import {EventEmitter, Inject, Injectable, InjectionToken} from "@angular/core"; import {concat, forkJoin, isObservable, Observable, of, defer} from "rxjs"; import {concatMap, map, shareReplay, switchMap, take} from "rxjs/operators"; import {MissingTranslationHandler, MissingTranslationHandlerParams} from "./missing-translation-handler"; import {TranslateCompiler} from "./translate.compiler"; import {TranslateLoader} from "./translate.loader"; import {TranslateParser} from "./translate.parser"; import {TranslateStore} from "./"; import {isDefined, mergeDeep} from "./util"; export const USE_STORE = new InjectionToken('USE_STORE'); export const USE_DEFAULT_LANG = new InjectionToken('USE_DEFAULT_LANG'); export const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = new InjectionToken('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'); export const USE_EXTEND = new InjectionToken('USE_EXTEND'); export interface TranslationChangeEvent { translations: any; lang: string; } export interface LangChangeEvent { lang: string; translations: any; } export interface DefaultLangChangeEvent { lang: string; translations: any; } declare interface Window { navigator: any; } declare const window: Window; @Injectable() export class TranslateService { private loadingTranslations!: Observable; private pending: boolean = false; private _onTranslationChange: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); private _onLangChange: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); private _onDefaultLangChange: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); private _defaultLang!: string; private _currentLang!: string; private _langs: Array = []; private _translations: any = {}; private _translationRequests: any = {}; /** * An EventEmitter to listen to translation change events * onTranslationChange.subscribe((params: TranslationChangeEvent) => { * // do something * }); */ get onTranslationChange(): EventEmitter { return this.isolate ? this._onTranslationChange :; } /** * An EventEmitter to listen to lang change events * onLangChange.subscribe((params: LangChangeEvent) => { * // do something * }); */ get onLangChange(): EventEmitter { return this.isolate ? this._onLangChange :; } /** * An EventEmitter to listen to default lang change events * onDefaultLangChange.subscribe((params: DefaultLangChangeEvent) => { * // do something * }); */ get onDefaultLangChange() { return this.isolate ? this._onDefaultLangChange :; } /** * The default lang to fallback when translations are missing on the current lang */ get defaultLang(): string { return this.isolate ? this._defaultLang :; } set defaultLang(defaultLang: string) { if (this.isolate) { this._defaultLang = defaultLang; } else { = defaultLang; } } /** * The lang currently used */ get currentLang(): string { return this.isolate ? this._currentLang :; } set currentLang(currentLang: string) { if (this.isolate) { this._currentLang = currentLang; } else { = currentLang; } } /** * an array of langs */ get langs(): string[] { return this.isolate ? this._langs :; } set langs(langs: string[]) { if (this.isolate) { this._langs = langs; } else { = langs; } } /** * a list of translations per lang */ get translations(): any { return this.isolate ? this._translations :; } set translations(translations: any) { if (this.isolate) { this._translations = translations; } else { = translations; } } /** * * @param store an instance of the store (that is supposed to be unique) * @param currentLoader An instance of the loader currently used * @param compiler An instance of the compiler currently used * @param parser An instance of the parser currently used * @param missingTranslationHandler A handler for missing translations. * @param useDefaultLang whether we should use default language translation when current language translation is missing. * @param isolate whether this service should use the store or not * @param extend To make a child module extend (and use) translations from parent modules. * @param defaultLanguage Set the default language using configuration */ constructor(public store: TranslateStore, public currentLoader: TranslateLoader, public compiler: TranslateCompiler, public parser: TranslateParser, public missingTranslationHandler: MissingTranslationHandler, @Inject(USE_DEFAULT_LANG) private useDefaultLang: boolean = true, @Inject(USE_STORE) private isolate: boolean = false, @Inject(USE_EXTEND) private extend: boolean = false, @Inject(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) defaultLanguage: string) { /** set the default language from configuration */ if (defaultLanguage) { this.setDefaultLang(defaultLanguage); } } /** * Sets the default language to use as a fallback */ public setDefaultLang(lang: string): void { if (lang === this.defaultLang) { return; } let pending = this.retrieveTranslations(lang); if (typeof pending !