.', EfficiencyUnsupportedSyntax = 'Unsupported syntax. This is not supported because it would result in inefficient smart contract code', CouldNotInferType = 'Could not infer type. Please add an explicit type annotation.', CouldNotInferTypeDeopt = 'Could not infer type. Deoptimized implementation will be used. Add an explicit type annotation ', CouldNotInferSymbol = 'Could not infer symbol.', CouldNotInferSymbolDeopt = 'Could not infer symbol. Deoptimized implementation will be used.', CannotImplementBuiltin = 'Built-ins cannot be implemented.', CannotReferenceBuiltinProperty = 'Builtin properties cannot be referenced', CannotModifyBuiltin = 'Builtins cannot be modified', CannotIndexBuiltin = 'Builtin properties cannot be referenced', CannotReferenceBuiltin = 'Builtins cannot be referenced', CannotInstanceofBuiltin = 'Builtins cannot be checked with instanceof', InvalidSyscall = 'First argument to syscall must be a string literal corresponding to a NEO syscall.', DeployReserved = 'The deploy method is reserved in SmartContract instances.', InvalidContractEventNameStringLiteral = 'Invalid SmartContract event. Event name must be a string literal.', InvalidContractEventMissingType = 'Invalid SmartContract event. Argument type must be explicitly defined.', InvalidContractEventArgStringLiteral = 'Invalid SmartContract event. Argument must be a string literal.', InvalidContractEventDeclaration = 'Invalid SmartContract event. Event must be assigned to a variable.', InvalidContractPropertiesMissing = 'Invalid SmartContract. Properties must be defined.', InvalidContractPropertiesInitializer = 'Invalid SmartContract. Properties must be defined with an object literal of literal properties.', InvalidContractMethodMultipleSignatures = 'Invalid SmartContract method. Method must have one call signature', SyscallReturnTypeExplicitCast = 'Syscall return type must be explicitly casted to expected type.', UnknownReference = 'Unknown reference %s', UnknownModule = 'Unknown module %s', MultipleSignatures = 'Found multiple call signatures for property. Only one call signature is allowed.', MissingParameterDeclaration = 'Could not find param declaration for parameter %s.', ResolveOneType = 'Expected type to resolve to one known type', InvalidAddress = 'Argument to Address.from must be a string literal address.', InvalidHash256 = 'Argument to Hash256.from must be a string literal hash256.', InvalidPublicKey = 'Argument to PublicKey.from must be a string literal publicKey.', EventNotifierArguments = 'The arguments to createEventNotifier must be string literals.', InvalidBuiltinCallArgument = 'Call parameter is ambiguous in relation to the provided argument.', InvalidBuiltinAssignment = 'Assignment (%s => %s) is ambiguous in relation to the provided expression.', InvalidLinkedSmartContractDeclaration = 'Expected a valid declaration for a linked smart contract.', InvalidLinkedSmartContractMissing = 'Missing linked smart contract dependency %s', }