/// import * as bluebird from 'bluebird'; import * as error from './error'; /** * Market Class. */ export declare class Market { /** * Local interface to bind for network connections */ address?: string; /** * Application ID of the game you want to query skin/s for */ appid: number; /** * Base domain for the HTTP request */ base?: string; /** * Optional [ISO-3166](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2) country code */ country?: string; /** * Optional currency integer */ currency?: number; /** * Use GZIP compression for the HTTP request */ gzip?: boolean; /** * Base path for the HTTP request */ path?: string; /** * Request the raw object */ raw?: boolean; /** * Force strict SSL for the HTTP request */ strictSSL?: boolean; /** * Number of milliseconds to wait for a server to send response headers */ timeout?: number; /** * Whether to return request timings */ timings?: boolean; /** * Custom user agent for the HTTP request */ useragent?: string; /** * All the settings in one object * @hidden */ private settings; /** * Create the API * * @param {Object} options - Options * */ constructor(options: NodeSteamMarketOptions); /** * Get a item * * @param {String} name - The name of the skin * @param {Object} [options] - Options * @param {Function} [callback] - Callback * @return {Promise} * */ getPrice(name: string, options: NodeSteamOverwriteMarketOptionsWithRaw): bluebird; getPrice(name: string, options: NodeSteamOverwriteMarketOptionsWithRaw, callback: NodeSteamCallback): void; getPrice(name: string, callback: NodeSteamCallback): void; getPrice(name: string, options: NodeSteamOverwriteMarketOptions, callback: NodeSteamCallback): void; getPrice(name: string, options?: NodeSteamOverwriteMarketOptions): bluebird; /** * Get a array of items * * @param {Array} names - Array with the names of the skins * @param {Object} [options] - Options * @param {Function} [callback] - Callback * @return {Promise} * */ getPrices(names: string[], options: NodeSteamOverwriteMarketOptionsWithRaw): bluebird; getPrices(names: string[], options: NodeSteamOverwriteMarketOptionsWithRaw, callback: NodeSteamCallback): void; getPrices(names: string[], callback: NodeSteamCallback): void; getPrices(names: string[], options: NodeSteamOverwriteMarketOptions, callback: NodeSteamCallback): void; getPrices(names: string[], options?: NodeSteamOverwriteMarketOptions): bluebird; } export { error };