== "undefined") { // on init set the defaultLang immediately if (this.defaultLang == null) { this.defaultLang = lang; } pending.pipe(take(1)) .subscribe((res: any) => { this.changeDefaultLang(lang); }); } else { // we already have this language this.changeDefaultLang(lang); } } /** * Gets the default language used */ public getDefaultLang(): string { return this.defaultLang; } /** * Changes the lang currently used */ public use(lang: string): Observable { // don't change the language if the language given is already selected if (lang === this.currentLang) { return of(this.translations[lang]); } let pending = this.retrieveTranslations(lang); if (typeof pending !== "undefined") { // on init set the currentLang immediately if (!this.currentLang) { this.currentLang = lang; } pending.pipe(take(1)) .subscribe((res: any) => { this.changeLang(lang); }); return pending; } else { // we have this language, return an Observable this.changeLang(lang); return of(this.translations[lang]); } } /** * Retrieves the given translations */ private retrieveTranslations(lang: string): Observable | undefined { let pending: Observable | undefined; // if this language is unavailable or extend is true, ask for it if (typeof this.translations[lang] === "undefined" || this.extend) { this._translationRequests[lang] = this._translationRequests[lang] || this.getTranslation(lang); pending = this._translationRequests[lang]; } return pending; } /** * Gets an object of translations for a given language with the current loader * and passes it through the compiler */ public getTranslation(lang: string): Observable { this.pending = true; const loadingTranslations = this.currentLoader.getTranslation(lang).pipe( shareReplay(1), take(1), ); this.loadingTranslations = loadingTranslations.pipe( map((res: Object) => this.compiler.compileTranslations(res, lang)), shareReplay(1), take(1), ); this.loadingTranslations .subscribe({ next: (res: Object) => { this.translations[lang] = this.extend && this.translations[lang] ? { ...res, ...this.translations[lang] } : res; this.updateLangs(); this.pending = false; }, error: (err: any) => { this.pending = false; } }); return loadingTranslations; } /** * Manually sets an object of translations for a given language * after passing it through the compiler */ public setTranslation(lang: string, translations: Object, shouldMerge: boolean = false): void { translations = this.compiler.compileTranslations(translations, lang); if ((shouldMerge || this.extend) && this.translations[lang]) { this.translations[lang] = mergeDeep(this.translations[lang], translations); } else { this.translations[lang] = translations; } this.updateLangs(); this.onTranslationChange.emit({lang: lang, translations: this.translations[lang]}); } /** * Returns an array of currently available langs */ public getLangs(): Array { return this.langs; } /** * Add available langs */ public addLangs(langs: Array): void { langs.forEach((lang: string) => { if (this.langs.indexOf(lang) === -1) { this.langs.push(lang); } }); } /** * Update the list of available langs */ private updateLangs(): void { this.addLangs(Object.keys(this.translations)); } /** * Returns the parsed result of the translations */ public getParsedResult(translations: any, key: any, interpolateParams?: Object): any { let res: string | Observable | undefined; if (key instanceof Array) { let result: any = {}, observables: boolean = false; for (let k of key) { result[k] = this.getParsedResult(translations, k, interpolateParams); if (isObservable(result[k])) { observables = true; } } if (observables) { const sources = => isObservable(result[k]) ? result[k] : of(result[k] as string)); return forkJoin(sources).pipe( map((arr: Array) => { let obj: any = {}; arr.forEach((value: string, index: number) => { obj[key[index]] = value; }); return obj; }) ); } return result; } if (translations) { res = this.parser.interpolate(this.parser.getValue(translations, key), interpolateParams); } if (typeof res === "undefined" && this.defaultLang != null && this.defaultLang !== this.currentLang && this.useDefaultLang) { res = this.parser.interpolate(this.parser.getValue(this.translations[this.defaultLang], key), interpolateParams); } if (typeof res === "undefined") { let params: MissingTranslationHandlerParams = {key, translateService: this}; if (typeof interpolateParams !== 'undefined') { params.interpolateParams = interpolateParams; } res = this.missingTranslationHandler.handle(params); } return typeof res !