import * as fs from "fs"; import * as request from "request"; import * as retry from "retry"; import { MagnoliaSourceOptions } from "./magnolia-source-options.interface"; import { MagnoliaLoadingParams } from "./magnolia-loading-params.interface"; export function fetchSitemap( options: MagnoliaSourceOptions ): Promise { return loadDataFromMagnolia({ authHeader: options.magnolia.auth.header, url: options.magnolia.url + options.magnolia.sitemapEndpoint, errorMessage: "Attempt to get the sitemap failed, will retry in some time...", resolverHandler: body => body, retryOptions: { forever: true } }); } export function fetchWorkspace( workspace: string, options: MagnoliaSourceOptions ): Promise { return loadDataFromMagnolia({ authHeader: options.magnolia.auth.header, url: options.magnolia.url + "/.rest/delivery/" + workspace + "/v1", errorMessage: `Attempt to get workspace ${workspace} failed, will retry in some time...`, resolverHandler: body => body.results }); } export function fetchPages(options: MagnoliaSourceOptions): Promise { return loadDataFromMagnolia({ authHeader: options.magnolia.auth.header, url: options.magnolia.url + options.magnolia.pagesEndpoint, errorMessage: `Attempt to get pages failed, will retry in some time...`, resolverHandler: body => body.results }); } function loadDataFromMagnolia(params: MagnoliaLoadingParams) { const operation = retry.operation(params.retryOptions); return new Promise(resolve => { operation.attempt(() => { request.get( params.url, { json: true, headers: { Authorization: params.authHeader, "User-Agent": "Paperboy" }, timeout: 60 * 1000 }, (error, response, body: T) => { const operationError = error || (response && response.statusCode !== 200 ? new Error(`Return code was: ${response.statusCode}`) : undefined); if (operation.retry(operationError)) { console.error(params.errorMessage); if (error) { console.error(error); } return; } resolve(params.resolverHandler(body)); } ); }); }); } export function writePagesFile( pages: any[], options?: MagnoliaSourceOptions ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!fs.existsSync(options.output.json)) { fs.mkdirSync(options.output.json); } fs.writeFile( options.output.json + "/pages.json", JSON.stringify(pages), err => { if (err) { reject(err); } resolve(); } ); }); } export function writeWorkspaceFile( workspace: string, workspaceData: any, options?: MagnoliaSourceOptions ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!fs.existsSync(options.output.json)) { fs.mkdirSync(options.output.json); } fs.writeFile( options.output.json + "/" + workspace + ".json", JSON.stringify(workspaceData), err => { if (err) { reject(err); } resolve(); } ); }); } export function sanitizeJson( json: any, damAssets: any[], pages: any, sourceOptions: MagnoliaSourceOptions, workspaces: { [workspace: string]: any } = {} ): any { const sanitized: any = {}; if (json) { Object.keys(json).forEach(key => { const isKeyExcluded = sourceOptions && sourceOptions.output.excludedProperties && sourceOptions.output.excludedProperties.findIndex( prop => prop === key ) > -1; if (!isKeyExcluded && key === "@nodes") { const contentOrder: string[] = json[key]; if (contentOrder.length > 0) { sanitized[key.substr(1)] = => sanitizeJson( json[contentKeyIndex], damAssets, pages, sourceOptions, workspaces ) ); } } else if (!isKeyExcluded && key !== "content" && !key.match(/^\d+$/)) { const originalKey = key; const sanitizedKey = key .replace(/^@/, "") .replace(/^mgnl:/, "") .replace(/^jcr:uuid/, "id"); if (!sanitizedKey.match(/^jcr:/)) { if (typeof json[key] === "object" && !Array.isArray(json[key])) { sanitized[sanitizedKey] = sanitizeJson( json[key], damAssets, pages, sourceOptions, workspaces ); } else { let items = Array.isArray(json[key]) ? json[key] : [json[key]]; items = any) => { if ( item.match( /^jcr:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/ ) ) { const uuid = item.replace("jcr:", ""); return damAssets.find( damAsset => damAsset && === uuid ); } else if ( !originalKey.match(/^@/) && !originalKey.match(/^jcr:uuid/) && item.match( /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/ ) ) { const node = getPopulatedNode(item, pages); let value: any; if (node) { value = Object.assign(node || {}, { workspace: "website" }); } else { const asset = getPopulatedNode(item, damAssets); if (asset) { value = Object.assign(asset || {}, { workspace: "dam" }); } else { value = {}; Object.keys(workspaces) .forEach(key => { const foundItem = getPopulatedNode(item, workspaces[key]); if (foundItem) { value = Object.assign({}, foundItem, { workspace: key }); } }); } } return value; } else { return item; } }); sanitized[sanitizedKey] = Array.isArray(json[key]) ? items : items[0]; } } } }); } return sanitized; } export function getPopulatedNode( id: string, source: any, populatedNode?: any ): any { if (populatedNode || !source) { return populatedNode; } else { if (source["jcr:uuid"] === id || === id) { populatedNode = { id, path: source["@path"] || source.path }; } else { Object.keys(source).forEach(key => { if (source[key] && typeof source[key] === "object") { populatedNode = getPopulatedNode(id, source[key], populatedNode); } }); } return populatedNode; } }