import { Type } from '@nestjs/common'; /** * Helper class providing Nest reflection capabilities. * * @see [Reflection]( * * @publicApi */ export declare class Reflector { /** * Retrieve metadata for a specified key for a specified target. * * @example * `const roles = this.reflector.get('roles', context.getHandler());` * * @param metadataKey lookup key for metadata to retrieve * @param target context (decorated object) to retrieve metadata from * */ get(metadataKey: TKey, target: Type | Function): TResult; /** * Retrieve metadata for a specified key for a specified set of targets. * * @param metadataKey lookup key for metadata to retrieve * @param targets context (decorated objects) to retrieve metadata from * */ getAll(metadataKey: TKey, targets: (Type | Function)[]): TResult; /** * Retrieve metadata for a specified key for a specified set of targets and merge results. * * @param metadataKey lookup key for metadata to retrieve * @param targets context (decorated objects) to retrieve metadata from * */ getAllAndMerge(metadataKey: TKey, targets: (Type | Function)[]): TResult; /** * Retrieve metadata for a specified key for a specified set of targets and return a first not undefined value. * * @param metadataKey lookup key for metadata to retrieve * @param targets context (decorated objects) to retrieve metadata from * */ getAllAndOverride(metadataKey: TKey, targets: (Type | Function)[]): TResult; }