== "undefined" ? res : key; } /** * Gets the translated value of a key (or an array of keys) * @returns the translated key, or an object of translated keys */ public get(key: string | Array, interpolateParams?: Object): Observable { if (!isDefined(key) || !key.length) { throw new Error(`Parameter "key" required`); } // check if we are loading a new translation to use if (this.pending) { return this.loadingTranslations.pipe( concatMap((res: any) => { res = this.getParsedResult(res, key, interpolateParams); return isObservable(res) ? res : of(res); }), ); } else { let res = this.getParsedResult(this.translations[this.currentLang], key, interpolateParams); return isObservable(res) ? res : of(res); } } /** * Returns a stream of translated values of a key (or an array of keys) which updates * whenever the translation changes. * @returns A stream of the translated key, or an object of translated keys */ public getStreamOnTranslationChange(key: string | Array, interpolateParams?: Object): Observable { if (!isDefined(key) || !key.length) { throw new Error(`Parameter "key" required`); } return concat( defer(() => this.get(key, interpolateParams)), this.onTranslationChange.pipe( switchMap((event: TranslationChangeEvent) => { const res = this.getParsedResult(event.translations, key, interpolateParams); if (typeof res.subscribe === 'function') { return res; } else { return of(res); } }) ) ); } /** * Returns a stream of translated values of a key (or an array of keys) which updates * whenever the language changes. * @returns A stream of the translated key, or an object of translated keys */ public stream(key: string | Array, interpolateParams?: Object): Observable { if (!isDefined(key) || !key.length) { throw new Error(`Parameter "key" required`); } return concat( defer(() => this.get(key, interpolateParams)), this.onLangChange.pipe( switchMap((event: LangChangeEvent) => { const res = this.getParsedResult(event.translations, key, interpolateParams); return isObservable(res) ? res : of(res); }) )); } /** * Returns a translation instantly from the internal state of loaded translation. * All rules regarding the current language, the preferred language of even fallback languages will be used except any promise handling. */ public instant(key: string | Array, interpolateParams?: Object): string | any { if (!isDefined(key) || !key.length) { throw new Error(`Parameter "key" required`); } let res = this.getParsedResult(this.translations[this.currentLang], key, interpolateParams); if (isObservable(res)) { if (key instanceof Array) { let obj: any = {}; key.forEach((value: string, index: number) => { obj[key[index]] = key[index]; }); return obj; } return key; } else { return res; } } /** * Sets the translated value of a key, after compiling it */ public set(key: string, value: string, lang: string = this.currentLang): void { this.translations[lang][key] = this.compiler.compile(value, lang); this.updateLangs(); this.onTranslationChange.emit({lang: lang, translations: this.translations[lang]}); } /** * Changes the current lang */ private changeLang(lang: string): void { this.currentLang = lang; this.onLangChange.emit({lang: lang, translations: this.translations[lang]}); // if there is no default lang, use the one that we just set if (this.defaultLang == null) { this.changeDefaultLang(lang); } } /** * Changes the default lang */ private changeDefaultLang(lang: string): void { this.defaultLang = lang; this.onDefaultLangChange.emit({lang: lang, translations: this.translations[lang]}); } /** * Allows to reload the lang file from the file */ public reloadLang(lang: string): Observable { this.resetLang(lang); return this.getTranslation(lang); } /** * Deletes inner translation */ public resetLang(lang: string): void { this._translationRequests[lang] = undefined; this.translations[lang] = undefined; } /** * Returns the language code name from the browser, e.g. "de" */ public getBrowserLang(): string | undefined { if (typeof window === 'undefined' || typeof window.navigator === 'undefined') { return undefined; } let browserLang: any = window.navigator.languages ? window.navigator.languages[0] : null; browserLang = browserLang || window.navigator.language || window.navigator.browserLanguage || window.navigator.userLanguage; if (typeof browserLang === 'undefined') { return undefined } if (browserLang.indexOf('-') !== -1) { browserLang = browserLang.split('-')[0]; } if (browserLang.indexOf('_') !== -1) { browserLang = browserLang.split('_')[0]; } return browserLang; } /** * Returns the culture language code name from the browser, e.g. "de-DE" */ public getBrowserCultureLang(): string | undefined { if (typeof window === 'undefined' || typeof window.navigator === 'undefined') { return undefined; } let browserCultureLang: any = window.navigator.languages ? window.navigator.languages[0] : null; browserCultureLang = browserCultureLang || window.navigator.language || window.navigator.browserLanguage || window.navigator.userLanguage; return browserCultureLang; } }