import { Injector } from '@angular/core'; import * as i0 from "@angular/core"; /** * Options available when opening new offcanvas windows with `` method. * * @since 12.1.0 */ export interface NgbOffcanvasOptions { /** * If `true`, opening and closing will be animated. */ animation?: boolean; /** * `aria-describedby` attribute value to set on the offcanvas panel. */ ariaDescribedBy?: string; /** * `aria-labelledby` attribute value to set on the offcanvas panel. */ ariaLabelledBy?: string; /** * If `true`, the backdrop element will be created for a given offcanvas. * If 'static', clicking the backdrop won't close the offcanvas (available since 13.1.0). * * Default value is `true`. */ backdrop?: boolean | 'static'; /** * A custom class to append to the offcanvas backdrop. */ backdropClass?: string; /** * Callback right before the offcanvas will be dismissed. * * If this function returns: * * `false` * * a promise resolved with `false` * * a promise that is rejected * * then the offcanvas won't be dismissed. */ beforeDismiss?: () => boolean | Promise; /** * A selector specifying the element all new offcanvas panels and backdrops should be appended to. * * If not specified, will be `body`. */ container?: string | HTMLElement; /** * The `Injector` to use for offcanvas content. */ injector?: Injector; /** * If `true`, the offcanvas will be closed when `Escape` key is pressed * * Default value is `true`. */ keyboard?: boolean; /** * A custom class to append to the offcanvas panel. */ panelClass?: string; /** * The position of the offcanvas */ position?: 'start' | 'end' | 'top' | 'bottom'; /** * Scroll content while offcanvas is open (false by default). */ scroll?: boolean; } /** * A configuration service for the [`NgbOffcanvas`](#/components/offcanvas/api#NgbOffcanvas) service. * * You can inject this service, typically in your root component, and customize the values of its properties in * order to provide default values for all offcanvases used in the application. * * @since 12.1.0 */ export declare class NgbOffcanvasConfig implements Required { private _ngbConfig; private _animation; ariaDescribedBy: string; ariaLabelledBy: string; backdrop: boolean | 'static'; backdropClass: string; beforeDismiss: () => boolean | Promise; container: string | HTMLElement; injector: Injector; keyboard: boolean; panelClass: string; position: 'start' | 'end' | 'top' | 'bottom'; scroll: boolean; get animation(): boolean; set animation(animation: boolean); static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration; static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration; }