import { Action } from '@ngrx/store'; import * as Actions from './actions'; import { ActionSanitizer, StateSanitizer, Predicate, StoreDevtoolsConfig } from './config'; import { ComputedState, LiftedAction, LiftedActions, LiftedState } from './reducer'; export declare function difference(first: any[], second: any[]): any[]; /** * Provides an app's view into the state of the lifted store. */ export declare function unliftState(liftedState: LiftedState): any; export declare function unliftAction(liftedState: LiftedState): LiftedAction; /** * Lifts an app's action into an action on the lifted store. */ export declare function liftAction(action: Action): Actions.PerformAction; /** * Sanitizes given actions with given function. */ export declare function sanitizeActions(actionSanitizer: ActionSanitizer, actions: LiftedActions): LiftedActions; /** * Sanitizes given action with given function. */ export declare function sanitizeAction(actionSanitizer: ActionSanitizer, action: LiftedAction, actionIdx: number): LiftedAction; /** * Sanitizes given states with given function. */ export declare function sanitizeStates(stateSanitizer: StateSanitizer, states: ComputedState[]): ComputedState[]; /** * Sanitizes given state with given function. */ export declare function sanitizeState(stateSanitizer: StateSanitizer, state: any, stateIdx: number): any; /** * Read the config and tell if actions should be filtered */ export declare function shouldFilterActions(config: StoreDevtoolsConfig): string[] | Predicate; /** * Return a full filtered lifted state */ export declare function filterLiftedState(liftedState: LiftedState, predicate?: Predicate, safelist?: string[], blocklist?: string[]): LiftedState; /** * Return true is the action should be ignored */ export declare function isActionFiltered(state: any, action: LiftedAction, predicate?: Predicate, safelist?: string[], blockedlist?: string[]): true | RegExpMatchArray;