import {AfterViewChecked, ChangeDetectorRef, Directive, ElementRef, Input, OnDestroy} from '@angular/core'; import {Subscription, isObservable} from 'rxjs'; import {DefaultLangChangeEvent, LangChangeEvent, TranslateService, TranslationChangeEvent} from './translate.service'; import {equals, isDefined} from './util'; @Directive({ selector: '[translate],[ngx-translate]' }) export class TranslateDirective implements AfterViewChecked, OnDestroy { key!: string; lastParams: any; currentParams: any; onLangChangeSub!: Subscription; onDefaultLangChangeSub!: Subscription; onTranslationChangeSub!: Subscription; @Input() set translate(key: string) { if (key) { this.key = key; this.checkNodes(); } } @Input() set translateParams(params: any) { if (!equals(this.currentParams, params)) { this.currentParams = params; this.checkNodes(true); } } constructor(private translateService: TranslateService, private element: ElementRef, private _ref: ChangeDetectorRef) { // subscribe to onTranslationChange event, in case the translations of the current lang change if (!this.onTranslationChangeSub) { this.onTranslationChangeSub = this.translateService.onTranslationChange.subscribe((event: TranslationChangeEvent) => { if (event.lang === this.translateService.currentLang) { this.checkNodes(true, event.translations); } }); } // subscribe to onLangChange event, in case the language changes if (!this.onLangChangeSub) { this.onLangChangeSub = this.translateService.onLangChange.subscribe((event: LangChangeEvent) => { this.checkNodes(true, event.translations); }); } // subscribe to onDefaultLangChange event, in case the default language changes if (!this.onDefaultLangChangeSub) { this.onDefaultLangChangeSub = this.translateService.onDefaultLangChange.subscribe((event: DefaultLangChangeEvent) => { this.checkNodes(true); }); } } ngAfterViewChecked() { this.checkNodes(); } checkNodes(forceUpdate = false, translations?: any) { let nodes: NodeList = this.element.nativeElement.childNodes; // if the element is empty if (!nodes.length) { // we add the key as content this.setContent(this.element.nativeElement, this.key); nodes = this.element.nativeElement.childNodes; } for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { let node: any = nodes[i]; if (node.nodeType === 3) { // node type 3 is a text node let key!: string; if (forceUpdate) { node.lastKey = null; } if(isDefined(node.lookupKey)) { key = node.lookupKey; } else if (this.key) { key = this.key; } else { let content = this.getContent(node); let trimmedContent = content.trim(); if (trimmedContent.length) { node.lookupKey = trimmedContent; // we want to use the content as a key, not the translation value if (content !== node.currentValue) { key = trimmedContent; // the content was changed from the user, we'll use it as a reference if needed node.originalContent = content || node.originalContent; } else if (node.originalContent) { // the content seems ok, but the lang has changed // the current content is the translation, not the key, use the last real content as key key = node.originalContent.trim(); } else if (content !== node.currentValue) { // we want to use the content as a key, not the translation value key = trimmedContent; // the content was changed from the user, we'll use it as a reference if needed node.originalContent = content || node.originalContent; } } } this.updateValue(key, node, translations); } } } updateValue(key: string, node: any, translations: any) { if (key) { if (node.lastKey === key && this.lastParams === this.currentParams) { return; } this.lastParams = this.currentParams; let onTranslation = (res: unknown) => { if (res !== key) { node.lastKey = key; } if (!node.originalContent) { node.originalContent = this.getContent(node); } node.currentValue = isDefined(res) ? res : (node.originalContent || key); // we replace in the original content to preserve spaces that we might have trimmed this.setContent(node, this.key ? node.currentValue : node.originalContent.replace(key, node.currentValue)); this._ref.markForCheck(); }; if (isDefined(translations)) { let res = this.translateService.getParsedResult(translations, key, this.currentParams); if (isObservable(res)) { res.subscribe({next: onTranslation}); } else { onTranslation(res); } } else { this.translateService.get(key, this.currentParams).subscribe(onTranslation); } } } getContent(node: any): string { return isDefined(node.textContent) ? node.textContent :; } setContent(node: any, content: string): void { if (isDefined(node.textContent)) { node.textContent = content; } else { = content; } } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.onLangChangeSub) { this.onLangChangeSub.unsubscribe(); } if (this.onDefaultLangChangeSub) { this.onDefaultLangChangeSub.unsubscribe(); } if (this.onTranslationChangeSub) { this.onTranslationChangeSub.unsubscribe(); } } }