import { GraphQLDirective, GraphQLScalarType } from 'graphql'; import { FieldMiddleware } from './field-middleware.interface'; export type DateScalarMode = 'isoDate' | 'timestamp'; export type NumberScalarMode = 'float' | 'integer'; export interface ScalarsTypeMap { type: Function; scalar: GraphQLScalarType; } export interface BuildSchemaOptions { /** * Date scalar mode * @default 'isoDate' */ dateScalarMode?: DateScalarMode; /** * Number scalar mode * @default 'float' */ numberScalarMode?: NumberScalarMode; /** * Scalars map */ scalarsMap?: ScalarsTypeMap[]; /** * Orphaned type classes/enums that are not explicitly used in GraphQL types definitions */ orphanedTypes?: (Function | object)[]; /** * Disable checking on build the correctness of a schema */ skipCheck?: boolean; /** * GraphQL directives */ directives?: GraphQLDirective[]; /** * Array of global field middleware functions */ fieldMiddleware?: FieldMiddleware[]; /** * Set to true if it should throw an error when the same Query / Mutation field is defined more than once */ noDuplicatedFields?: boolean; } //#