import { Injector } from '@angular/core'; import { NgbOffcanvasConfig, NgbOffcanvasOptions } from './offcanvas-config'; import { NgbOffcanvasRef } from './offcanvas-ref'; import { NgbOffcanvasStack } from './offcanvas-stack'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; /** * A service for opening an offcanvas. * * Creating an offcanvas is straightforward: create a component or a template and pass it as an argument to * the `.open()` method. * * @since 12.1.0 */ export declare class NgbOffcanvas { private _injector; private _offcanvasStack; private _config; constructor(_injector: Injector, _offcanvasStack: NgbOffcanvasStack, _config: NgbOffcanvasConfig); /** * Opens a new offcanvas panel with the specified content and supplied options. * * Content can be provided as a `TemplateRef` or a component type. If you pass a component type as content, * then instances of those components can be injected with an instance of the `NgbActiveOffcanvas` class. You can then * use `NgbActiveOffcanvas` methods to close / dismiss offcanvas from "inside" of your component. * * Also see the [`NgbOffcanvasOptions`](#/components/offcanvas/api#NgbOffcanvasOptions) for the list of supported * options. */ open(content: any, options?: NgbOffcanvasOptions): NgbOffcanvasRef; /** * Returns an observable that holds the active offcanvas instance. */ get activeInstance(): import("@angular/core").EventEmitter; /** * Dismisses the currently displayed offcanvas with the supplied reason. */ dismiss(reason?: any): void; /** * Indicates if there is currently an open offcanvas in the application. */ hasOpenOffcanvas(): boolean; static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration; }