import { EnvironmentProviders, InjectionToken, Provider } from '@angular/core'; import { Action, ActionReducer, ActionReducerMap } from './models'; import { FeatureSlice, RootStoreConfig, StoreConfig } from './store_config'; export declare function provideState(featureName: string, reducers: ActionReducerMap | InjectionToken>, config?: StoreConfig | InjectionToken>): EnvironmentProviders; export declare function provideState(featureName: string, reducer: ActionReducer | InjectionToken>, config?: StoreConfig | InjectionToken>): EnvironmentProviders; export declare function provideState(slice: FeatureSlice): EnvironmentProviders; export declare function _provideStore(reducers?: ActionReducerMap | InjectionToken> | Record, config?: RootStoreConfig): Provider[]; /** * Provides the global Store providers and initializes * the Store. * These providers cannot be used at the component level. * * @usageNotes * * ### Providing the Global Store * * ```ts * bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, { * providers: [provideStore()], * }); * ``` */ export declare function provideStore(reducers?: ActionReducerMap | InjectionToken>, config?: RootStoreConfig): EnvironmentProviders; export declare function _provideState(featureNameOrSlice: string | FeatureSlice, reducers?: ActionReducerMap | InjectionToken> | ActionReducer | InjectionToken>, config?: StoreConfig | InjectionToken>): Provider[];