/** * @license * Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.dev/license */ import type { CompilerOptions } from '@angular/compiler-cli'; import type { Compiler } from 'webpack'; export declare const imageDomains: Set; export interface AngularWebpackPluginOptions { tsconfig: string; compilerOptions?: CompilerOptions; fileReplacements: Record; substitutions: Record; directTemplateLoading: boolean; emitClassMetadata: boolean; emitNgModuleScope: boolean; emitSetClassDebugInfo?: boolean; jitMode: boolean; inlineStyleFileExtension?: string; } export declare class AngularWebpackPlugin { private readonly pluginOptions; private compilerCliModule?; private compilerCliToolingModule?; private watchMode?; private ngtscNextProgram?; private builder?; private sourceFileCache?; private webpackCache?; private webpackCreateHash?; private readonly fileDependencies; private readonly requiredFilesToEmit; private readonly requiredFilesToEmitCache; private readonly fileEmitHistory; constructor(options?: Partial); private get compilerCli(); private get compilerCliTooling(); get options(): AngularWebpackPluginOptions; apply(compiler: Compiler): void; private setupCompilation; private registerWithCompilation; private markResourceUsed; private rebuildRequiredFiles; private loadConfiguration; private updateAotProgram; private updateJitProgram; private createFileEmitter; private initializeCompilerCli; private addFileEmitHistory; private getFileEmitHistory; }