import { PipeTransform, Type } from '@nestjs/common'; /** * Microservice message pattern payload parameter decorator. * * @publicApi */ export declare function Payload(): ParameterDecorator; /** * Microservice message pattern payload parameter decorator. * * Example: * ```typescript * create(@Payload(new ValidationPipe()) createDto: CreateCatDto) * ``` * @param pipes one or more pipes - either instances or classes - to apply to * the bound parameter. * * @publicApi */ export declare function Payload(...pipes: (Type | PipeTransform)[]): ParameterDecorator; /** * Microservice message pattern payload parameter decorator. Extracts a property from the * payload object. May also apply pipes to the bound parameter. * * For example, extracting all params: * ```typescript * findMany(@Payload() ids: string[]) * ``` * * For example, extracting a single param: * ```typescript * create(@Payload('data') createDto: { data: string }) * ``` * * For example, extracting a single param with pipe: * ```typescript * create(@Payload('data', new ValidationPipe()) createDto: { data: string }) * ``` * @param propertyKey name of single property to extract from the message payload * @param pipes one or more pipes - either instances or classes - to apply to * the bound parameter. * * @publicApi */ export declare function Payload(propertyKey?: string, ...pipes: (Type | PipeTransform)[]): ParameterDecorator;