import {ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, Injectable, ViewContainerRef} from "@angular/core"; import {TestBed} from "@angular/core/testing"; import {Observable, of} from "rxjs"; import {DefaultLangChangeEvent, LangChangeEvent, TranslateLoader, TranslateModule, TranslatePipe, TranslateService} from "../public-api"; class FakeChangeDetectorRef extends ChangeDetectorRef { markForCheck(): void { } detach(): void { } detectChanges(): void { } checkNoChanges(): void { } reattach(): void { } } @Injectable() @Component({ selector: 'hmx-app', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, template: `{{'TEST' | translate}}` }) class AppComponent { viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef; constructor(viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) { this.viewContainerRef = viewContainerRef; } } let translations: any = {"TEST": "This is a test"}; class FakeLoader implements TranslateLoader { getTranslation(lang: string): Observable { return of(translations); } } describe('TranslatePipe', () => { let translate: TranslateService; let translatePipe: TranslatePipe; let ref: any; beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [ TranslateModule.forRoot({ loader: {provide: TranslateLoader, useClass: FakeLoader} }) ], declarations: [AppComponent] }); translate = TestBed.inject(TranslateService); ref = new FakeChangeDetectorRef(); translatePipe = new TranslatePipe(translate, ref); }); afterEach(() => { translations = {"TEST": "This is a test"}; ref = undefined; }); it('is defined', () => { expect(TranslatePipe).toBeDefined(); expect(translatePipe).toBeDefined(); expect(translatePipe instanceof TranslatePipe).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should translate a string', () => { translate.setTranslation('en', {"TEST": "This is a test"}); translate.use('en'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST')).toEqual("This is a test"); }); it('should call markForChanges when it translates a string', () => { translate.setTranslation('en', {"TEST": "This is a test"}); translate.use('en'); jest.spyOn(ref, 'markForCheck'); translatePipe.transform('TEST'); expect(ref.markForCheck).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should translate a string with object parameters', () => { translate.setTranslation('en', {"TEST": "This is a test {{param}}"}); translate.use('en'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', {param: "with param"})).toEqual("This is a test with param"); }); it('should translate a string with object as string parameters', () => { translate.setTranslation('en', {"TEST": "This is a test {{param}}"}); translate.use('en'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', '{param: "with param"}')).toEqual("This is a test with param"); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', '{"param": "with param"}')).toEqual("This is a test with param"); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', "{param: 'with param'}")).toEqual("This is a test with param"); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', "{'param' : 'with param'}")).toEqual("This is a test with param"); }); it('should translate a string with object as multiple string parameters', () => { translate.setTranslation('en', {"TEST": "This is a test {{param1}} {{param2}}"}); translate.use('en'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', '{param1: "with param-1", param2: "and param-2"}')) .toEqual("This is a test with param-1 and param-2"); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', '{"param1": "with param-1", "param2": "and param-2"}')) .toEqual("This is a test with param-1 and param-2"); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', "{param1: 'with param-1', param2: 'and param-2'}")) .toEqual("This is a test with param-1 and param-2"); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', "{'param1' : 'with param-1', 'param2': 'and param-2'}")) .toEqual("This is a test with param-1 and param-2"); }); it('should translate a string with object as nested string parameters', () => { translate.setTranslation('en', {"TEST": "This is a test {{}} {{param.two}}"}); translate.use('en'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', '{param: {one: "with param-1", two: "and param-2"}}')) .toEqual("This is a test with param-1 and param-2"); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', '{"param": {"one": "with param-1", "two": "and param-2"}}')) .toEqual("This is a test with param-1 and param-2"); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', "{param: {one: 'with param-1', two: 'and param-2'}}")) .toEqual("This is a test with param-1 and param-2"); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', "{'param' : {'one': 'with param-1', 'two': 'and param-2'}}")) .toEqual("This is a test with param-1 and param-2"); }); it('should update the value when the parameters change', () => { translate.setTranslation('en', {"TEST": "This is a test {{param}}"}); translate.use('en'); jest.spyOn(translatePipe, 'updateValue'); jest.spyOn(ref, 'markForCheck'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', {param: "with param"})).toEqual("This is a test with param"); // same value, shouldn't call 'updateValue' again expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', {param: "with param"})).toEqual("This is a test with param"); // different param, should call 'updateValue' expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST', {param: "with param2"})).toEqual("This is a test with param2"); expect(translatePipe.updateValue).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(ref.markForCheck).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); it("should throw if you don't give an object parameter", () => { translate.setTranslation('en', {"TEST": "This is a test {{param}}"}); translate.use('en'); let param = 'param: "with param"'; expect(() => { translatePipe.transform('TEST', param); }).toThrowError(`Wrong parameter in TranslatePipe. Expected a valid Object, received: ${param}`); }); it("should return given falsey or non length query", () => { translate.setTranslation('en', {"TEST": "This is a test"}); translate.use('en'); expect(translatePipe.transform(null as any)).toBeNull(); expect(translatePipe.transform(undefined as any)).toBeUndefined(); expect(translatePipe.transform(1234 as any)).toBe(1234); }); describe('should update translations on lang change', () => { it('with fake loader', (done) => { translate.setTranslation('en', {"TEST": "This is a test"}); translate.setTranslation('fr', {"TEST": "C'est un test"}); translate.use('en'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST')).toEqual("This is a test"); // this will be resolved at the next lang change let subscription = translate.onLangChange.subscribe((res: LangChangeEvent) => { expect(res.lang).toEqual('fr'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST')).toEqual("C'est un test"); subscription.unsubscribe(); done(); }); translate.use('fr'); }); it('with file loader', (done) => { translate.use('en'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST')).toEqual("This is a test"); // this will be resolved at the next lang change let subscription = translate.onLangChange.subscribe((res: LangChangeEvent) => { // let it update the translations setTimeout(() => { expect(res.lang).toEqual('fr'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST')).toEqual("C'est un test"); subscription.unsubscribe(); done(); }); }); translations = {"TEST": "C'est un test"}; translate.use('fr'); }); it('should detect changes with OnPush', () => { let fixture = (TestBed).createComponent(AppComponent); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.innerHTML).toEqual("TEST"); translate.use('en'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.innerHTML).toEqual("This is a test"); }); }); describe('should update translations on default lang change', () => { it('with fake loader', (done) => { translate.setTranslation('en', {"TEST": "This is a test"}); translate.setTranslation('fr', {"TEST": "C'est un test"}); translate.setDefaultLang('en'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST')).toEqual("This is a test"); // this will be resolved at the next lang change let subscription = translate.onDefaultLangChange.subscribe((res: DefaultLangChangeEvent) => { expect(res.lang).toEqual('fr'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST')).toEqual("C'est un test"); subscription.unsubscribe(); done(); }); translate.setDefaultLang('fr'); }); it('with file loader', (done) => { translate.setDefaultLang('en'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST')).toEqual("This is a test"); // this will be resolved at the next lang change let subscription = translate.onDefaultLangChange.subscribe((res: DefaultLangChangeEvent) => { // let it update the translations setTimeout(() => { expect(res.lang).toEqual('fr'); expect(translatePipe.transform('TEST')).toEqual("C'est un test"); subscription.unsubscribe(); done(); }); }); translations = {"TEST": "C'est un test"}; translate.setDefaultLang('fr'); }); it('should detect changes with OnPush', () => { let fixture = (TestBed).createComponent(AppComponent); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.innerHTML).toEqual("TEST"); translate.setDefaultLang('en'); fixture.detectChanges(); expect(fixture.debugElement.nativeElement.innerHTML).toEqual("This is a test"); }); }); });